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Will add to the list as the info comes. Credit and thanks to all those on MKO,TRMK,GameFaqs & JTV for all the info posted here.

Fatalities/Other finishers: (Distance)

Split Decision - F,D,F, - (close)
Nether Gates - B, F, B, - (close)
Toasty - D,U,U, - (jump)
Babality - D,B,F,D, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - F,U,U,

Liu Kang
Fist of Flame - F,B,D,D, - (close)
Beast Within - D,D,F,D, - (jump)
Babality - D,D,D,
Stage Fatality - D,F,B, - (jump)

Kung Lao
Hat Trick - B,F,F,B, - (sweep)
Buzz Saw D,D,F,B, - (close/sweep)
Babality - D,F,D,
Stage Fatality - D,F,D,

Have an Ice Day - B,F,D,F, - (sweep)
Spinal Smash - D, B, D, F, - (sweep)
Classic - F,D,F, - (close)
Babality - D,B,D, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - F,D,B,

Migraine - B,F,D,F, - (close)
Head sposion B,F,U, - (close/sweep)
Babality - D,D,D,U - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D,D,D,

Mind Over Matter - D,U,D,D, - (jump)
Pest Control F,B,F,D, - (jump)
Babality - D,D,B,D, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D, U, D, D,

Acid Yak - F,F,D,U, - (sweep/close)
Weight Loss D,D,F,B, - (sweep)
Classic -B,B,F,D, - (jump)
Babality - B, F, B, D,
Stage Fatality - F,D,D,

Fan Opener - D,D,B,F, - (close)
Splitting Headache - F, D, F, B, - (sweep)
Babality - F,D,F, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - F,D,D,

Heads Up - F,F,B,D, - (close)
Award Goes to - D, F, D, F, - (sweep)
Babality - F,B,F, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D,B,F,

Head-A-Rang - U,U,D,F, (full screen)
Half Mast - B, D, B, D, - (sweep)
Babality - D,D,F,D, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - B, F, D,

Be Mine - B,F,B,F, - (jump)
Rip Off - B, F, B, D, - (jump)
Babality - D,D,F,B, - (Jump)
Stage Fatality - D,D,D,

Little Off The Top - D,F,D,B, - (jump)
Acension - D,D,F,B, - (close/sweep)
Babality - F,B,F,B, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D, D, D,

Buzz Kill - F,D,F,B, - (close)
Nothing But Net - B,D,B,F, - (jump)
Babality - D, F, B, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D,U,

Make A Wish - B,F,B,D, - (jump/sweep)
As One - D, D, B, D, - (sweep)
Babality - F,U,F, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - F,D,F,

Smoked Out - B,F,B,F, - (close)
Tremor - B,B,D,F, - (close/sweep)
Babality - D,B,D,F,D - (jump)
Stage Fatality - F,U,U,

Robo Sek - F,D,B,F, - (full screen)
The Scarecrow - D,D,F,B, - (full screen)
Babality - B,D,D,D, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D, F, D,

Scissor Split - D,D,B,F, - (jump/sweep)
Cut Throat - D,B,F,B, - (close/sweep)
Babality - D,D,F, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - B,F,D,

Smash & Grab - B,F,F,B, - (close)
3 Points - F,F,B,D, - (sweep)
Babality - D,D,D, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D, F, D,

Heartbreak - B,D,B,F, - (close/sweep)
Eat Your Heart Out - D, D, F, B, - (close/sweep)
Babality - F,F,D,D, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - U,U,B,

Time Served - F,D,F, - (close/sweep)
Have a Blast - D,F,D,F, - (close/sweep)
Babality - D,F,D,B, (jump)
Stage Fatality - F,U,U,

Shang Tsung
Bang Bang - B,D,F, - (sweep)
Identity Theft D, D, B, D, - (jump)
Babality - D,B,D,
Stage Fatality - U,U,B,

Up The Middle - B,F,D,F, - (close)
Take a Spin - F,F,D,D, - (sweep)
Babality - F,B,F, (jump)
Stage Fatality - D,D,D,D,

Hook Up - B,F,B,F, - (jump)
It Takes Guts D, D, B, F, - (sweep)
Babality - F,D,B, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D,D,

Just A Scratch - D,F,D,F, - (jump)
Transplant - B, F, F, D, - (close/sweep)
Babality - D,B,D, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D,D,D,

Stripped Down - F,D,D,F, - (sweep/close)
Lend a Hand - F, B, F, B, - (sweep)
Babality - D,D,D,B, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D,D,D,D,

Quan Chi
Beat Down - F,F,D,D, - (sweep/close)
On Your Knees - D, F, D, F, - (sweep)
Babality - F,D,B, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - B,F,D,

Cyber Sub-0
Kold Fusion - D,B,D,F, - (jump)
Brain Freeze - D,D,B,D, - (sweep)
Babality - D,B,F, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D,D,U,

Kratos (PS3)
Blade of Olympus - D,D,B,F, - (close/sweep)
Medusa's Gaze - D,B,D,F, - (sweep/jump)
Babality - D,F,B, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - D,D,D,

Skarlet (DLC)
Blood Bath - D, B, D, D, - (close)
Make It Rain - F, B, D, D, - (jump)
Babality - D, B, D, F, - (jump)
Stage Fatality - F, B, F,

Kenshi (DLC)

