Welcome to Faded Roses version 1. My name used to be Rainbow Skies, but it sounded preppy and stupid after a while so I went to haitus and changed the name and here's a new site brand new! Navagation is the stars right aboue this, hover over them to see what they are. I hope you enjoy your visit and please sign my lonely guestbook =). br>

August 23
Back once again!

All the guys at my school are super-cool. Especially this dude named Daniel, he's really sweet, and no he's not gay. We were standing in line, and my binder was unzipped and he zipped it up for me, he's so cool! And Todd,and Frankie. They're all so friggin cool. I'd rather be friends with them then most of the girls in my class.

August 23
Boring dude

I got asked out today, but I told him no because I *luf* Matt! In Home Ec, we are cross-stiching and I'm doing 'Matt and Heather' in red and blue and I'll probaly decorate it some too. I'm leaving in like 30 mins. to go to my aunt's and uncle's to get a friggin' book and take it to the libary...UGH! I can stay home. but my mom wantes me to go with her. Yesterday, we had a tornado drill at school, you know where you get in that terrible position on the floor...well there were no more places on the floor, so this teacher grabs my arm and puts me right by this guy that my friend likes. I was thinkin "she's gonna kill me!' But she didn't. The guy was giving out Mentos, those breath mints, hehe we had so much fun on the floor...uh that didn't really sound like I think it did does it? He's so funny, and his friend that was right beside him kept on pushing him on me, and I was like 'stop dude' but it wutn't really that bad...I'm bad =) I miss Matt, I haven't seen him in almost 3 weeks, and it sucks. Well I have to go now, Please comment, I'll plug ya, and go sign the g-book and I'll plug ya too.!
Heather saw the roses @5:13pm EST

August 20
Oh Jesus

Oh God, guess what my best friend called me and told me today? I just got home from school, and I was getting my notebook out of my bag to get ready to do my home work when I hear the phone ring, so I run to answer it. I heard my best friend Amber say'Heather, guess what happened at my school today.' I asked her what happened and she told one of the most awful things I've heard in my entire life. A girl at her school commited sucide last night. She got a gun and shot herself in the head. I was like oh my gosh, I wanted to cry even though I didn't know the girl. My friend said that the reson she killed herself is becasue everyone was picking on her at school and she felt like she didn't have any friends. Amber said that a lot of people were crying, so I guess she did have some friends...that is so awefull, how can someone take their own life? I know it happens all the time, but what I don't get is why. The only reason that girl died is because of everyone making fun of her, so if you make fun of someone one day at school, and the next day you find out they've killed theirself you're really the one that killed somebody, because you made them feel like they weren't wanted. What is this world coming to? I just want everone to stop being so cruel, I feel sorry for those kids that picked on her, now they've got to live with the fact tht they contributted to a young girl's death. She was only in the 8th grade, one grade above me. I don't feel like talking about this anymore, so fucking bye. please comment!
Heather saw the roses @7:52 pm EST

August 17
Getting Hosted soon!

Dudes guess what? I'm getting hosted, I got a email from her today and she said she wanted to host me Yeah! So you guys that have linked me will have to change the uRL! HAHA! As soon as I move in I'm gonna put the new layout up that I made today, it features somebody I can't tell, you'll just have to come n' see. Well I might blog more later bye!please comment!!!
Heather saw the roses on the table @1:43 pm EST

August 16
What's up

So what's up people? My life is crappy right now. I'm not gonna tell ya'll about that because I know you don't wanna hear it. So...well there's this new dude that rides the bus named Micheal, and he's such a cutie. He has blond shaggy hair and brown eyes, well he's kinda hard to explain, but he's a cutie, I think I saw him looking at me a few times...no not Micheal...Matt Heather, you go out with Matt, so you can't go out with Micheal. Micheal looks like a skater dude, he wears baggy clothes and those cool shoes and that hair too, hehe, all skater dudes are hot. Do you think so? Cause I do.

