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General Short Fanfic Contest

Contest guidelines (not many here):

This fanfic MUST contain:
At least three characters from the series that ARE NOT GUNDAM PILOTS.
May or may not contain all Gundam Pilots.
If your fanfic is anti, it will NOT BE ACCEPTED - No anti-Relenas or Anti-Doors er, Treizes, thanks. (although becuase this is supposed to be ALMOST any-thing goes, you can have minor character bashing.)
Fanfic must be SHORT (one part, only 5 - 10 pages long.)
Please include whether your fic is

  • Angst
  • Deathfic
  • General fic
  • Crossover
  • or Other in your Form.

  • Plaigerism is NOT tolerated.

    Ok, that's it. Email the form to me, and specify if you want:

    A banner image
    A large image or
    a small image

    .. as your reward.

    Usual submission rules apply.
