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Name: Skunkstripe

Soul Name:

Sex: male

Apparent Age/Actual Age: about 200

Mate: none

Children: none

Parentage: doesn't tell unless pushed to

Height/Build: 4'3"

Skin tone/Scars: tan skin like sun villager, scars mostly covered by clothes

Hair Color/Style/Length: black and white, straight hair, sticks out everywhere. two long locks (on each side of face) reach to shoulders and are worn in bands

Eye Color/Shape: eyes are slanted, one blue, one yellow

Voice: tenor, quiet, doesn't talk much

Mental Voice: same but a little louder

Face Description: oval face, black and white striped eyebrows

Body Description: lean but broad shouldered

Clothing Worn: black pants, red tunic, boots and gloves (without fingers) clothing is rather torn

Jewelry/Other affectations: red bands around the long locks of hair, single-edged spearlike weapon

Magic Powers -- gem shaping, average sending

Bond Animal Description: none

Hunting Technique/Job they have in the Holt: new to holt, can shape gems

Skills: gem shaping, carving

Character History briefly: (only describe this here if you are starting out as a base character -- otherwise you should allow the other characters to draw this information out of you!)

Character Origin:

Any Other information you'd like people to know before interacting with you: has been away from other elves quite awhile

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