Head Mounts
This mule deer was kill long time ago, and has been kept by the Camou family, at the ranch, it has an amazing with of 39", its rare to see the G-3 come out of the main beem. |
This is another amazing mule deer, that belongs to the Duran Family also killed long time ago, it has symmetric antlers, and has an outside spread of 39". |
This mule deer was picked up at San Pedro ranch, its a shame a moutain lion got it before someone had the opportunity. Was found 1997, it has a spread of 32". |
This mule deer was picked up at La Pirinola ranch, it was seen by the cowboy on an afternoon, the next day while trying to catch him, the mountain lion got it before, fortunatly the cougar didn't get far and was traped by the hounds. |
This is a non-typical from San Pedro ranch, not very typical for the area. |
This is a really nice coues deer, not very wide but very tall, it has 12 points on it, and lots of mass, it was picked up at La Pirinola Ranch, it scores around 138 SCI. |
This coues was killed by a cougar, it a shame it got to it before I did. |