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October 31

Samhain, popularly known as Hallowe'en, is the Witches' New Year. It is said to be the time when the veil between the worlds is very thin, when souls that are leaving this physical plane can pass out and souls that are reincarnating can pass in. Darkness increases and the Goddess reigns as the Crone, part of the three-in-one that also includes the Maiden and Mother. The God, the Dark Lord, passes into the underworld to become the seed of his own rebirth. Many pagans prepare a Feast for the Dead on Samhain night, where they leave offerings of food and drink for the spirits. Divination is heightened this night. Jack-o-lanterns, gourds, cider, fall foliage can be used as altar decorations. The gate of the year. In Europe in the days of old it would have been celebrated with the first frosts, or when the oak trees lost its leaves. It means Summer's end in Celtic because they thought the year to have two seasons rather than four. The God is in the underworld waiting rebirth and the Goddess is seen as a crone. It is the time of year when the veils between the worlds are at their thinnest, and we celebrate loved ones passed over. This was because it was the time of year that families again came together after their Summers work, maybe grazing their stock in the high grounds over Summer. News and stories were exchanged, births, deaths of the Summer. It was also a time to prepare for Winter. Winter would take the weakest members with its harshness, as they would succumb to the cold. Therefore the old would be honoured as they were weak. The stock would be culled for this reason also, and to conserve precious feed, the excess blood from the culled stock would also contribute to the thinning of the veils between the worlds. This is where Halloween comes from. October 31st. The Wicca say farewell to the God. A temporary farewell. He isn't wrapped in eternal darkness but readies to be reborn of the Goddess at Yule. It is said to be the time when the veil between the worlds is very thin, when souls that are leaving this physical plane can pass out and souls that are reincarnating can pass in. This holiday is considered the Witches' New Year, representing one full turn of the seasonal year. A time of reflection, of looking back over the last year. Remembering our ancestors and all those who have gone before. It is said that lighting a new orange-colored candle at midnight on Samhain and allowing it to burn until sunrise will bring one good luck; however, bad luck will befall those who bake bread on this day or journey after sunset. Black candles are used to ward off negativity. Light candles and place them in your windows so the spirits can find their way. Wiccan traditions- rune-casting, making Jack-o-lanterns and standing before a mirror and making a secret wish.

  • Foods- apples, pumpkin pie, hazelnuts, corn, cranberry muffins and breads, ale, cider and herbal teas.

  • Incense-apple, heliotrope, mint, nutmeg and sage

  • Candles-black, orange

  • Gemstones-all black gemstones (jet, obsidian and onyx).

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