Survey says...

Time you started: 5:30 pm

1. Name: Ashley
2. Birthday: March 8, 1987
3. Age: 17
4. Hair Color: brown/red/blonde
5. Eye Color: dark brown
6. Nationality: i guess jus caucasian, i have a lil indian in me, but not really enough to count
7. Sex: female
8. Height: 5'2
9. Weight: 100
10. Where were you born?: deaconness hospital in OKC, OK
11. If you were born the opposite sex, what would your name be?(if you know): christopher


12. Brothers or Sisters?: nope
13. How many?: 0
14. Names?: ---
15. Who's your favorite?: ---
16. Who's your least favorite?: ---
17. If you're an only you want any brothers or sisters?: kinda, i used to really want them, but now i kinda like bein an only child, i have a lot more privacy, but then again there's some drawbacks cuz i think my parents are more overprotective becuz of me bein the only one
18. Parents/Guardians name?: keith and wanda
19. Who's your favorite?: oh man, i dont have a fav in that, thats why it'd be horrible if they ever got a divorce, cuz at times my moms my fav & at times my dad's my fav, lol i love them both the same
20. Do you like your family?: yep, they're pretty cool
21. If you could, who's parents would you have?(out of your friends): i like my own jus fine, but i guess if i had to have other parents i'd take either abby's or amber's
22. If you could, who's brothers/sisters would you have?(same): hmm..i guess abby's


23. Best friend(s)?: cristina, abby
24. What do you have in common with them(or he/she)?: well i have more in common w/ cristina, we catch each other saying the exact same thing all the time, but they both have pretty much the same interests as me
25. What do you like to do with them?: laugh, go shopping, go to movies, go to the lake, talk, pretty much anything & everything, i love all my friends!
26. Most trustworthy: cristina or abby...hmm i guess thats why they're my best friends! lol
27. Funniest: abby..even tho she doesnt really mean to be, she's fun to laugh at haha, she's so blonde :)
28. Dumbest: aww none of my friends are dumb
29. Smartest: sarah, maggie
30. Best Laugh: abby
31. Best Smile: abby
32. Best Eyes: cristina
33. Funnest to be with: cristina
34. If you woke up one morning and one of your legs were gone...who would you call first?: actually out of habit it would prolly be my mom or dad or grandma, the smart thing to do would be call 911 but i'd be so shocked i prolly wouldnt even think of that
35. Who's the person you talk to most on the phone?: cristina & toby
36. Do you have any friends that you have never seen?: yes
37. Who do you see the most?: cristina & toby
38. Who have you known the longest?: megan
39. Who's your worst enemy?: hmm..i dunno
40. What don't you like about them?: well i dont like a number of people, just becuz they're annoying & immature..i pray for them everyday lol
41. Was he/she your friend before?: nope
42. Are they a dumbass?: haha oh yeah thats why i dont like em...i only like smartasses lol
43. Did they do something to you, or do you just not like them cause of their stupidity?: well...pretty much both

Love Life

44. Do you have a crush?: yep
45. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope
46. What is their name?: --
47. How long have you liked them?: 2 1/2 yrs (for crush #1) & 8 months (for crush #2)
48. How long have you been going out?: --
49. Are you really in to them? or Are you just eh?: really into them for both crushes, lol that sounds bad
50. What do you like about them?: how they act around me, they're both hilarious, how they look at me & one of them how he kisses me, how we're so comfortable around each other
51. Do you think you'll last?: i was talkin about my crushes
52. (for crushes) Do you think they like you?: im really not sure, i think one of them prolly likes me but is just havin a hard time w/ things now & cant admit it & the other i have no clue
53. Do you think you'll ever go out?: i dunno..i hope so (either one) ...well one of em i've already went out w/ & we broke up, but i dunno..
54. Have you gone out in the past?: one yes, the other no


55. Color: pink & yellow
56. Food: my top 3: steak, okra, pepperoni pizza
57. Music Genre: rock & rap
58. Band: staind & evanescence right now
59. Solo Artist: hmm..avril lavigne & michelle branch
60. Number: 23
61. Letter: A
62. Word: cooky (haha i dunno why, it jus came to my head & sounded cool)
63. Swear Word: lol i dunno why but i say shit a lot sometimes
64. Song: My Immortal by Evanescence
65. Day of the week: friday
67. Month: july
68. Year: i dunno, last year was pretty cool & the summer after 6th grade when i spent it w/ megan
69. Age you were: 16 & 12 i think
70. Season: summer
71. Fruit: strawberries & tangerines
72. Veggie: okra
73. Ice Cream: chocolate chip cookie dough
74. Movie: fight club, bruce almighty, love actually, 13 going on 30..there's so many good movies...breakfast club is prolly my all time favorite
75. Junk Food: there's a list we dont wanna get into cuz i dont think u wanna do that much reading! but my favorite of all favs is prolly mcdonalds french fries when they're cooked perfectly & are crispy & hot & salty ;D
76. Cartoon: the old scooby doo
77. T.V Show: right now friends (reruns) & one tree hill, of all time: saved by the bell & beverly hills 90210
78. Reality Show: the bachelor right now & last summer i really liked for love or money & its comin back this summer! wohoo lol
79. Celebrity(including musicians and actors/actresses): reese witherspoon, julia roberts, chad michael murray, paul walker, jim carrey, ben affleck, matt damon, i dunno i have a lot

