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Drawn by Mournsong

Name: Whisper

Soul Name: ---

Sex: female

Apparent Age/Actual Age: young and energetic, several hundreds of years old

Mate: none

Children: none

Parentage: Recognized lifemates - Fireeyes(father) and Moonsinger (mother)

Height/Build: 3' 11", muscular, limber, fragile-looking

Skin tone/Scars: very pale, one scar on torso that she keeps to remind her of the frailty of life.

Hair Color/Style/Length: red hair, straight, down to rear end

Eye Color/Shape: Round, green eyes.

Voice: sweet, soft, but commanding.

Mental Voice: strong but kind.

Face Description: round eyes, button nose, full but small lips, heart shaped face

Body Description: Average height, relatively thin, but not sickly. Muscular, but delicate. Medium size breasts, in proportion to her body.

Clothing Worn: Brown pants that are cut off at the knee, shirt ties in the front and has small straps on her shoulders. It ends at her ribcage so that her mid-drift shows.

Jewelry/Other affectations: a headband with the form of a dragon, her first bond beast. It is golden, made by the trolls.

Magic Powers -- Sending ability - average, but only used when the need calls for it. Healing ability - small ability, but enough to keep her tribe in good health, but cannot mend fatal wounds. Animal bonding - strong, she can befriend any animal species on the Abode.

Bond Animal Description: Current bond animal is a blue dragon, offspring of first. He is not very large, as big as a stag. His name is Stargreeter and he flies. He is stong enough to carry her and has a harness on his back for her to hold on to. He cares for her dearly and shows his affection often.

Hunting Technique/Job they have in the Holt: bow and quiver and dagger are the weapons of choice. She hunts with the best of her tribe, her only motivation is that the cubs will have fresh meat for the evening. She cares for all of them as if they were her own.

Skills: her skill with the bow are magnificent, it is rare that she ever misses her mark.

Character History briefly: She has been the Chieftess here since MoodFeather was captured by humans. She has been a grand leader for two centuries and plans on many more years of leadership. She has a deep mistrust of humans and nightly before the hunts she flies above the forest in search of human hunters. If they are in her territory, she will swoop down upon them and frighten them so badly that they won't stop running until they get back to their camp. She does not know her parents, they were never around when she was younger, Moodfeather knew of them, but never explained to Whisper what happened.

Character Origin: She is 9th generation decendant from the High Ones. Anything more is unknown to her.

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