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LadyMisty's Geraint Wyn Davies
and Nigel Bennett Page

I Finally Met Nigel Bennett!
- November 4 -2001 -
Halifax, NS

Today I caught the last performance of Neptune Theatre's play Closer, starring my 2nd favorite vampire, Nigel Bennett. Nigel played "Lucien LaCroix" in Forever Knight, alongside Geraint Wyn Davies. He's also the 'bad guy' in Lexx and has been in lots of shows and movies such as Nikita and The Outer Limits. He usually plays bad guys and vampires but in person he's just a sweetie!
Wow, I finally met LaCroix in person!
Click the image to view the larger version.

Geraint Performs at the ATF a Third Time!
- August 12 -2001 -
Wolfville, NS

An Evening with Dylan Thomas - Stranger in Paradise Written and Directed by Leon Pownall. Unfortunately, even though I did have front row tickets to this play, the tradition did not continue this year. Me, Chris, and Echo didn't go, but I hear it was awesome. Click here to find out more about this play on the Atlantic Theatre Festival's site.

Inside the Atlantic Theatre Festival, the stage and seating.

Geraint Wyn Davies Performs here AGAIN!
- September 3 -2000 -
Wolfville, NS

Yet another wonderful evening with Ger! He performed right here in MY town a 2nd year in a row!! He once again played Dylan Thomas at the Atlantic Theater Festival in Wolfville, Nova Scotia!! This play was called In Envy of Some Greatness and it was amazing! And I got to meet my favourite actor again. Life is good. Just as the year before, I went to the play with my friend Echo and my boyfriend, Chris. Life is good. It's very very good. :-)

Click to see larger picture! Thank you Ger! and thanks Echo for scanning this picture.

Here I am with Ger, click on the picture for a larger view.

Geraint Wyn Davies Performs here!
- Sun. Aug. 29 -1999 -
Wolfville, NS

Finally, another dream comes true! Ger performed right here in MY town this summer!! He portrayed fellow Welshman, Dylan Thomas, in a play called Do Not Go Gentle on August 29, 99 at the Atlantic Theater Festival in Wolfville, Nova Scotia!!!! Tickets went on sale April 27 and I got the last 3 tix in the FRONT ROW! It was wonderful! And I got to meet my favourite actor again.
Life is good. It's very very good. :-)

Another dream comes true! Thank you Ger!

Here I am caught off guard with Ger and my friend Echo, who was meeting him for the 1st time.

Click here for more wonderful pictures of Ger after the play, at LB's 'Nickbait's Shop'.

- Sun. Sept. 13, 1998 -
Chester, NS
 Me and Ger! isn't he adorable?
a dream comes true
"Thank you Ger!"

Sept. 14, 98:
Yes I  finally met 'Nicholas' in person!  and oh what a memorable night! Now I know you want to hear all about Black Harbour Unplugged and get the juicy details, but honestly I'm exhausted -- started my last year of university last week and
it's taking alot of my time and energy. This is the account of the evening you'll get from me online (more in person over a cup of coffee, I promise!). There are other reports of the same event on other fans' web sites if you are interested. Check his fan club site, GWDFC for more info.

I took the time to have these precious pix scanned and I put them up right away!   Throughout the evening there were a number of chances for me to walk up to him but I am SO painfully shy that I didn't approach him once. I was simply content to have him walk right past me a few times and to enjoy his presence -- not to mention we had front row seats and I swear from that close I almost thought I could  reach out and touch him! Even at the intermission when he mingled with the folks outside and in the lobby, I was too shy to say a word of hello to him (which my boyfriend found quite amusing).

After the show the nice lady who'd been sitting next to me comes up to me and asks if I want to meet Ger..before I could even think twice she's leading me outside and next thing I know she's brought me to him and is introducing us! As I'll explain more in the account to be posted later, she is a recurring extra on BH and we struck up a conversation as we were waiting in line before the show. She was kind and quite happy to make sure I didn't leave that night without meeting Ger! I am VERY grateful to her, goes without saying! :-)

Ger was wonderful, all smiles..and he signed my poster (I asked to have a BH Unplugged poster from their bulletin boards as a 'souvenir') and he posed for 2 pictures. Rebecca Jenkins was also outside at the time and she was very nice, too -- signed my poster and posed for a picture. Oh and I also met 'Aggie', (Mary Colin-Chisolm) and 'Brenda'. And maybe you didn't know about their invited guests, Tom Gallant and Larraine Segato (Parachute Club, an 80's band). I had no idea that Rebecca Jenkins used to sing in the Parachute Club. Oh and one other thing, Joe Ziegler (Len) couldn't be there, they didn't say why.

Well if you wanna know more, email me - But for now let me just say the highlight, other
than spending a whole evening with Ger!, was when Rebecca sang "The Water is Wide" at the end, I had tears in my eyes as I'm sure did most of the audience. What a riveting performance it was. Wait now, no maybe the highlight was at the beginning when Ger and Rebecca sang a spoof of BH, or maybe it was when Ger introduced the first act as someone 'known by many, loved by few, our own Rebecca Jenkins!' and then he laughed and said 'oh no no no that's not what I meant ... err, loved by ALL!' anyway the whole night they carried on like that, it was fun to watch.

Chester Playhouse
Black Harbour site
Atlantic Theater Festival
Nickbait's Shop-fan page

 Me and Rebecca Jenkins  Me, my boyfriend, and Geraint!
 Copyright 1998 - 2002 (c),  by Lise Robichaud