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The Afterhours-

The pilots meet Nintendo

By: StarFlare and NightWolf

First of all- Nintendo, Gameboy and Playstation are names owned by their own respective companies. So are Gundam Wing, Poke'mon, and Pepsi. We're not makin' a dime. Besides, this is fiction!

For all those people who wonder about a gundam pilots' off time.

What do you get when you cross 66 liters of Pepsi, the Gundam pilots, a Playstation, an N64, a Gameboy, and a few addictive video games?

(Chaos...just chaos...)

*Anyone who has played the first Mario Party or Chrono Trigger can sympathize.

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"MY PALMS ARE WEAK!!!" An earsplitting shreik splits the air...

"I wanna be the very best-I gotta catch 'em all..." The shreik is followed by a mono-tone brainwashed chant...

"Drive Faster!!! Get the PLUMBER!!! OH NOOO!!!!! I wanted a STAR!! NOT A BANANA PEEL!!!" A sample of the continuous, infuriated yelling...

"Heehee heehee heehee HAHAHAHAHA!!!!STOP-IT-STOP-IT!!! PLEASE! NO MORE!!! Ahahahahaha hahahahah hahahah!!!!" ...That one's a mystery...

"I swear! I won't touch it again!! I DOUBLE swear!!! ...Just put down those scissors...OH GOD!!! H-e-e-e-e-e-l-l-l-p M-e-e-e-e-e-e !!!" A second earsplitting shreik rings through the house...


Sally Po is in the next room, (the kitchen,) and beside herself at the loud, confusing outbursts coming through the extremely thick walls... Noin calmy wanders in from the opposite side of the safehouse just in time to hear all the comotion. Taken back and intrested all at the same time, she goes over to stand by Sally who has her ear pressed to the wall. After a few more loud shouts about 'that stupid mushroom guy' and 'the evil hoard of cats', Noin couldn't help but asking,

"What on earth is going on and what did Sara and Bleu do this time?"

Sally Po almost jumped out of her skin, and up and down with delight...

"I was waiting for that! I've been dying to spill! It's the funniest thing I've ever heard!!"

They sat down at a little round table and as the muffled voices continued, Sally began explaining some of what she'd heard...


"Now, I didn't get it all, but I got most of it. Apparently, Sara and Bleu thought the Gundam pilots were too up-tight all the time and decided to loosen them up. In doing so, it would seem that those two have hooked the pilots on video games..."

Noin raised an eyebrow, "video games?"

Just then, Sara came around the corner...laughing as hard as she could. She was red in the face and crying. Both Noin and Sally had puzzled looks on their faces which just made her laugh harder... After the mad spree of insane laughter, she calmed down enough to confirm, "Yep! Uh-huh, video games!" Then she burst into more laughter and fell over onto the floor.

After the insane, gigglish portion of Sara's demeanor disappeared, she sat up and asked if Sally and Noin wanted the whole story...

"Do you two really want to hear it?" She giggled again as they nodded their heads. "Ok..."


"Bleu and I had thought that the gundam pilots had been way too serious for their own goods, so we decided to loosen them up a little. First, we got them on a major sugar/caffeine buzz, thanks to 6 liters of Pepsi--for each of them...(There are twelve more 3 liter bottles in the closet--just in case!) Then we got 'em to play some games. It just so happened to be video games... We decided to allow them into our game room. I introduced them to my Nintendo 64 and my Gameboy along with a few games, and Bleu unveiled her Playstation after a twenty minute warning on what would happen if it should be damaged in any way... We thought it would be relaxing. However, it would seem that we just caused more a way..."

Noin and Sally exchanged looks, "What do you mean, 'in a way'?"

"Well, lets see- First, Bleu managed to talk Wufei into playing Mario Party. He liked it very much and couldn't stop playing, that is untill he came across a mini-game where you have to rotate the control stick*... I think he may have hurt his hands playing because at one point he jumped up yelling something about being a disgrace and how 'his palms were weak' and ran off crying..."

Noin just couldn't help snickering at that. At that moment in the background, they heard Wufei cry out,

"I'm a disgrace! My palms are weak! That game has beaten me! I AM WEAK!"

The three of them laughed out loud, but only for a moment because Wufei ran past the doorway as he yelled.

Sara was first to regain some sense of self control (which was surprising). She calmly smiled. "Shall I continue?" Sally and Noin nodded their heads. Noin giggled and asked, "What was the brainwashed chanting about catching something..?" Sara just shook her head.

