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Black & White


.:Black & White:.




.:Furcadia Portraits:.



*Cheerleader - My alt, GMD, in a cheerleading outfit.

DMG Dragon - Me as a dragon.

Suzan - My Neopet, Suzan.

*Mavalox - One of my friends, Mavalox.

*No Control - Me rebelling against non acceptance.

DMG & Lukey - Me and my friend, Luke.

*Coby Defense - My alt and her former mate after a fight.

*Coby Defense 2 - One of my alt's former mates.

*Coby - Coby posing.

AJ - GMD and Luke's newborn son, AJ.

*Coby the Pirate - Old pic of GMD and Coby, as pirates.

Comic - A random comic I did. Inside joke, mostly.

DMG & A doll - Me holding a Leon doll.

*Blinded DMG - Me after my "accident".

*ICQ hatred - My opinion of ICQ.

*DMG & Jefurre - Me gnawing on my friend's tail.

*Fighter DMG - I...don't...know...

*DMG and Runik - Need to finish putting clothes on this one someday.

*John - Old pic I did for a friend.

*Kitten - My RL kitten.

Winged Runik - I need to color this sometime...

*Samual Mouse - My friend Sammy.

*Summer Love - GMD and Luke swimming.

GMD Chan - A pic of DMG in Asian attire.

Posing GMD - A naked GMD posing rather romantically.

*Stabbed - A depressing pic of DMG...

*Cut out my heart - Pic and poem.

*Sir Ender - Pic for a friend.

*DMG & Page - DMG playing with her daughter!

*Skateboard DMG - B&W sk8r DMG

*Rodeo - Signed by main rodeo clown & miss rodeo USA.

*Heaven - An attempt at drawing the real me.

*Rodeo 2 - Another pic I drew at the rodeo, of Miss Rodeo USA.

*Forgiveness Denied - DMG and Luke fighting...

*Summer Breeze - DMG in summer clothes.

*Pirate DMG - DMG in pirate attire.

*The Guardian - Luke protecting DMG as he cuddles her.

*Grim Reaper - An expression of my hatred towards certain people.

The Odd Couple - Luke and DMG. Bodybuilder superhero and goth chick.

*Gothic DMG - Trying to make my char more gothic.

*The Kiss - DMG and Luke kissing.

*I Love You - Luke whispers into DMG's ear.

*DMG's Backside - A back view of DMG.

*Welcome Home Sam - A quick sketch for Sammy.

*Feral DMG - The face of anger...

*Spider DMG - DMG's new form in B&W.

*The Gothic Couple - I played with Lukey's look to make him more goth.

Expecting - DMG and Lukey's first child...

*New Friends - DMG and her penguin buddy.

DMG and Lukey's wedding - Colored version in colored gallery.

*Davey Havok - Mmm, main singer of AFI.

*The Artist - Yup, it's me. Ugleh, yes?

Lukey's new look - Just been tinkering around with it.

*Holding Paws - DMG and Luke. Colored version finished.

*Carry Me - Lukey carrying DMG.

*Wolf Hunter - My maybe possibly submission for a conbook.

DMG & Warnndog cuddle - First cuddle pic I've done of my new mate.

DMG & Warnndog cuddle #2 - Here we go again!

DMG & Warnndog pose - Posing cutely together.

Together - Drawn by both me and Warnndog.

*Hurt - I was having a bad day. :(

Pounced - I wasn't sure what clothes to put on them, and I'm still not sure!

*Illana Tia- A request for someone. Has been colored.

Winter DMG - Male DMG in winter clothing. Has been colored.

*Seien - Furcadia friend.

Watching - Is he dreaming? Or is she really there?

Christmas - Just a rough sketch of DMG and Warnndog.

Warnndog - Mmm, my sexy a towel!

*The net - Mmm, love net clothes.

Fredryk - A furry flash artist.

Gnoll - My mate's D&D character.

*DMG & Page - DMG (in male form) and his Daughter.