Fatality 1 - U, D, U, D, (Sweep)
Fatality 2 - B, F, D, F, (Jump)
Stage Fatality - D, F, D, (close)
Babality - D, B, D, (jump)

Rain (DLC)

Bubble Burst - B,F,D,B, (jump)
Does it Sting - U,D,B,F, (Jump)
Stage Fatality - F,D,F,
Babality - B,D,F,

Freddy Krueger (DLC)

Tell 'Em Freddy Sent Ya - B,F,D,D, (Anywhere)
Welcome To My Nightmare - D,U,T,B, (Sweep/Jump)
Stage Fatality - F,D,D, (close)
Babality - B,F,D, (Jump)

Hidden King Of The Hill avatar moves

(Note: During Theater mode in any King Of The Hill match as a spectator, highlight your avatar and press to display the "Avatar Move" menu. Then, press the indicated buttons to perform the corresponding move. Credit to Cheatcc.com for this KOTH move list.)

#1 Point: Press Down, Up,
"$%#&!": Press Up(2),
"FATALITY!": Press Up, Up, Right(2),
"FIGHT!": Press Left, Right,
"Finish Him!": Press Left, Right, Left, Right,
"HA!": Press Down, Up, Down,
"I'm Not Worthy": Press Down(2),
Big Clap: Press Right, Up,
Cheese: Press Left, Up, Right,
Cover Face: Press Left, Right,
Devil Horns: Press Down, Up,
Diamond: Press Up, Down, Left,
Double Devil Horns: Press Forward, Up, Down,
Gather Ice: Press Right(3), Left,
Hop: Press Up(2),
Lighter: Press Down(2), Up(2),
Point: Press Right(2),
Raiden Pose: Press Left(2), Right(2),
Shake Head: Press Left, Right,
Sleep: Press Down(3),
Stink Wave: Press Right, Left,
Stretch: Press Up, Down(2),
Throw Tomato: Press Down(3), Up,

Kombat Kodes: (Quick list)

Armless Kombat = 911 911
Blocking Disabled = 020 020
Breakers Disabled = 090 090
Dark Kombat = 022 022
Double Dash = 391 193
Dream Kombat = 222 555
Enhance Moves Disabled = 051 150
Explosive Kombat = 227 227
Foreground Objects Disabled = 001 001
Headless Kombat = 808 808
Health Recovery = 012 012
Hyper Fighting 091 091
Invisible Kombat = 770 770
Jumping Disabled = 831 831
Kombos Disabled = 931 931
No Blood = 900 900
Power Bars Disabled = 404 404
Psycho Kombat = 707 707
Quick Uppercut Recovery = 303 303
Rainbow Kombat 234 234
Sans Power = 044 440
Silent Kombat = 300 300
Specials Disabled = 731 731
Super Recovery = 123 123
Throwing Disabled = 100 100
Throwing Encouraged = 010 010
Tournament Mode = 111 111
Unlimited Super Meter = 466 466
Vampire Kombat = 424 424
X-Rays Disabled = 242 242
Zombie Kombat = 666 666

Note: The Krypt list has been removed and in place a quick list is available. Alternatively,perform 2nd & DLC Fatalities in the Fatality Trainer to unlock them. To unlock Babalities & Stage Fatalities you must be in Arcade Ladder or Versus. Alt. costumes can be alternatively unlocked by beating arcade ladder with the characters. Below is a quick list for the Alts but the Fatalities are rather easy to get so I am leaving a list for them out of my guide. To get the trophies/achievements you must unlock the krypt halfway and completely anyway so a list for the other stuff is pointless IMO.Visit the Necropolis to obtain the costumes after purchasing from Krypt.

Character = Alternate Costumes

Baraka = DL 40
Cyrax = MD 6
Ermac = BM 68
Jade = BM 50
Jax = MD 36
Cage = DL 15
Kabal = DL 88
Kano = MD 25
Kitana = DL 69
Kung Lao=BM 38
Liu Kang= HI 8
Mileena = HI 33
Nightwolf = DL 110
Noob = BM 5
Quan Chi= DL 63
Raiden = MD 14
Reptile = DL 7
Scorpion =DL 119
Sektor = DL 47
Shang = DL 101
Sheeva = DL 28
Sindel = BM 19
Smoke = BM 82
Sonya = HI 22
Stryker = DL 56
Sub-Zero =MD 54

Hidden Chests:

1) Deadlands: approach the tomb of DL45 head left towards DL52 look forward and right a little bugs appear near a patch of grass

2)Hollow of Infestation: follow the wall from the lake where the area starts go along six skulls bugs appear under it

3)Bloodmarsh: Head right from BM81 under the skull on the wall

4)Meadow of Despair: from the back row head left from the left most iron maiden on top of a slight mound is more bugs

Hidden Fights: (Should unlock secret acheivements/trophies)

Noob = He will pop up randomly in the background of the Temple(Cathedral). When he does,do not use block in all rounds. 1000k for winning.

Reptile = When fighting on the Pit 2 (Night) arena watch for Santa or the witch to fly across the sky...and when he/she does make sure all rounds are flawless victories and perform a stage fatality.Beat him for 5000k.

Smoke = When you see Smoke pop out from behind one of the trees on The Living Forest arena repeatedly press Down & Select for him to appear. 2000k for the win.

Jade = Perform a double flawless victory & do a Fatality on Shang Tsung.5000k for the victory.

Note: All hidden fighters are supposedly only found in Arcade Ladder (Single Player). <XMP><BODY></xmp>