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Pictures of the Chew Family

The 4 siblings

At the esplanade

At the factory. We look like we're going for a shower with that cap on.

At the airport

At home at the staircase

Other family pix

At Charming Garden.

Jing Xun and Jing Xiao at Charming Garden.

At ah gong's house

At tower club for lunch

At home in mummy's & papa's room watching the National Day Parade on TV.

Casey trying to scare me with a piece of kueh

Hmm ...

At the esplanade. Those lions start making Singapore look like DC!

Father and daughters at the Esplanade

Mother and son at the Esplanade

Father and son at the Esplanade

Mummy and papa at the Esplanade

Papa and I at the airport

Mike and I at the tower club

2 dragons at tower club

2 dragons "jia bei dua"

Tea anyone?