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Lambda Mu

Lambda Mu Buffalo
Being a mom is a glorious thing, and lesbian mothers experience most of the same trials and tribulations as heterosexual mothers. We all change diapers, give baths, do feedings, debate on whether to breast feed or not, cry as our child goes off to their first day of school, repair boo-boo's and tell silly stories. We all share this common bond of motherhood.

But, there are many things that the state of this world makes lesbian mothers go through that are extremely different. As a lesbian mother, we fear that the hate strangers have for us will carry over to our children. We worry that childhood will be more difficult for our kids, because of US. We wonder if we are selfish for having wanted to bring a child into a world that we know is not tolerant.

The bottom line is that we, as lesbians, have just as many parental qualities and instincts and heterosexual mothers. All kids are picked on in one way or another throughout their school career, and it's a parent's job (lesbian and straight alike) to simply soothe the pain and give our children strength to persevere. All that matters is that our families are filled with love.

The only objection opponents to gay parenting have that is even remotely backed by research is that gay parenting produces children with open attitudes toward sexuality. Although they try to conclude that gay parenting automatically means gay children. Well, obviously that is true, since we lesbians all came from heterosexual parenting and obviously we are heterosexual. ;)

Lambda Mu - Buffalo

Lambda Mu - Buffalo