"I managed to talk Heero into playing Poke'mon extremely brainwashing experience... At first, he thought it was stupid--as I thought he would. After a while, though, he kinda got into it. His first reaction was 'what a boring consept'-his next reaction was 'I WILL be the master, Gary! You won't beat me if I catch 'em all!' Last I saw of him, he was on the couch in the corner playing right along...I heard him say once or twice, 'All right, Pikachu is happy...and just gained a level...good...' I check on him every now and then to make sure he isn't wearing a baseball cap on his head backwards and throwing random red and white objects..."

As if on cue, they heard Heero shout,"LAMP-SHADE, I CHOOSE YOU!!!" followed by a loud CRASH. Sara just shrugged and sighed... "See what I mean?"

Noin and Sally were laughing at this point...rather uncontrolably... Sally managed to squeak out, "Who is doing all the loud yelling about a plumber and banana peels?"

"Ah yes...blame that one on me... I got Quatre to play Mario Kart. I never knew that he was so competitive... I raced him untill I couldn't race anymore. Trowa took over where I left off. Apparently, he is just as competitive as Quatre... They've been racing for two solid hours now."

Then through the wall, they heard a very loud yell--it sounded like Quatre..."KILL THAT PLUMBER!!! DON'T MAKE ME CALL THE MAGANAC CORPS.!!!" Another familiar voice followed close behind... "HA!!! SEE?? I TOLD YOU I'D WIN THIS ONE!! I'LL FINALLY BEAT YOU!! YEEEEEEEES!!! HUH?!?!? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!" That sounded like Trowa... Then they heard maniacle laughter followed by a proud, "HAH!! COME-FROM-BEHIND VICTORY!!! I AM A GOLDEN GOD!!!" Aparently, Quatre beat Trowa again... Sara felt sorry for him...He's worked so hard and Quatre hasn't lost a race yet...

Sally was beginning to turn red as she laughed and Noin said, "That reminds me! Who has been laughing in there, other that you?" That time, Sara couldn't help but laughing.

"When I showed them my N64 and Gameboy, I also introduced the 6 cats. (My cat's names are; Patch, Patton, Levi, Tigger, and Chester. Bleu's cat's name is Squeezie--for future reference.) One of them just leeched onto Trowa... Patch, I do believe. The cat got up on the chair behind Trowa while he was playing and started to tap him on the back of the neck with his tail. This caused Trowa to start laughing...because he's ticklish..."

Both Noin and Sally doubled over with laughter... They rang out,

"He's TICKLISH????"

Sara giggled with them, "Yep, he's a trifle ticklish..."

Needless to say, their laughter continued for quite awhile... After it died down, Sally commented,"Well, by process of elimination...that means that Duo was the one who was screaming about scissors and cats." Noin added,"I DEFINATELY want to hear the story behind this one!" Sara opened her mouth to spill her guts and would have had Duo himself not come bursting around the corner and behind her to a screaming halt...literally. The only thing coming out of his mouth was, "SAVE ME!!!" He dove onto Noin and held on like a steel bear trap--He wouldn't let go... Noin wasn't sure what to do. They all heard a loud pack of meows from the hallway and Duo turned white... He somehow managed to cling tighter than he had before... Noin was visibly cringing when she asked, "Save you from what?"

And then... Duo turned whiter...

Appearing in the doorway, Bleu grinned wildly and growled, "FROM ME!" She rared back and let fly her trademark 'evil laugh' and Duo squeeked and dove behind Noin in a pitiful attempt to hide from her. Sally was still laughing in the meantime. She paused to ask, "What did he do? You certainly have him scared..." The evil grin on Bleu's face transformed into a deep frown and she spat out, "He did the unthinkable! The most stupid, idiotic, braindead, and dare I say BLOND thing he could have possibly done!!! HE NOT ONLY ERASED ALL OF MY SAVED GAME DATA ON THE PLAYSTATION, BUT HE RUINED THE ONLY COPY OF MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE GAME!!! HE BROKE CHRONO TRIGGER!!!"*

From the looks on their faces, Noin and Sally didn't get it...Sara, however, bowed her head and made the sign of the cross. She whispered a quiet prayer. Whether it was for the loss of the saved data and the game or for Duo's impending doom, nobody knew. Bleu slowly advanced, one hand behind her back. She tossed her long hair and rang in a sing-song voice, "Oh Duo," and behind her back they all heard several clicking noises. "C'mere Duo...I'm not mad...I promise. I just want to talk to ya..." She smiled sweetly and batted her eyelashes...Duo instinctively bolted from behind Noin around Sally and Sara to the door. Unfortunately for him, his path was blocked by the dreaded 'hoard of cats'... Trapped between that pack of demon cats and the obsessed, scissor weilding maniac, Duo did the only thing he could...

