This is My Warnings Page.
Although I think that closed-minded people are stupid and unrealistic, I have created this warning page so that I don't get hate mail from aforementioned closed-minded people.
Whisper of the Banshee Puppet is a fanfic site that contains both yaoi and non-yaoi material. That is to say, in a good portion of the fics on this site, you will encounter boy/boy relationships and/or sex! (oh my god, i just said the "S" word *claps hand over mouth in mock horror*). In the future, there may even be girl/girl, or yuri fics in here. And yes, this site does also contain hetero-fics.
If any of the aforementioned types of pairings bothers you, then DON'T read those fics! If you are too young to be reading this sort of thing, then by all means, leave. Not too difficult to understand, boys and girls.
You HAVE BEEN WARNED. I accept all content because I am not a closed-minded person. However, I am not a baby-sitter. I will not create a confusing page to that leads you to or away from my site. I will not create links that lead you away from my site or to alternate sites since I am sure you are quite capable of finding somewhere else to go on your own. I refuse to treat you like small incompetent children because, to be quite frank, I have better things to do with my time.
If you choose not to read the warning page and flame me, or whatever, this is not my problem. And I should hope you can find something better to do with your time than hassle me about my apparent lack of morality, because trust me, nothing you can say is so original that it will shock and offend me, and most of it, I have very likely heard before.
Warning over. If you still want to read my fics, then return to the site's homepage via the below link or your browser's back button, and enjoy.