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Name: Sage

Soul Name: Ess

Sex: Male

Apparent Age/Actual Age: 490

Mate: Open

Children: Open

Parentage: Moonrise (Step-mother) and Wintergreen (Father) and Farwalker (Real-mother)

Brothers - BloodClaw (alive) and Wader (alive)

Height/Build: 4' 2" and quite stocky

Skin tone/Scars: A slight tan

Hair Color/Style/Length: Short and thick mass of light red - blond curls.

Eye Color/Shape: Sly almond shaped flickering violet eyes

Voice: Deep and resonant

Mental Voice: deep and resonant

Face Description: squarish jawline

Body Description: Stocky and quite muscular

Clothing Worn: Thick thighlength brown leather boots and a loose blue vest sashed at the waist, also wears a white loincloth.

Jewelry/Other affectations: Both ears a peirced with a gold loop in each

Magic Powers -- A powerful longerange sender and a rockshaper

Bond Animal Description: A young wolfpup called 'Wanderer'

Hunting Technique/Job they have in the Holt: Scout and holt flirt, dreamberry spunk and genuine 'wise-guy' with a cocky sense of humour.

Skills: Flirting, joking, smiling, cheering people up. Drinking dreamberries, loving, scouting, archery, running and walking in a hunt because his bond's too young to carry him. Stealthy and serious when he needs to be. Also one hopeless romantic. He'll persue even the hardiest of ladys, *warning*

Character History briefly: ^_^

Character Origin: Second born son of a trimating he has the same parents and family as BloodClaw but a definite difference in personality.

Any Other information you'd like people to know before interacting with you: *WARNING* HOPELESS ROMANTIC!!!. He'll persue even the hardiest of ladys...!!! ^_^

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