Brittany is on haitus oh darn, I hate it when everyone's on haitus, I was looking at button walls one day and probaly the first ten I cliked on were on haitus, I was like ' Man what's up with this?' It really made me mad. What's with the fastonlineuser.com thingings that everyone has now? Iyt's like every site I go to has one now. I can't wait to see Avril's Sk8er Boi video, I was gonna watch Making the Video on MTV, but I guess I was at school when it came on becasue I've been staring at the friggin TV all afternoon waiting for it to come on. I must plug Blair becasue her life is crappy right now too, so I demand you to go and give her some lovin'! Also I wanna plug LLT Go visit both of them now! Gotta go now, please comment!!!
Heather saw the roses on the table @8:42 pm EST

August 13
Plugging Rampage

I'm gonna plug lots and blog little.

First: Sarah becasue I love her layout. Brittany because I just love everything about her. Blair because I love her too. Emily because she's helpful. Jenny becasue she's helpful too, and I think her comp. is screwed up because she hasn't blogged since the first of august. Umm, I think that's all the little people I wanted to plug, now go visit them and come back here afterwards! I added several tutorials and a few other things. Bye, please comment!!

August 12

Oh I just hate school, it sucks. I had homework today. It wasn't hard, but I'm not used to all this, getting up at 6:30am, getting to the bus, being late for homeroom, loud kids and teachers yelling at loud kids. I had a sub. for 2 classes and you know how it goes, when theres a sub. everyone wants to act up and they were loud as crap and I already had a headache. And the teacher laeft us with tons of friggin book work. Sorry I'm complaing so much
After I got home I sat outsite by the pond on my brother's skateboard and did my homework. It was so peaceful out there...I tried to skateboard too. I think I'm purty darn good for a beginner.
I'm going to go and try to get hosted now. Somebodys comment on the blog, I just got off my lazy arse yesterday and got one of them comment thingymabobberses, hehe I like that word. Oh and I'll plug you if you do comment, and I'll be extra nice if ya sign the guestbook while you're at it ;) pweese? Ok I'm gone peeps!

August 10
I'm Back!

Well I'm back, well kinda just with a new name, hehe ya like it? I do. I started school last wensday and it's pretty cool, i know lots of people in all of my classes. The bad thing is I have GYM first period, how am I supposed to run and excersise when I'm not even fully awake in first period? I usually get totally woke up in about third. GYM sucks, I'd give almost anything to get out of going everyday. I rented 'Red Rose' from the video store and it's really weird it's good, but it's based on the book by Stephen King so of course it's gonna be a little physotic, I don't think I'll sleep good tonight becasue I watched that friggin movie. My mother cut my hair the other day. I had my hair layered and it was shorter than the rest and now all of it's the same length, and it's much shorter now. I cried because of how short she cut it, I the I cried untill I fell asleep, I know pitiful huh? Welp I'm sleepy, so I shall go to bed, Oh yeah I can't go to sleep because it'll be dark and I watched that scarry movie, I'll leave me bathroom light on ,maybe.
Heather smelt the roses @ 9:43pm

August 4

I went to church this morning and Matt was there, oh yay! Anyways after we left, we came home and changed clothes and yet again, we to the friggin mall to do more friggin school shopping. I'm sick of trying on clothes and shoes and sales reciptes! Okay I'll kinda clue you in on what I'll be wearing to the 7th grade!
White Skechers, jeans (no duh!), and shirts and undies too! hehe!!
Please JOIN my Avril Lavigne fanlisting, and please JOIN my A WAlk to Rememebr fanlisting too!

