Zabo: Warrior f the Morgue


"Bathed in the blood of the strongest of warriors...I want to die in that ecstasy,"

Zabo is a mutant who has left the Hospital organization. Formerly known as the "Warrior of the Morgue", he dealt death to Flickers (oddly enough, he lives in his castle with Meguumi, a Flicker), the enemies of the Hospital, as well as his fellows who were in agony because of the mutations caused by the Beta Applicon. He does not fear death and wishes to embrace it as a warrior battle. He spends a majority of his time in suspended animation, so as to conserve energy and live a bit longer, in hopes that he will face the ultimate warrior, the SoulTaker in combat.

He saves Kyosuke for this very reason. He knows Kyosuke's secret and desires for his final ish to be granted, knowing his death is near. Kyosuke agrees to grant his wish in order to shw the Flicker, Megumi, that humans can trust one another, as well as repay Zabo for rescuing him and healing his wounds.

Zabo is a mutant with bizarre power. Through his mental abilities, he created the Malevolent Stratosphere Castle, a floating castle, momentarily seen by those returning to Earth from space, not unlike Miyazaki's Laputa. He covers his face and body with baggy cloth, so as to cover up his body and identity (Did the Beta Applicon scar him that much?). He has pale hair and several facial scars. He has very beautiful eyes that express his emotions quite well, even though we only see them for a short time and only one remains open (Is he blind in his other eyes or is it missing?) (when he transforms, his eye turns red).

When he transforms, Zabo becomes a spiny, fanged, bluish version of himself. He also grows a pair of beautiful angel wings. His appearance is well contrasted between beautiful (his wings and fighting ability) and horrifying (his body). He battles the SoulTaker as they plummet to Earth, wishing to die at the hands of a worthy foe. He dies when Kyosuke sinks his claw into his chest, as Zabo's form goes limp, he thanks Kyosuke and falls to the ground. In his chest cavity, there is a watch that has stopped, his time has run out.

Zabo's body has returned to its human shape and lays on its back, a smile breaking out acros his misshapen face and two wing shaped puddles of blood arch out behind him. The Warrior of the Morgue has found peace at last.

Date No Otaku