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A Walk In Paradise...


Here is a list of the concerts that I have been to along with my review

JULY 17th, 1998 -THE US WORLD TOUR 1998 @ Radio City Music Hall, Manhattan, NY

This was my first Backstreet Boys concert ever. My friend Melissa Guijarro had got me tickets for my birthday . We got 12th row tickets which was pretty awesome, the opening act was Aaron Carter when he was about 10 years old. The concert was so awesome, they did songs like "Quit Playin' Games" and all the songs from the LP Backstreet Boys released in America. The concert was really cool, and we got to run up all the way in the front and we got a really good close view of all the Backstreet Boys. This concert was really awesome.

AUGUST 27th, 1998-THE US WORLD TOUR 1998 @ Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY

This was my second Backstreet Boys concert, and I also went with my friend Melissa Guijaro, we checked them out in front row side stage tickets, we were hanging over the ledge and we were talking to the ever famous Aj McLeans mother, Denise. We also saw Aaron Carter and were talking to him.. The concert was great as usual and all the Backstreet Boys saw us and waved to us, because we were the only ones in that section and it was so close! My parents even snuck in at the end to see the last 2 songs, they enjoyed it!

SEPTEMBER 2nd, 1998-THE US WORLD TOUR 1998 @ Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY

This was my third Backstreet Boys concert, and I went with my friend Traci at the time. She had won passes to meet the boys prior that day, she got me an autograph from Aaron Carter, and she got pictures with all the Backstreet Boys. We were in the same exact section that Melissa and I were at. We had really great seats once again and I was so lucky to see this tour three times in a row! The Backstreet Boys were great that night.

SEPTEMBER 27th, 1999-INTO THE MILLENNIUM TOUR @ Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY

My fourth Backstreet Boys concert. To get the tickets? Well lets just say I went through hell trying to get them, my Mother and I slept over night at a nearby WIZ store, and we slept there for over 12 hours. Or shall I say we stood up for 12 straight hours. If it wasn't for this really nice girl we wouldn't have went to the concert, she gave us a raffel ticket, and we got to get the tickets. Anyways, I went with my friend Justine at the time, and my Mom and the concert was centerstage, so we got a good view of the stage. The concert was like no other, they flew out of nowhere with Kevins feet just about 5 feet from my hand, the concert was totally awesome and all the MILLENNIUM effects really were cool. I truthfully loved that concert, and I met my Angel that night.

FEBRUARY 4th, 2001-THE BLACK AND BLUE TOUR @ Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY

This concert was pretty phat, I had no tickets when my cousin Lisa and I arrived at the Coliseum. It turns out this girl was selling her extra tickets for only $25 a ticket, and they were good seats, well actually we moved down oh lets say 10 sections and 25 rows! We went front row side stage, just like always, and we got the best view of that concert that night. The concert really kicked ass, and it was just so powerful I heard and saw that concert in my mind for the next 7 months! We were really close, not front row center, but front row side, and the Black and Blue tour has to be the best and most experienced tour out of them all. I loved that concert!

SEPTEMBER 4th, 2001-THE BLACK AND BLUE TOUR @ Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, NY

Ok, so this was the second Black and Blue concert that I saw. The concert was originally set for July 18th, but it turned out the (you all know) Aj had to go in Rehab.. so fortunatley and thankfully (for AJ) He got out on time and we got to see the concert on this date, and it turned out to be his 62nd day sober. The concert was so wonderful, I went with my Mom and we had (again) front row side stage at least 20 feet away from them. Aj was so thankful for all his fans, and just like I did at every concert they brought tears to my eyes. Especially this one... Aj says "IF I COULD GIVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU A HUG AND A KISS I WOULD, THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT" he put my eyes to tears. And went they went backstage and let everyone see them undress [lol] I ran to the other gat because I knew they were going to the other side of the coliseum, and I caught them, and Howie blew me a kiss, winked, and pointed at me! :o) This was the best concert I have ever been to and the next will probably be also. I love you Backstreet!
