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A Happy Welcome Back

"Baby you know I love you and I can't wait until I get back home I miss you when I get home I'm going to fuck your pussy so hard it'll be like I never left" Kevin said to Janet his wife of 7 years. "MMM well in that case come home now, I don't think I can wait until tommorow" Janet replied. "Well you'll just have to wait if you want it GOOD" Kevin said. Janet giggled "I love you baby and I can't wait until you get here." "I love you too baby, see you tommorow bye". They said as they hung up. Janet was a beautiful woman she was 5'4 with brown hair and hazel eyes. She met Kevin at one of their friends parties and feel in love at first glance. They were married before Kevin became famous but Janet was used to it. Although sometimes she got a little uneasy when she didn't see him after a long while. "Oh I can't wait until Kevin gets home! I've missed his big cock" Janet said as she went to take a bath. She bent over to turn the knob on her bathtub. As she bent over she invisioned her husband behind grinding into her tight asshole the way he used to before he left for the tour. She felt her pussy it was already wet. "MMM I can't wait" she whispered to herself as she disrobed and slid into the hot water. Janet looked around for her new metal dildo Kevin had sent her. She put one leg up on the side of the bathtub and slowly put the metal in her. She let out a little whimper as she closed her eyes and invisioned Kevin inside of her. She tried to pretend like it was him his warmth his slow steady sexy motion. Then she started going faster ramming the dildo in and out in and out as if she was attacking herself. She started to rub her clit with her free hand. She rubbed it very fast and then piched it she felt her climax rising and kept her motion "Yes Yes Kevin keep it up baby don't stop please" she screamed. Finally a wave or ecstacy rushed over her body as she felt her warm fluid flowout of her into the hot bath water. She lie there for a few minutes and continued her bath, she got out and did her nightly routine for bed. She climed into bed and thought about tommorow she would see her beloved husband and finally really be able to feel him. She went to sleep setting her alarm for 8:00 am to pick him up from the airport. When she woke up to the sound of her alarm she found her finger in her panties. "Hmm I wonder WHO I had a dream about last night" she said as she gave a little laugh. "I'm going to play with him a little" she said as she grabbed a red velvet blindfold that she put in her purse. She got dressed in the outfit Kevin sent her from Argentina she knew it was a bit loud but she wanted to suprise him. She went outside to her car and drove off to the airport. When she got there she found a bunch of teenage girls waiting around. She knew who they were waiting for but she wondered how they knew he wouldbe coming home today. "Umm Mrs. Richardson?" her thoughts were interupted by a young girl. "Yes that's me" she said as she gave a warm smile. "Can I have you autograph?" "Oh course" Janet signed her notebook and walked over to Kevin's gate. She saw an airplane land. She went outside a little more and waited. Was that him no. Finally she saw him and she ran up to him they gave each other a big wet kiss in front of all the teeny boppers. "Baby I've missed so much I Love You" Muah Muah Muah Kevin said as he kissed her and grabbed her ass in public. "Kevin all the teenies are gunna get jealous lets get out of here" Janet said as she grabbed his hand tightly as they ran through the crowd of boppers to their car. They kissed again when they got to teh car and Janet quickly tied the blindfold over Kevin's eyes. "What are you doing baby?" he asked. "You'll see soon enough" she said as she helped him into the car and then drove them home. When they got home she led him inside and onto the couch. She kneeled down and unzipped his pants. "Oh baby what are you doing?" Kevin asked in a moaning sorta voice. "As I said before you'll see" she took out his cock and gently licked his head sending a shiver up his body. She then stuck his whole length in her mouth and started sucking on him. She felt his hand pushing her head down more and more on him. "Oh yes baby please don't stop I'm about to cum" Janet kept sucking on her husband until she felt him grab her hair. She knew what was cuming so she kept on sucking as fast as she could with out gagging not that she wanted to. He let