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Rock and Roll License

Saturday, 6 December 2003

WEEOOOH! (Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Kung Pow)
I finally sat down and watched Kung Pow: Enter the Fist and I stand by my initial impression of it as being not too terribly funny. Sure it managed to get a few chuckles out of me (which is, in and of itself a very hard thing to do) but it's got two very big things going against it:

1. Very obvious and very BAD CGI and
2. The "milk-the-joke-until-it's drier-than-the-Sahara-Desert" Syndrom wherein the movie takes every joke that's even remotely funny and beats you over the head with it until you fall unconcious on the floor with a massive concussion.

Still, I can't say that I HATED this movie. To tell you the truth I actually liked it... kinda sorta. It DID have some amusing parts and was actually technically pretty impressive. But... catch it on cable. It's still not worth the rental fee.

G-Wolf's rating: 2.5 Guitar Picks (out of 5)

Posted by gundam/bokuboku at 3:08 AM EST
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