I really want somebody to host me! I haven't had time lately bacause of school shopping (curse the day someone was bored and thought up something like 'school') I go back August 7th and August 6th I have to go to open house to meet the friggin teachers and find out where home room is...BORING! Well I only have 5 years to go plus college...UGH! Well I have to send your attention to the tag-board it's right below this layout, look what some pervert wrote,: 'That was a good movie espeaially the part when you get to see rose's boobies' what a butt-head, I ws gonna email him/it/she to tell them that what they wrote was very uncalled for, but then I thought, what good would that do me? So I didn't. I'm going now. IM me on AIM- fadedrose13120 or Yahoo!-heather_72178
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

August 3

okay dudes, sorry but this is kinda gonna be short, who knows it might be a friggin page long

I'm going school shopping in like an hour or two so I'm gonna have to get off the comp. and get ready. I just got AIM like half an hour ago so IM me please I'm fadedrose13120. I'm applying for hosting at like every domain I see, because I so want to move outta this hell hole called Angelfire. I've put up with it for almost half a year and I'm sick of them. If anyone reads this, has a domain and would like to see about hosting me EMAIL ME please! I'd be very much appercaitive of it.
I wanna plug people now Brittany my A Walk to Remember host and ME or my Avril fanlisting, and Blair and Me again. Ok I want someone to I"M me on AIM! I gotta go now!!!
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

August 2
Early Bird

I'm blogging early today, it's only 11:00am, I usually do this at 11:00pm so I'm twelve hours early today! lol I'm thinking about getting this site hosted, I'm kind of dreading moving into someone's domain because of all the content I have, it'd take a hella long time to move in. Anyways I'm probaly going school shopping at around 5:00 today after my mom gets off work. Today and tomrrow are tax free holidays where I live so we gotts go shopping today and tomrrow, haha all you other boogers have to pay taxes and I don't! Just kidding. I'm thinking about changing the site name, because I've gotten more mature since I chose 'Rainbow Skies' ugh sounds hedious don't it? I have a few ideas but no permenent ones.
I go back to school Aug. 7 I'm kinda dreading it, but then I'm kinda not.
I'm lisenting to the Goo Goo Dolls, omg they rock.
Oh dudes guess what? Today is Avril's concert in Atalnta, oohh I wanted to go sooooo bad. It pissed me off so bad when mom told me I couldn't go. When she gets another album out and goes on tour again you can bet your booty I'll be there. I WILL I WILL I WILL!!!! Guess what?! We found a baby squirl that fell out of a tree, it's so small and it has no hair yet. Poor thing, we're gonna try and raise it. Yeah like we need anymore friggin pets we have 3 cats 3 kittins 1 puppy and 2 dogs now we get to have a squirl! Woop de doo. Well I have nothing else to say, GO JOIN THIS! PLEASE?!
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

August 1
NEW LAYOUT! Like it? I know it's not great but, I dodn't really have much time, I was gonna do a transparent Iframe, but I couldn't figure the stupid thing out so i just said 'the hell with it' and put a background color. I love Titanic and Jack and Rose (Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet) I don't know why but out of nowhere I wanted to do a Titanic layout. Last night at church Matt was there and after church was over we were outside and we got popcorn in class and I gave Matt mine, oh yeah he wore his necklace I gave him like 2 weeks ago. I really hope we stay together because he's so sweet and you know just everything. I made no sence just then did I? hehehe
Well it stormed here today. I'm bored and I have nothing to say...Isn't Eminem cool? I love his new video they premired it on TRL yesterday and I really liked it. Well I wanna plug my Avril fanlisting so click HERE to go visit it and join please. I'm gone bye!!
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

July 31
I just got done watching TRL, Avril's number 1! Yeah baby, that made my day! They premired Eminem's new video 'Cleaning out my closet' I liked it a lot. It was about his mother making him belive he was sick, his dad leaving his family, and the whole nine yards. Eminem's such a hottie!
Someone finally joined my Avril fanlisting and I really wanna plug her so click here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here here And finally here hehehe =) Don't you just love veggi soup? That's what I had for lunch, it was yummy. I'm so bored, I think I'll blog later, I'm gonna go and join some cliques or somethin' Talk to ya later!
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

