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The Hardflip
Hardflips are a more advanced trick. It's when your board rotates 180 degrees like a frontside pop shove-it, but flips like a kickflip. You can think of it as a frontside kickflip shove-it. Complicated, huh? To make it more simple, I tried to put together instructions on the hardflip the best I could. I hope it works out well.

Compress the board for some pop and set your feet in ollie position. It helps to keep your shoulders squared with the board. Be sure to ollie higher for this trick. Like a Frontside pop shove-it, pop the board up, but flip it like a frontside kickflip. It is hard, but keep trying. Get your feet out of the way, and let your board flip freely. Put your feet in the catch position. See the benifits of extra pop? Come back down with your board centered. Absorb the impact by ending your legs. Now you can roll away. I wish you luck on this hard trick!