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The Moment of Arrival

The Gundam Chronicals by: StarFlare and NightWolf


A.C. 197, June 23

Doctor Sara Goodman and Cameron Bleu,

Greetings. I hope you both are doing well. I apologize for not writing sooner. It has been a month since we last spoke, but healing all of the wounds caused by the second White Fang rebellion has kept me very busy. There were, and still are, several loose ends left after the final battle that must be tied up. It is one of those loose ends that I now speak to you about. I'm afraid a problem has arisen in the Cinq Kingdom. Several of the factions within the Cinq Kingdom are complaining about the Gundams and their pilots being stationed here seeing as though the Gundams are weapons and the we are a pacifist nation. Now we are faced with yet another crisis. The Gundam pilots must leave here, but everywhere they go, there seem to be more and more negative ties with the Gundams themselves. Therefore, one of my advisors has come up with this ingenious plan:

To send the Gundams and their pilots to a safehouse on neutral ground.

Unfortunately, as great as this plan sounds, it seems every neutral country, nation, and colony has refused to allow them to stay within its borders. So we are left with only one choice. That you. The island chain that your fathers own and share with you is the last place in the solar system we can send them. To put it bluntly, you're our last hope. Please consider what I've said and reply as soon as possible.


Relena Peacecraft

Relena Peacecraft

Queen of the Cinq Kingdom





A.C. 197, June 25

Sara Goodman and Cameron Bleu,

I recieved your reply yesterday and I must say, I was disappointed. Surely you can understand the importance of the situation we are in. It is imperative that you agree to allow them to stay, even if it is not on the same island as you. I am more than willing to negotiate the terms of your agreement. Please reconsider.


Relena Peacecraft

Relena Peacecraft

Queen of the Cinq Kingdom



A.C. 197, June 27

Sara and Bleu

I'm afraid that the terms that you stated in your last letter are impossible to be fulfilled. I understand your concerns about leaving them alone on one of the islands. Believe me, I do. I am aware of the damage they could potentially do to your home. And the fact that your house is not big enough for the seven of you. I am sure we can give you a sizeable budget that would cover remodeling you home and cover any damages. Besides, this isn't about money. It's about being patriotic and helping your fellow man. Please, I beg of you. Reconsider. PLEASE.

Relena Peacecraft

Relena Peacecraft



A.C. 197, June 29

Look, I'm trying to be reasonable here and you're not helping at all. Just WHAT do you mean by "Did you know that if you put a hat on a snowball, it will last ten times longer in Hell"? I am doing the best I can here! Cut me a little slack and get with the program! I'll agree to the terms you've stated before, but I'd better not hear a single word of protest! The contract is attached to the other side of the letter.

Relena Peacecraft


A.C. 197, July 1




A.C. 197, July 3

By the time you finish reading this paragraph, they'll be knocking on your door.

Have fun...



"My God...what have we gotten ourselves into?"

This story Copyright Bleu and Sara, 2001. This page Copyright Jamie Carlson, 2001.

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