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J E S U S ! ! !

MARY.... and JOSEPH !!!!!

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
..look what washed ashore at Wormtown Wednesday #7.

Yes, quite an assortment of local scenesters were on hand down at 89 Green Street to celebrate hump day 'Doggie Style'.
And no mention of humping would be complete without a hefty dose of stalkers.
Don't look now Lysie, but.....

....but nothin'!!!
This girl has nothing to worry about.
Not only are there plenty of comrades ready to defend her honor, but I think Lysie can pretty much take care of herself.

Out near the stage, Mr Caaaaahhhhhhhh explains the complex logic required to assure the perfect alignment of this many acts, of such diverse genres, within a limited time frame.
"Uhhhhh...basically, we tear up the little pieces of paper, throw them all in a hat, and draw 'em out one at a time." John listed the results of this week's draw and made sure all of the ducks were in a row.
Oh, by the way, he would like it if you would refer to him as the "Art Heterosexual" from now on.

Zander was the first band to take the stage and we all needed to take a second, THIRD, and FOURTH look at this one. No lack of energy here as the guitar riffs and stage jumps got our attention. It wasn't until we were almost through the first number when we realized...

....The drummer is 9 yrs old !!!

We all agreed on one thing.
We definitely want to see this girl in a few years because it's gonna be phenominal!!
What a solid, steady, professional little munchkin she was and we all loved her. The folks in Zander had better keep us posted on her progress, because I think we all symbolically adopted her that night.

But....back to the the business at hand.
As we waited for the next act to start, the buzz had already started circulating about Huck's new CD that we've been waiting so long for.
By golly, I think Erick is about to bust with sheer joy !!

And 'JOY' seemed to be the operative word as my fellow 'Worms' of all shapes, sizes, and age groups, prepared for the next set.
Hey speaking of the next set...
Get up there and play!!!!

This boy can follow orders!!!

The decible level rises again.
And never falls back down.

One set rips into the next as tear down and set up time is virtually eliminated. Thanks to good old fashioned teamwork, everyone shares basic gear.

A special 'thank you (NOT)' goes out to SBGB for making us feel like idiots when we fell for that story about Jay leaving the band. And to think I was saving up all my pennies for those new DWs for you, Jay...tisk tisk.
'Gullible', 'retarded' and 'greenhorn saps' are just a few of the adjectives that we used to describe ourselves that night and I predict we'll have a tough time living that one down, everyone will be giving us a load of ....

Psssst...Wanna buy some dot com stock???

But it's all good, as 'Good Doobie Duncan' and his sweetie can attest.
It's Wednesday!!!
And this is Wormtown!!!!!
It doesn't get any better than this.

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