My Information


age : 23

Sex : male

About me :

I like diffrent kinds of music altough my fav is metal . I know for being crazy and tough as hell .

Best shot : 250 yrd open site with a 30-30 Win.

My Pain : I had my nose broken over 14 times 5 constions my skull is dinted in 2 places i had my last 6 vetabra fused and my left legs has a plate and 4 pins in it when i had that done i got rolled over on it 10 hours after surgery all most blead to death i broke my right wrist and left elbow and i torn my right shoulder and left knee .

My sports : football boxing hockey Marshal Arts

More Info : I hunt, hike, go clubing, draw, read .

I believe in God. But I don't force my beliefs on any one I also don't care what other people believe in as long as they don't try to force there beliefs on me. Ps. you come knocking on my door you'll meet the lord real quick : ) I hate it when they come to your door on a weekend you might have be up till 6am and at 7 am they're banging on you door hey you know its alright to put a things on the door or in the mail slot but come on if someone wants to do something they do it or ask for help .

My Favorite Song Lyrics :

What Do You Mean,"I Don't Believe In God"? I Talk To Him Everyday What Do you Mean,"I Don't Support Your System"? I Go To Court When I Have To What Do You Mean,"I Can't Get To Work On Time"? I Got Nothing Better To Do And What Do You Mean," I Don't Pay My Bills"? Why Do You Think I'm Broke ? Huh ? What Do You Mean,"I Hurt Your Feelings"? I Didn't Know You Had Any Feelings What Do You Mean,"I Aint Kind"? I'm Just Not Your Kind What Do You Mean," I Couldn't Be President, of The United States of America"? Tell Me Something,It's Still "We The People," Right ?

All Rights Megadeth

Latests news :

Saw Slipknot and Slayer In Cedar Rapids Iowa Firday the 13 of August 2004
