-dNS- News

14 September 2003

Today i found out that we can't access our clan's e-mail address anymore!
So from now on our e-mail address is once again zolex64@hotmail.com

22 Augustus 2003

Captain Compost will not be available for a couple of weeks, he has to do his (her)exams!
De Selders wish him the very best of luck! Show them what selders are made of !

13 Augustus 2003

Today -dNS- would like to welcome its newest member : gert.nl!
Hope he will have lots of good games with the celeries :)! Let the games begin!

11 Augustus 2003

Well our forum is almost finished! I added the link on the mainpage... Get posting ;)

5 Augustus 2003

Started working on our forum today! I'll keep you updated

25 juli 2003

Some more tinkering with the website today. We now also have our own e-mail address!
You can reach us at dnsclan@mail.com

23 juli 2003

Another day of websitebuilding! Today i finished the frontpage.
Now i need to update the main site.

22 juli 2003

Happy Happy Joy Joy! Today I started building the new dNS website.
We are still looking for members so if you're interested please contact Zolex64@hotmail.com