What if Angel didn't loose his Soul when he and Buffy made love on her 17th birthday?
This is a rewrite of Season 2 starting with Innonce and going on until the end of the serries and maybe even beyond! Each season will have it's own book with chapters.The first Book is Season two Innonce through Becoming 2. Please send feed back and let me know where you read the story. (I post it on several Message Boards and email lists as well as fanfiction.net. This is the only site with all the pictures that I find and make for the story though.
There will be a few chapters that will have a NC-17 version as well as a Teen version. The Teen version will be missing only the adult stuff. Nothing for the plot.
The first NC-17 chapter is posted. It's Chapter 2!!! Rememebr only read if you are old enough to read graphic sex and if you are not offened by such things. If you are not of "adult" age in your area (preferably 21 for me, but I'm not your parent!! LOL) then read the Teen version for all chapters!!
This is my first Wheadonverse fanfiction that I have written. So it's the only thing I have for this site. If you have any ideas on how to better the site, please email me and let me know!
If you know of a great name for one of the chapters, please email and let me know. ladymackenzie at gmail dot com. I'm horrible at naming chapters. I can barely come up with a name for the series. The books need names too. LOL I know right now it will be something like this: Book 1: A Season 2 Re-write.
If you are able and are willing to take a pic that I have on my harddrive and convert it into a .ico file 16 pixils by 16 pixils for an icon for this website, please email and let me know! I don't have the program or the room on my computer for the program to do so.
August 4, 2007
If you wish to beta my story With Arms Wide Open and you are of legal age to read NC-17, please email me at ladymackenzie@gmail.com.
What I need in a beta, some one who is good in English gammar, someone who can point out typos (Where periods should be commas, simple spelling mistakes that spell check won't catch: ex. "to" instead of "two" or "too"; or "passed" instead "past" etc.). Someone who can help me make sure that the characters are in character given the new universe that I have established. Someone who can help me come up with ideas for the story when I get writer's block. And some one who can get a chapter back to me so that I can post either every week or every two weeks.
Thanks for your help.
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 2 with Smut
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 2 without Smut
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 3
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 4
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 5 with Smut
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 5 Teen
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 6
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 7
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 8
With Arms Wide Open: Book 1 Chapter 9 The Wedding Teen
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 9 The Wedding with Smut
With Arms Wide Open: Book 1 Chapter 10 Teen
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 10 with Smut
With Arms Wide Open: Book One Chapter 11 The Last Chapter of Book 1
With Arms Wide Open Book 1 is now complete. Book 2 will be began soon. Book 2 is the Season 3 of Buffy The Vampire Slayer re-write. It will pick up where Book 1 ended.
You may have noticed that I have guest writers every so often write a smut or two for a chapter. This is because I cannot write smut with out it sounding cheesey. I do give full credit to the guest writer for what ever they write. If you want to be a guest writer for Book 2, email me at LadyMacKenzie@gmail.com and let me know! Please provide B/A or B/Aus smut for reference.
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