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undefined be or not to be..

..when joining, one must remember..

¤ be creative, or else da game is just no fun!

¤ be descriptive even in your joining message

¤ ..that mustangs/ferals do not have shiny coats, and do not gleam in the sun. they are dirty wild creatures, (lol) so remember that.

¤ ..that there are very rarely colors such as appaloosas, greys, can be a gray or a palomino, but no appaloosa's are allowed. other colors are fine.

..also, post the following if you like, some enjoy reading this, (dunno why lol but it makes ya look better) an also, post a short message too, not just your stats..

| Christen'd |
| Knit |
| Marks |
| Platform |
| Genre |
| Ancestry |
| Persona |
| Reflection |

(..go rite ahead an' join now...luv ya!..)


(hehe ya gotta click fast on that)<