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Better Off Alone


Name:Eiri Yuki


Age: 22

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Amber

Dress: Very professional. Yuki is almost always dressed in a button down or a turtleneck usually with a blazer and slacks.At home, he wears more comfortable attire, such as lite sweatshirts and slacks.

Template: Romance Novelist

Talents and Powers: He can write in such a way that men and women both swoon over him...though mostly women. That and he's handsome.

Personality:'s rather complex. Yuki is very cold in general and seems to have no emotion whatsoever, except for showing annoyance with others. However, deep down, he is a good person and obviously a good lover when he opens up.

Relatives: Sister, Brother, Parents

About: Yuki's past is shrouded in mystery. He dislikes being vulnerable and shares little to nothing about himself. According to the manga, Yuki is not his real name, but a name he uses for publication. Being Western in appearance, he had a hard time fitting in as a child. He studied abroad and returned to Japan afterwards. However, he became very distanced from his loved ones and became rather cold. There is more to his story, however, I don't want to spoil it. This is actually part of the fun of watching Gravitation.

Yuki is not quite sure what to make of Shuiichi. He could have any woman he ever wanted, but is not interested, or doesn't seem so. He's not quite sure what it is that Shuiichi wants from him. Fame? Money? Sex? Just an attraction to his looks? Shuiichi's only reply is that he feels how he feels and doesn't know why. So, Yuki spends the entire series trying to figure him out. Again, I will not spoil it too much.

Shuiichi moves in with Yuki, who lives in a mansion, thanks to his wealth, in which Yuki is utterly annoyed but finally agrees to let him stay for a week...which becomes two weeks....three.....and well....Shuiichi just doesn't leave. ^-^ Yuki kinda has learned to put up with him, and despite his little attempts to turn Shuiichi off to avail. It must be Gravitation.

Quote{s}: "Bad lyrics, as usual"

"You're annoying and loud....and you suck in bed."

" Okaeri, Shuiichi."

" I'm yours, am I?"

" Did you hear me? I said I will be your lover."

Why I like him: Waiiiii! He's SEXY! Well, for a cartoon character. =wipes up drool= Can anyone blame Shuiichi? Yuki is just...the perfect character for angst. You never know what he's feeling or what crazy thing he'll do next to piss Shuiichi off. Theory is that he actually gets a strange pleasure out of pushing the young singer's buttons, but is just as easily able to make him "all better" again. simple yet so complex.....

Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuukiiiiiiiiiiii! Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki Yuki!