July 29
I'm still really mad about my parents not letting me go to Avril's preformance, I just wanna scream out loud! I am gonna try to prove to them that I absolutly love Avril and the band and I really wanna go.
I finally moved in with pinkwhispers.com, click HERE to go see it and JOin! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I want someone to join so bad, it sure would make me feel a lot better about the concert. Can you guys do my friend a favor? Go here http://groups.yahoo.com/group/avrilsband/ and join it and then go to 'Post' somewhere to the left and in the subject field put 'megan_w_02 invited me' and in the bigger text area put'I was invited to avrilsband by megan_w_02'. She wants me to tell everyone I know so that she can be co-founder of that little group, so be a kind person and join it. Keep in mind that you have to have a Yahoo! Id to join. Well I have nothing to talk about so I'm gonna go
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

July 28
Ugh! I am so pissed off right now! You know how I said I was going to Avril's preformance? Well not anymore, my mom said that she needs new tires on her car and we can't make a drive to Atlanta. Damn I'm so mad, not only did I look foward to seeing Avril I wanted to take pictures and put them up here so you guys could see. I don't care what they say, I'm going to Atlanta to see Avril Lavigne and her band! I can't wait like 2 more years untill she writes another album and goes on tour again. I might not even be a fan of them by then, very unlikely but still. I am not gonna give up, I'll work my ass off untill my parents see how much I wanna go and they'll take me. Gosh I wish I were older so I could drive myself up there and I wouldn't have to depend on them for everything. I wanna tell them how much I wanna go, but they won't listen. I'll get my cousin to take me, I don't even know if she likes Avril =(
Make me feel better by Joining my Avril Fanlisting.

Today was bad. I think I wanna go on haitus for awhile, just untill i get everything together. My life hasn't been that great lately, I tried not to let it reflect on this site, but I think it's began to. I just don't feel, like updating because of what's going on with me outside of the internet world, so 9 outta 10 I'll go on Haitus for a while.
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

July 27
Today I had to go to my grandparents' for a 'family dinner', I was thinking, 'woah, we hardly ever have a family get-together, does someone have cencer?' No crap, I sericiously though that, but I didn't tell anyone, turns out, no one had cancer. YAY
Look at this quiz I took
Which Avril Lavigne Song Are You? I'm Sk8er Boi! YAY!It's one of my favorite tracks on Avril's album.
I'm gonna pull you guys' hair out because no one has joined my Avril Fanlisting! I'm moving in with Blair so maybe I'll get more traffic and maybe someone will join!
Do me a huge favor and JOIN!!! If you don't I'll track you down and make you drink soda untill it comes out of your ears, and you'll have to watch 'The Brady Bunch' all day long. Okay not really. But please JOIN. Okay I really need to do somemore stuff riht now so, I'll go
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

July 26
It's official, I'm going to Avril's show in Atlanta Aug.2! Yay! I can't wait, I am so happy. Last night I had to get directions from the comp. because we had no clue how to get to the building where she and the guys are playing. In guys I mean Matt,Mark,and Evan, her band, just in case you didn't know ;) . My Awalk to Remember fanlisting is down, my host for the fanlisting, Brittany said that .psd files aren't allowed, whatever. So I probaly won't get any submissions, like I was any in the first place.

No one has joined my Avril Lavigne fanlisting yet, if you click Here and click the word 'Join' and fill out the form and click Rock n' Roll, I'll love you forever. I'll do your laundry,wash your dishes,vacum your floors,flush your toilet...okay I'm being stupid as hell, just go join please please please.

Today I gave my puppy a bath she didn't like it at all. I washed her in a wheel-barrol or whatever that thing is, I know how cruel, but she was so dirty that I didn't wanna bring her in my clean home.

