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The Rival Strikes Again...

Ever play Clue..?

Gundam style, that is.

(P.S.-this is a prequal to all of our other stories.)

By StarFlare and NightWolf

Oh, and by the way, we don't own the g-boys (D'oh)


When the Gundam pilots woke up this morning, they knew it was going to be a good day.

Little did they know that by the end of the day they would be at each others' throats.


(Location 1: Peacemillion cafeteria)

While enjoying their breakfast, which consisted mostly of burnt food because none of them can cook, they were interrupted by Howard, who walked past them and sat down at the table. He wasn't eating burnt food. In fact, he had the best smelling and best looking stack of fresh, blueberry pancakes they had ever seen in their lives...

Howard started eating and then noticed the five sets of beady eyes looking at his plate. "Guys," he said, "you're not getting my breakfast." Duo was drooling and most anxious when he asked, "WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE?????" Howard smiled and, after swallowing his mouthfull of pancakes, said, "from the new girls. They're in the kitchen." Before Howard could even finish his sentence, the pilots were gone, up and around the corner and on their way to the kitchen. Howard, who was enjoying his breakfast, said, "good luck getting any, though. I think these were the last of the blueberry pancakes..."

In the kitchen, the pilots saw there were two girls; one with waist length, dark cerulean blue hair and the other with mid back length, dark pink hair. They listened to them while they were smelling all the wonderful smells coming from where they were cooking. The one with the pink hair asked, "HOW did I let you talk me into this? I'm a Gundam Engineer, not a cook! Well, I do cook, but you told Howard that YOU make the best blueberry pancakes in the Colonies, not me!" The one with the blue hair replied, "well, I knew that you could cook well and I wanted to make a good impression..." 'Pink' whirled around and said, "GOOD IMPRESSION MY FOOT!! And off MY talent, no less. You're hopeless!!!" 'Blue' retorted, "well, its not my fault I can't cook...and you didn't have to agree to help me." 'Pink' whirled back around and spat out, "HEY! I didn't agree to anything! I was just making my own breakfast when Howard asked if you would make him some, too. Now, just look at all the pancakes I'm having to cook! NOW I'M MAKIN THE WHOLE FRIGGIN SHIP'S BREAKFAST!!! Huh? morning."

'Blue' raised an eyebrow and turned around. That's when she too noticed the drooling pack of five boys who had been staring at them. The blue haired one stepped back, pointed and asked, "aren't they-?" The pink haired one finished, "-the gundam pilots... Yes. Can I help you..?" She handed the spatula in her hand to the blue haired one and said, "watch 'em, don't let 'em burn," and pointed to the stove and the pancakes on it. Then she stepped over to the counter and asked again, "Can I help you?"

Quatre, after wiping away the drool, said, "WOW! That smells soooo good!!!" Trowa added, "and I'll bet they are the best in the Colonies..." The pink haired girl started to blush..."Why...thank you. Would you guys like some?" All five of them nodded at the same time, "We'd love some, please!!!" She laughed at them and turned around. She asked the girl at the stove, "how much blueberry batter do we have left?" The girl at the stove shook her head, "not enough for five, or rather, seven people...we might have some strawberry, though..." Heero smiled, "any kind will do..." The girl with pink hair tapped her chin with a finger and the blue haired girl flipped the pancakes on the stove. 'Pink' suddenly squinted, "wait a minute...let me see," then she turned and walked around the corner. Once out of sight, Quatre rested his hands on the counter where Pink's had been and examined the spot thoroughly. Wufei was practically swooning. Trowa said, "wow, she works on gundams, she can cook, and she's gorgeous..." Duo pushed Quatre out of the way and spun around. "I've got dibs on Beautiful, got it?!" Heero looked disappointed, "why didn't I think of that...stupid Relena...If she would just disappear...I might have a chance..." Wufei nudged him with his elbow, "you wouldn't have a chance anyway, because after Duo gets rejected, I'm going to sweep her off her feet!" Duo growled, "who says I'm gonna get rejected?"

That, children, is the first step in guys forming rivals: Going after the same girl.