He hit his knees and begged for forgiveness...

"Bleu, ya know I didn't do it on purpose...Please PLEASE forgive me..." Unconvinced, Bleu pulled from behind her back a pair of shiny, silver scissors. She carelessly waved them in front of Duo, singing, "Snip snip-hair gallore, your braid's gonna hit the floor!!!" Everyone in the room cringed; Duo, from the implication of the song and the other 3 from Bleu's off-key singing. Sara shook her head and muttered, "She couldn't carry a tune if she paid two people to hold it for her..." Despite the awful glare she received, Sara asked, "Are you sure there's no way to salvage the game or the data?" Bleu motioned for Sara to come close. She whispered, "There's really nothing wrong with the game or the data, I just wanted to teach him not to mess with my electronics--especially after I warned him about what would happen to him if he got caught, which he was..." then she commented out loud,"so there's nothin' I can do--except get revenge!!!" She resumed clicking the scissors as Sara took a step back. After staring sympatheticly down at the now frantic braided pilot, Sara shrugged and grinned. "Well...have at him." Duo's jaw dropped...

"You're just gonna let her?!? You won't help me at all?!?!" Sara slowly shook her head, "Its your own fault and quite frankly," she paused, "I think you deserve it!" Duo just sat there, and studdered in disbelief..."b-b-b-ut Sara..." Bleu crouched down in front of him so that they were face to face. In a most humoring voice, she said, "y-know, I believe ya... that's why I'm giving you to the count of 10 to get a headstart on the pack," She pointed the scissors at the congregation of cats that sat up expectantly, waiting for their cue. Without a second thought, Duo sprang to his feet and over the cats in the doorway. At break-neck speed the turned the corner and bolted to the nearest door that would lead him outside--and to the woods where he could hide. Bleu suddenly shouted, "1-2- Sic 'em!!" Sara's 5 well trained cats took off in a flash--Bleu's cat stayed behind and begged to be petted...

Sally clapped her hand over her mouth to contain her laughter...Sara was silent...and Noin asked, "Weren't you going to count to 10?" Bleu grinned. Sara chimed in, "Oh, she never counts all the way to 10...She just gives her victims that ounce of hope..." From outside the kitchen window, the four of them heard Duo scream, "WHAT HAPPENED TO 3-10? YOU LIAR!!!" Bleu just stood there, with her hands on her hips... "I didn't say how fast I was gonna count...besides, he should have known better than to play on my saved games rather than start his own like I told him to!" Noin and Sally's jaws dropped..."That is what this is all about?" Sara waved her hand around and grinned, "well, sure! She takes her games VERY seriously! Cross the gaming goddess and prepare for your doom..." The word doom seemed to mysteriously echo in the little kitchen, which sent chills down Noin and Sally's spines...

Bleu streched out her arms above her head and yawned a large yawn. Then she clicked the scissors again. She regained her evil grin and chuckled, "Well, I'm off to find a braid!" She took off out the door when Noin called to her, "you're not really going to cut off his braid, are you?" Sara answered her question with ease. "Naw, not really...she's just having some fun with him." Bleu stuck her head back around the corner long enough to say, "yeah, what she said," and then she was gone--singing her little song the whole way. Sally, Sara, and Noin could hear her yell as she ran out the door to the yard..."Snip Snip, Hair Gallore, YOUR BRAID'S GONNA HIT THE FLOOR!!" Sara just chuckled the whole time...Noin and Sally soon joined her and they laughed for quite a while--again.

All of the sudden, they heard another loud CRASH ...

followed by angry ranting and raving about racing...

then, something about being weak...

screams and the clicking of scissors...

and uncontrolable laughter other that their own...

Something told them to go see what the problem was...

So they did...

As they left the small kitchen and rounded the corner, all the noise and ruckus got louder... Sara said, "have either of you ever played Mario Kart?"

Noin and Sally exchanged looks... Sally grinned, "no, but we'd love to!" Noin added, "yeah, and I'm dying for some of that Pepsi!!"

Sara grinned evily to herself...then she clapped and rubbed her hands together...

(Bleu and Sara deemed this 'a Little Randolph' in honor of their 10th grade history teacher.)

"That's two more.."

As thought they were mentally linked, Sara and Bleu both thought to themselves at once,

"...just another day at the New and Improved gundam safehouse..."



This story Copyright Bleu and Sara, 2001. This page Copyright Jamie Carlson, 2001.

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