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You've come to the only place online where you'll be able to find out exactly what's going on with me...

I'll be working on the site, regularly, or, let's face it, whenever I have the time, but don't worry, I'll try to keep it updated...I'll TRY...

HAPPY 2003!!!!
I can't believe 2003 is already here!!! Soo...For the's what's going on...let's start off the year great!!!

January 1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
January 1...New Year's Party at Mike and Darlene's!!!
January 4...Kris's Birthday Party!!!
January 4...annual FLOI Christmas Shindig!!!
january 10-12...Confirmation Year 1 Retreat
January 22...Happy Birthday Mely!!!
January 29...Happy Birthday Neil!!!
January 30...Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Let's have a fun filled month guys!

Anyways...enter the site everyone, and I hope you enjoy it!