Welcome to my site. This is a site about none other than me,
Tessa=o) Here is some information about me.
Name: Tessa
Nicknames: Tessarie, Twig, That chick in the pink car.
Location: Louisville, Kentucky. 502
Interest: Music, Singing, Local bands, Modeling.
Age: 18
Birthday: October 27th, 1982
Quotes: OMG it's a UFO!!!--Rakkel//Love is a weakness--Incursion502\\Cold around you, Dead inside you, Jesus denys you, Feed us -- Incursion//Im a f*ckin God--Incursion\\Awake arise rise up and rule--Incursion//Boom Tap Boom Boom Tap--Terry Harper
Shoutouts: Rakkel, Ashmoe, Becca, Aaron, Bobby, Nick, Van, Terry, Nicole, Brandy, Christina, Derek, Jay, Rachel, Van, Richard, Carrie, Bishop, Mike, Jeska, Jessica, Dana, Hoagie, Jackie, Brian, Charles, Charlie, Big Dave, Pete, Jake, Tim.
(o=Pictures of Me --
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Louisville . Noise . Pollution
Louisville Kore
This site was made by Rachel