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The Academy Street Adventuring Professionals - ASAP HQ
"When wizards, thieves and men-at-arms can't get a real job . . . they become adventurers!"

First Floor:

321 Academy street is home to the Academy Street Adventuring Professionals - Griffondale's resident adventure company. It is a two story stone and timber building that has gone through many incarnations over it's life. Just in the last decade alone, the property has exchanged hands many times. (A butcher shop, a bakery, and a candle-stick makers to name a few!)

The first floor consists of a waiting room, the 'office' of Melvin Grimwald, ASAP's certified accountant, and a 'meeting' room where business is almost never conducted.


The basement consists of masonry walled and cobbled floors, and is used primary for the storage of ASAP's cart, and a larger seldom used warehouse.

Under the wooden stairs is a 'pit' of sorts that in reality is a disused chimney shaft of a dwelling that lies buried beneath the establishment. This 'tunnel' is now commonly referred to as "Sciv's Hole" - a grubby lair where the goblin warlock and his rat can usually be found.


Second Floor:

The second storey of the building holds four separate private apartments, each complete with a wardrobe and a double bed. Most of the time this is where ASAP sleeps, although Sciv has forsaken a room for the comforts of his hole.