his huge hot yearning load into her mouth. She drank it all in one swallow. "MMM Janet baby that was so good that's one of the things I've missed" "There's more don't worry". She took off her pants and stuck her finger in her pussy and took it back out and with all of her wetness she stuck it in Kevin's mouth. "Do you like the way that taste?" "Yes baby can I have some more?" "Ok". She pushed Kevin back lightly on the couch and sat on his face. She felt his hands on her ass. "Ok you can have all you want now" She felt Kevin's big tounge slid in her pussy. "She couldn't believe how incredible his tounge felt. He started licking her clit with his tounge. He sucked on it. The sucking sound he made made her cum that fast. She cam in his mouth it dripped in and he made sure to get it all up. When they were done she sat him up and took him over to the fireplace. They sat down on the floor. The candle light dinner next to the roaring fireplace made everything seem perfect. "Well baby this is another suprise just for you I prepared a special dinner for us, and something sexy for desert" "Sounds good baby" Kevin said thinking waht was for desert was Janet "But when can I take off this blindfold?" Kevin begged. "Right before we make love I promise" Janet replied. She fed Kevin a bite of the chicken parmesan. "MMM very good baby but can we please move to desert I can't wait". "Well ok if that's what you really want". Janet took a strawberry and dipped it into the pot of milk chocolate and fed it to Kevin. "That's very good but are you sure that was what you had for desert?". "Yes why?" Janet questioned. "Oh never mind can we fuck now baby please I need you to feel your insides". "Ok let's go to the bed room" Janet said. "No what's wrong with right here?" Kevin said. "Kevin please the bed is more comfortable". "Ok Ok anything for my baby" Kevin said as he puckered out his lips for a kiss. Janet kissed his beautiful lips. "But bring that chocolate dip" Kevin said. She helped Kevin up and pick up the chocolate dip and led him upstairs still blindfolded. They entered their room and Janet took off his blindfold. He stared into her eyes and kissed her hard. "MMMM yes Kevin" she said as his hand started up her shirt. "Let's lie down and do this". Kevin kissed Janet as they fell towards the bed. Kevin was on top of her. They both disrobed and were now looking at each others nude bodies. Kevin took the pot with the chocolate and drizzle it from Janets mouth to his heated center. As quickly as he put it on his wife he licked it up. First starting with her mouth. The her breast where he put enough on each one to suck like a popsicle. He stayed on her right breat even until after there was no more chocolate then repeated his actions on her right. Janet could feel his cock rubbing against her lower torso as he teased her. "Kevin baby I can't take it anymore put in it me baby now" Janet demanded. It didn't take Kevin long to follow her orders. He took his cock and teased her with it. He put his head in first and then took it out quickly. "Kevin baby please feel my insides I'm so swollen". At that instand Kevin slammed him self into her wet pussy hole. He started at a slow romantic pace trying to savor each moment he had with his wife. He leaned down and kissed her while he moved himself inside of her. "Oh yes Kevin this is what I've been waiting for". "Harder now baby as hard as you can think of all those nights you wanted me there and jacked off because you wanted to be in me so bad." Kevin just smiled at her at rammed her that instant, he didn't stop for anyone he clenched his teeth and pushed himself as far as he could into Janet. He didn't stop until he felt himself starting to tense and he couldn't hold it any more. "Baby" Kevin started breathless. "Baby I'm going to cum right now". Kevin let himself expload inside of Janet as she clenched his head and brought his face down to her lips. "Oh yes baby how does it feel?" Kevin asked Janet as he was pushing inside of her still after his orgasm. Janet didn't answer, Kevin looked at her face as he felt her walls puslsating around him. She dug her nails into his back and she let go all over Kevin's cock. He fell on her and they looked in each others eyes. "I love you baby" Kevin said as he brushed the back of his hand against Janet's smooth skin. "And I hope I just showed you how much exactly". They both let out a little laugh. "I love you too Kevy" Janet said as they both fell asleep in each other's arms.