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Mr. K.

Mr. Vain


Name: Claude Winchester

Alias:Mr. K

Age: 36??

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Blue

Dress: Always in a button up and slacks. Watch it, he has a magnum hidden somewhere.

Template: Manager of Bad Luck; Former Manager of Nittle Grasper

Talents and Powers: Uhm....well, he can certainly get his way. Course, you could too if you held a revolver to everyone's head. He's good at blackmail too.

Personality: Hard to say. I think K has a split-personality. Sometimes, he's very relaxed and has a lot of faith in Shuiichi to do something stupid that ends up being the best thing in the world. He doesn't worry a whole lot on that level. However, when he DOES become overly happy, overly angry, stressed watch out, he pulls out the big guns and sometimes goes on a random shooting. Luckily for the guys, K has POOR aim.

Relatives: Wife, Judy Winchester; Son: Matthew Winchester ??

About: I really dunno what to say about Mr. K. He doesn't have a whole lot of history that I'm familiar with. However, I do know that before Nittle Grasper broke up, he was their manager...and I can certainly believe it. With Toy-bunny-obsessed Ryuichi, you'd definately need Psycho Manager to keep him in line. His biggest obsession is those damn guns. And they seem to come out of nowhere. One thing is for sure....few people question him...for long.

I'm not sure about K's origin. I read somewhere he is American and used to be in the Secret Service before becoming a manager. He speaks good English and tends to spit it out throughout the series. Not to mention he LOOKS Western with those bright blue eyes and gold blond hair. But, one thing is for sure, with no Nittle Grasper, Bad Luck was the next best thing. K is very loyal to Bad Luck and Shuiichi, even though sometimes he tends to use the WRONG kinds of motivation to get them to work. He has a temper which is easily flaired sometimes and other times not. It's like walking on egg-shells

Quote{s}: "Hold up!"

Big news!"

" I'll bring him back! I'll catch him in a strangle-hold and punch and kick his ass!"

" You worry too much."

" You still worry too much."

" Give me back my gun now."

Why I like him: From the VERY moment Mr. K stepped onto the scene, I've ADORED him. Not only is he very good looking and very eye-catching anyway...but his personality is DA BOMB! He's both a sadistic psycho-path and Miracle Worker all at once. He's used to getting his way [same as Tohma Seguchi, the president and former band member of Nittle Grasper]. I find it hilarious when he uses his weapons and blackmail skills to get Bad Luck where he wants them. Heck, he can also persuade strangers to do things for him.....cept for Yuki....he gets annoyed with Yuki.