This or That

80. Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate
81. Punk/Pop: punk
82. Rap/RnB: both are pretty good at times, gotta be in the mood tho
83. Milk/Chocolate Milk: chocolate..i dont really like milk that much
84. Computer/Laptop: regular computer
85. GC/Hoobastank: hoobastank
86. Green Day/Blink 182: day, but i like both
87. Tupac/Eminem: eminem..i dont know many of tupac's songs
88. Britney/Christina: christina's songs better
89. Black/White: black
90. Dark/Light: dark usually..but i do have to have light at times!
91. Blue/Red: blue
92. Pink/Baby-blue: pink more, but i like both
93. Short/Tall: short for me, taller than me for guys lol
94. Phone/Instant Messanger: instant messenger probably
95. T.V./Computer: both
96. Movie/T.V.: both
97. Mall/Department Stores: mall more
98. AIM/AOL: well all i have is aim now but i do like aol better
99. 10/100: uhh, i dont know? lol..i guess 100
100. Internet/Encyclopedia: internet
101. Home/School: home
102. Country/Classical: country
103. New York/California: california
104. Batman/Superman: superman i guess
105. Half Empty/Half Full: just
106. Day/Night: both
107. January/June: june
108. Christmas/Valentines Day: christmas..grr im always sad at valentines day, lol i never have ne one at that time of year

Have You Ever

109. Drank Alcohol: yes
110. Smoked: yes..but i dont smoke
111. Gotten Drunk: well...yeah
112. Gotten High: no
113. Dyed Your Hair: yeah
114. Kissed the Same Sex: just family & only on the cheek
115. Thought about Killing yourself: no..i've thought that i didnt care whether i lived or died but i've never thought about killing myself
116. Hated yourself: yep
117. Liked someone way older than you: lol kyle
118. Liked someone way younger than you: well i dunno, i like brian but i dont know if u'd consider him way younger
119. Broken a Bone: nope
120. Had Surgery: nope
121. Talked to Strangers: well yeah
122. Ran Away From Home: nah
123. Did the opposite your parents told you to do/not to do: haha oh yeah
124. Sang in public: yes
125. Worn a Dress: yes of course
126. Worn a Tie: not that i can remember
127. Worn a Suit: noppers
128. Gotten in to a physical fight: nah
129. Hurt someone emotionally: ooh im sure i have
130. Hurt someone physically: haha yeah i hear that when i pinch people it hurts pretty bad
131. Made someone cry: lol yeah
132. Said you loved someone: yes
133. Said you hated someone: yes
134. Talked to a stuffed animal: haha oh yeah, all the time when i was younger...heck i still talk to myself sometimes, so that may classify under the same thing lol
135. Talked to yourself: lol yep, definitely, every day
136. Driven a car: well i hope so since i have my license & my own car
137. Danced in public: yes yes
138. Danced when no one was looking: yep
139. Sang when no one was looking: all the time

Other Questions I Seemed to Forget.

140. Do you believe in Love: definitely
141. Love at first site? nope, i believe in lust at first sight but love takes time & understanding of a person
142. Your Definition of Love: understanding of someone, being able to talk to them, being attracted to them, caring for only them & not thinking of ne one (of the opposite sex) but them, taking in their flaws & loving them for whatever they may be, forgiving, trusting
143. Your definition of a true friend: someone who u can laugh & joke w/, someone who wont take offense to everything u say, someone u can tell all ur secrets too & they'll understand & wont interrupt, someone who u can openly talk to & listen to, also forgiving & trusting are there too, & accepting their flaws for who they are
144. Your religion: christian - used to be baptist, but now im nondenominational
145. Do you go to church: yes
146. Favorite Candy: reeses peanut butter cups


147. Are you happy you made it here?: lol yep, this sucker was long
148. Are you going to send this on?: yep
149. Did you enjoy it?: it was alright, i dunno why but i kinda like these survey things, they give me somethin to do
150. Time: 5:53 pm