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immature girl
go away
you are too immature for me
you are loud
much to loud for me
you hurt my ears
make them bleed
bleed at the sound of your voice
you are annoying
strike a nerve in my body
every time I hear you
every time I see you
stupid girl
every word you say is stupid
you make no sense to me
so say no more
I am not listening
emotional girl
you cry to much
over little stupid things
you blow things up
your emotion is stupid and useless
your love means nothing to me
I have no use for it
do not love me
for I will not accept it
deny it
push it away
funny girl
your humor
its stupid
its not even funny
you make no sense
others may laugh
but I will not
useless girl
you are stupid
no one will love you
I do not like you
go away
die die