I just con't wait untill I get to see Avril. I might be getting my Avril Fanlisting hosted by Blair or someone else I can't remember they're name or domain, whoops. I wanted to be hosted by the other person because Blair's domain name is pinkwhispers.com is not a very Avril-like name. I wanted to get hosted by smeone with a more punky domain name. I'd buy my own friggin domain but I don't have a job, and my parents won't get one for me. I'll just have to wait a few years. Ok I'm gone for now
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

Please VOTE for me!
NEW LAYOUT! It features Avril Lavigne, as if you didn't know who she is she's a seventeen year old from a small town in Canada called Napanee. I got her album and I decided to make a layout of her. She totally Rocks!! I got my Avril lavigne fanlisting up go check it out, click on the pic
Avril Lavigne Fan!Please join it! My next mission: TO GET IT HOSTED! hehe =) Matt was at church last night, oh gosh, I had so much fun. Me and Amber (my bestest-friend in the entire world) were upstairs and there was a vent and led to downstairs where all the bois (spellin' like Avril!) were, and me and Amber had a conversation with them through the vent.
Also, me and Amber had a conversation about thongs, how weird. A few hours ago I went to MTV.com and I voted for Avril's video like 50 times. Now I know she's gonna be at number 1 on TRL!!! hehehe. Me and Avril have something very similar in common. We both love the Goo Goo Dolls. I was checking out fan-sites this morning and I saw that and I was like crying becasue I love Avril's music so much and we both love the Goo Goo Dolls. I even did a layout of them once, it wasn't very good but whatever. i know it's weird that I cried but I'm probaly gonna see her in concert in 7 days and it's so...UGH I don't even know.

I wanna plug Jenny because she has a new layout up and I wanna plug the dear Brittany because she has a new layout up too, and her is of Avril too! hehe how strange we must've had the same brain. I know I'm making no sense whatsoever! Well I'm gonna go now. Join this!Avril Lavigne Fan!
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

Please VOTE for me!
Hey guys! Yesterday I gave Matt his necklace after church. I hope he liked it. He gave me 2 hugs =) And my friend took our picture with her i-zone camera thingy. I can't wait untill I get to see him again.
The other day I got Avril Lavigne's album 'Let Go'. It totally rocks. She writes all her own songs and they are so meaningfull (at least I think so) I'm thinking about starting a Avril fan clique, but I want to share it with someone. Email me if you are interested PLEASE!
Have you guys heard about the 5 year old girl that got kid-napped in California? I heard about it a few days ago and it made me sick to my stomach. The basterd took her from her own yard and raped her. A five year old little girl, UGH how sick. God, what is this world coming to? She was such a beautiful child in the pictures that they showed on TV. She could have grown up to be some famous model or something, but some physco screwed it up.
On a happier note, well kinda it has been raining here ever since 2 days ago. I'm so tired of it, I know we need the rain but why so much at one time? But whatever. Avril Rocks, She's coming to my state August 2nd, but I doubt that I'll get to go and see her preform. I hope I'll get to. Well I'll go now
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

July 19
Please VOTE for me!
Hey guys! I finally have the layout finished! Like it? It's the first one I've edited in PSP. I love A Walk to Remember, that's what the layout is. A screen-cap of the movie.
Please Please Please JOIN My A walk to Remember clique! I you do I'll love you forever! =). So why not go JOIN

I wanna plug Jenny because I love her site!

Avril Lavigne Rocks!My little brother is annoying, he won't stay outta my room! Ugh sometimes I wish I had a lock on my door! I can't wait untill i see Matt. Then I'll finally get to give him his necklace. I hope he likes it. I don't really have anything to say...I was watching TRL today and Shakira was on! She's so cool, they premired her new video and it rocked! I totally advise you to vote for it at mtv.com. I was washing dishes today and Vessana Carlton's A Thousand Miles came on the radio and I got a sudden burst of excitement (omg what does that sound like?!) and i started throwing bubbles in the air. It was SO fun. Then my brother came in there and he started slidding on the bubbles that landed on the floor. I had to clean up because my dad was supposed to get home soon. Well I guess I'll go now.
Matt [hearts] Heather Now and Forever!

July 18
NEW LAYOUT! I totally love this one it'll be up for a while, I got the pics from shane-west.org and edited them in PSP7. Well I'll blog more later!