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Great Destroyer 1's Endless Waltz Page

Welcome to the Great Destroyer 1's Endless Waltz site. If you are looking for any info or pictures on Endless Waltz, this is a good place to go. I have pics and info here, that can help you better understand the Endless Waltz OVA on the After Colony.

I have some multimedia here, and only ONE mp3 up at a time(due to bandwidth problems). But all is well, because I will update mp3s soon, and might add more if my bandwidth will allow me. Please visit my friend Peter's Gundam Wing Web Page. He has alot of awesome stuff on his site, so please check it out. The link to his website is at the bottom of this page. Also, all you people with Gundam Wing websites out there, give me a buzz by contacting me through e-mail. If you want, I can put a link of your page on this site. My address is also at the bottom of this page. (You can also IM me anytime I'm online at omegaecho 87.)

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, feel free to contact me. Please also browse the links page; it has some services that can maximize your number of hits.

NOTE: FULL DEDICATION GOES TO THE CREATORS OF GUNDAM WING. All things Gundam Wing are Copyrighted Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, and ANB TV Asahi. This site is not official, created for profit, or intended to infringe any copyrights.



Endless Waltz Mecha and Character Galleries
Mech Database
Character Profiles
Endless Waltz OVA Information

Gundam Official

Peter G's Gundam Wing Web Page

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Gundam Wing, Endless Waltz, and all related names are ©Sotsu Agency, Sunrise, and ANB TV Asahi. I am in no way affiliated with the above companies. This site is not intended for profit of any kind. This website and my RPG are both ©2000-2001 Great Destroyer 1.