In A Little While
By my friend Tiffany

Don't cry for me
Although I'm gone
Dry your eyes
And continue on

Though you can't see me
I know you can feel it
I'm not there physically
But with you in spirit

I'm in a better place
There's so much love
I'll watch over you
From up above

When I got to Heaven
I got some wings
And looked around
At the beautiful things

It brough back thoughts
Of my life on earth
From my very last day
Way back to my birth

Don't cry for the loss
But celebrate my life
I know this is hard
And causing you strife

But I want you to laugh
Be happy and smile
We'll meet again
In a little while.

R.I.P. Jeramey, Tony, and Wes..We'll see you all again soon, in a little while!
