YYH Opening Theme AKA Smiling Bomb
Icons used on this page are from Karasu-Chan's website and made by her. So, the pretty Yomi and Karasu clippies are hers. Links and banners in their appropriate places. P.S. Karasu-Chan made both banners for Karasu's Nest, however I only posted one in the Support section. You'll have to visit the Karasu's Nest site to see the other. LAST UPDATED: 12-14-05 Yusuke in Kudaran A hilarious story based on Alice in Wonderland with a YYH twist. Notice, to all Portuguese fans, I've used the original Japanese names...I like them. This story has lots of OOC moments, but very funny. I decided to put this chapter fic as one long story....it takes to much time to make chapter links. Oh yeah....Yusuke is thrust into Wonderland after refusing to write a book report. La dee dah. Koenma's Incoherant Rant aka Reflections This is my very first ever YYH fanfic. I do so like Koenma-Sama. At the time of writing this, I had no clue what the series was like. I only found stuff online about the series...and had not yet watched it. {I now own the entire series in Japanese}. So, this is my first person POV on Koenma. Crow in the Darkness Yay! I adore Karasu! For those who don't know, Karasu shows up in like...the second season I think. And he's only in like...maybe 5 episodes if that before Kurama kills him. However, Karasu has a lovely character presence that has grabbed some fans. This is the prequel to Youkai in the Mists so enjoy. Karasu is in the Ningenkai where he is found by Kurama and taken in to heal from a mysterious illness. ***Shounen-Ai*** Oro-Tachi THESE will have individual pages. These are a group of stories inspired by the DJ's " Little Hiei-Chan" & the "Oro-Tachi" series by Tide/Reel....and the kids' show, " Franklin." Kurama and Hiei are little kids under the foster care of Yusuke Urameshi. They make lots of young demon friends like: Karasu, Yomi, Mukuro and others while conquering childhood obstacles. Why Me? A poem I wrote for my group: Karasu's Nest. This is the first half. You MUST read this half to understand the second half! This is Kurama's conversation to Karasu. I'll Tell You Why You MUST read Why Me? to understand I'll Tell You Why. Kurama asks questions in the first half of the poem directed towards Karasu. This half of the poem is Karasu's reply. Youkai in the Mists INCOMPLETE!!! This takes place after Crow in the Darkness. In fact, a year later. Karasu is summoned by his clan for a ceremonial gathering and Kurama comes along. But, there is conflict within this clan. Is Kurama safe? And what's going on...and is there more to Karasu than Kurama first thought? ***Yaoi*** Your Woman SERIOUS warning on this one. Rated R. A songfic. Lyrics by White Town. The song is not what's bad. I like Yukina....Hiei's twin sister. Well, Yukina kinda goes insane and rapes Hiei. Sooooo....this one has incest in it. =whistles innocently= ***Incest*** Cats' in the Cradle Songfic. Lyrics by Harry Chapin. This is a cute fic focusing on the relationship of Enma and his son, Koenma. Sixteen Candles Weeee! This is a sweet 16 birthday present for my friend, Karasu-Chan! Lyrics to Sixteen Candles by Crests. Lyrics to Happy Birthday by Wierd Al Yankovic. Kurama is about to celebrate his 16th birthday and Karasu has come to live in the Ningenkai as a writer and poet. He's desperately seeking Kurama's approval and Koenma has just the way to get Kurama's attention. Comical in a corny way. ***Karasu x Kurama....YAOI*** The Holly & the Ivy A Holiday YYH songfic. A lovely fic about Michiko, Yukina's daughter and her desire to give her Uncle Hiei a merry Christmas. Yukina and Michiko visit the Isle of Koorime for Michiko to meet her family. However, her great grandmother {the elder} doesn't make her feel at all welcome. But, Michiko meets someone very special...and knows this person will be able to make Hiei's Christmas a merry one. If My Sister's in Trouble Songfic. Lyrics by Lady Soul. Yukina and Hiei's birthday. Hiei returns from the Makai to surprise Yukina as a birthday gift...but when he comes in to find she's been attacked....he turns things upside down to make it all better. Snow on the Sahara Songfic. Lyrics by Anggun. This song was SO Hiei. I HADHADHADHAD to use it and don't be surprised if you see a songfic by the same title under Cardcaptor Sakura fics too...maybe even under Other as well. I have several ideas where this song works well. ANYWAY...this is a fic narrated by Hiei's thoughts about Yukina. It's rather choppy and zips from past to present tense. This is because presently, Hiei is thinking back as well as experiencing at the very moment. Makai Ave A parody of Sesame Street using random characters from YYH. Tears of Pearls Songfic. Lyrics by Savage Garden. I thought this song was so perfect for Hiei [along with Snow on the Sahara]. And I just had to use it. This is some time now after the YYH series ends and Hiei is hanging out at Kurama's singles pad where he's been reflecting about his past. I Love You; I'll Kill You Lyrics by Enigma to the song by the same name. I'm a little unsatisfied with this one, but, it's been a while since I did a YYH fic. Like my usual work, this is a Karasu/Kurama-ish fic where Kurama has himself a stalker. ^-^
Icons used on this page are from Karasu-Chan's website and made by her. So, the pretty Yomi and Karasu clippies are hers. Links and banners in their appropriate places.
