
Hooray we're all
Lost in a pit
Of our own sh!t
The same old grind
I lose my mind
They always yell
Is this my hell
They cut so deep
And I can't sleep
Why do they say
It ev'ry day
You are a freak
And you're so weak
Look in my eyes
And tell your lies
Hooray we're all
Lost in a pit
Of our own sh!t
The same old grind
I lose my mind
You're full of it
It's such bullsh!t
Belong to me
And you aren't free
Feed me your hate
On the same plate
There with my pain
Born from my brain
With a side of
Hooray we're all
Lost in a pit
Of our own sh!t
The same old grind
I lose my mind
I know nothing
I do nothing
Said in the past
It's all half-@ssed
And yet I try
I want to die
In the gallows
Of the shallows
In your charade
A masquerade
Hooray we're all
Lost in a pit
Of our own sh!t
The same old grind
I lose my mind
A family
You're kidding me
As you can see
It's apathy
There's no pity
For you and me
I'm so confused
And so abused
I'm overused
Tied in a noose
One more victim
The seraphim
Hooray we're all

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