P.S. Karasu-Chan made both banners for Karasu's Nest, however I only posted one in the Support section. You'll have to visit the Karasu's Nest site to see the other.
LAST UPDATED: 12-14-05
A hilarious story based on Alice in Wonderland with a YYH twist. Notice, to all Portuguese fans, I've used the original Japanese names...I like them. This story has lots of OOC moments, but very funny. I decided to put this chapter fic as one long story....it takes to much time to make chapter links. Oh yeah....Yusuke is thrust into Wonderland after refusing to write a book report. La dee dah.
This is my very first ever YYH fanfic. I do so like Koenma-Sama. At the time of writing this, I had no clue what the series was like. I only found stuff online about the series...and had not yet watched it. {I now own the entire series in Japanese}. So, this is my first person POV on Koenma.
Yay! I adore Karasu! For those who don't know, Karasu shows up in like...the second season I think. And he's only in like...maybe 5 episodes if that before Kurama kills him. However, Karasu has a lovely character presence that has grabbed some fans. This is the prequel to Youkai in the Mists so enjoy. Karasu is in the Ningenkai where he is found by Kurama and taken in to heal from a mysterious illness. ***Shounen-Ai***
THESE will have individual pages. These are a group of stories inspired by the DJ's " Little Hiei-Chan" & the "Oro-Tachi" series by Tide/Reel....and the kids' show, " Franklin." Kurama and Hiei are little kids under the foster care of Yusuke Urameshi. They make lots of young demon friends like: Karasu, Yomi, Mukuro and others while conquering childhood obstacles.
A poem I wrote for my group: Karasu's Nest. This is the first half. You MUST read this half to understand the second half! This is Kurama's conversation to Karasu.
You MUST read Why Me? to understand I'll Tell You Why. Kurama asks questions in the first half of the poem directed towards Karasu. This half of the poem is Karasu's reply.
INCOMPLETE!!! This takes place after Crow in the Darkness. In fact, a year later. Karasu is summoned by his clan for a ceremonial gathering and Kurama comes along. But, there is conflict within this clan. Is Kurama safe? And what's going on...and is there more to Karasu than Kurama first thought?
SERIOUS warning on this one. Rated R. A songfic. Lyrics by White Town. The song is not what's bad. I like Yukina....Hiei's twin sister. Well, Yukina kinda goes insane and rapes Hiei. Sooooo....this one has incest in it. =whistles innocently= ***Incest***
Songfic. Lyrics by Harry Chapin. This is a cute fic focusing on the relationship of Enma and his son, Koenma.
Weeee! This is a sweet 16 birthday present for my friend, Karasu-Chan! Lyrics to Sixteen Candles by Crests. Lyrics to Happy Birthday by Wierd Al Yankovic. Kurama is about to celebrate his 16th birthday and Karasu has come to live in the Ningenkai as a writer and poet. He's desperately seeking Kurama's approval and Koenma has just the way to get Kurama's attention. Comical in a corny way.
***Karasu x Kurama....YAOI***
A Holiday YYH songfic. A lovely fic about Michiko, Yukina's daughter and her desire to give her Uncle Hiei a merry Christmas. Yukina and Michiko visit the Isle of Koorime for Michiko to meet her family. However, her great grandmother {the elder} doesn't make her feel at all welcome. But, Michiko meets someone very special...and knows this person will be able to make Hiei's Christmas a merry one.
Songfic. Lyrics by Lady Soul. Yukina and Hiei's birthday. Hiei returns from the Makai to surprise Yukina as a birthday gift...but when he comes in to find she's been attacked....he turns things upside down to make it all better.
Songfic. Lyrics by Anggun. This song was SO Hiei. I HADHADHADHAD to use it and don't be surprised if you see a songfic by the same title under Cardcaptor Sakura fics too...maybe even under Other as well. I have several ideas where this song works well. ANYWAY...this is a fic narrated by Hiei's thoughts about Yukina. It's rather choppy and zips from past to present tense. This is because presently, Hiei is thinking back as well as experiencing at the very moment.
A parody of Sesame Street using random characters from YYH.
Songfic. Lyrics by Savage Garden. I thought this song was so perfect for Hiei [along with Snow on the Sahara]. And I just had to use it. This is some time now after the YYH series ends and Hiei is hanging out at Kurama's singles pad where he's been reflecting about his past.
Lyrics by Enigma to the song by the same name. I'm a little unsatisfied with this one, but, it's been a while since I did a YYH fic. Like my usual work, this is a Karasu/Kurama-ish fic where Kurama has himself a stalker. ^-^
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