About then was when 'blue' realized what they were saying and when 'pink' came back around the corner. The five boys suddenly stopped in their tracks and watched her beam. She seemed quite pleased when she said, "I have good news! I found some more blueberry mix and some chocolate chip mix, too! Which would you like?" The five of them gaped at her and swooned, "which ever kind you're having..." She blushed, "blueberry it is, then," and smiled. The five boys all grinned, "my favorite," then glared at each other. She just shook her head and laughed. From behind her, 'pink' heard 'blue' yell, "HEY! SARA!! HELP!!!" She smiled and said, "my name is Sara and that," she pointed, "is Cameron. I'll call you when the pancakes are done." Then, Sara turned and ran to the stove to take up the now burnt pancakes. "I told you not to let them burn!!!" Cameron shrugged, "sorry..."



Later, after the guys finished their breakfast, they took their plates back to the kitchen, and to the 'mauve angel' that they knew as Sara. They rounded the corner and found only disappointment. Sara wasn't in the kitchen anymore. Cameron was though. Wufei was first in the kitchen so he had the first opportunity to ask, "Where is Sara...?" Cameron, who was stuck on dish duty, frowned and grunted, "oh her...she's in...the hangar...with Howard...working suits{CRASH}!!! MAN!!! THAT'S THE THIRD DISH IN A ROW!!! Sara's gonna throttle me for this..." Cameron had dropped a soapy dish that shattered at her feet. Cameron turned around to see if the guys were still in the room, but they weren't. There was, however, a stack of plates for her to wash. At least they were already gone, down the hall and to the hangar. She sighed with a sort of concern. She hoped they didn't hear about the dishes she broke...

(Location 2: Mobile Suit Hangar)

In the hangar, the five pilots came across the object of their affection...their 'mauve angel'. She was whistling and working on the Sandrock, which Quatre was sure was a sign. "She's working on my gundam...we were meant for each other...(sigh)..." The other four threw their heads back and laughed out loud which caught Sara's attention. She smiled at the five of them and yelled, "How was breakfast, guys?" Trowa waved with his whole arm and yelled, "it was just fabulous, Sara! Thank you!!" She giggled and waved back, and then continued working. Trowa almost fainted. "She waved at me," he swooned. Howard, who had been watching from a distance, swore that he could see Quatre, Duo, Heero, and Wufei turn green... Duo, who was determined to 'get his foot in the door', jumped from the raised platform they were on over to the Sandrock. Quatre would have protested, but he was still starry eyed and not quite in touch with reality at the moment. Duo, upon arriving at the Sandrock's cockpit, asked, "hey Sara, need a hand?" About then, Sara stood up and replied, "nope. I just finished. I'm moving over to the Deathscythe next, though, and your help would be nice...if you'd like to..." Duo frantically nodded, "oh SURE!! No problem! I'm in no hurry, and I've got nothing better to do than to help you!" Sara blushed again, for the third time, and smiled. "Well then, let's go," she said and picked up her laptop computer. Duo asked sweetly, "shall I carry that for the lovely lady?" Sara, who was caught off guard, shrugged, "I guess so...thank you." The two of them came down from the Sandrock, 'ladies first' mind you, and strode casually down toward the Deathscythe. Each of the other four pilots were appauled to see their 'love at first sight' walking away with that, and I quote, "unholy, backstabbing, braid sporting, womanizer" and quickly ran after them in the hopes that he would make a fool of himself and lose his chance at the girl of their dreams. As they ran past Howard, he stopped Heero and asked, "what's all this about?" and pointed at the other three. Heero suddenly lost his serious side and went 'Shakespear'. "I'm off to save my love from a monster," he said pointing at Duo and Sara who were quite a good distance away from him now. Howard shrugged and said, " I thought that Duo and Hilde were a couple... Speaking of Hilde, I saw her a few minutes ago! She's looking for Duo by the way...uh...Heero?" Heero, who was all serious again, was cooking up a plan. "Hilde is here," he said, "so that means...oh yes...perfect!" Then he asked Howard, "which way did she go?" Howard pointed and then Heero was off. He figured, If Hilde and Duo were a couple, that meant she wouldn't be very happy if he were cheating on her...hee hee hee...

Step 2 in rival formation: Good old fashioned, 'you already HAVE a girlfriend' sabotage.

The tension builds...

Quatre, Trowa, and Wufei, who had caught up to Sara and 'that demon' Duo, were intent on getting her away from him...they just weren't sure how. They watched as Duo, 'that suave monster', slowly but surely pulled Sara farther and farther out of their reach. Literally. The two of them disappeared into the Deathscythe's cockpit and out of their sight. Duo was quite smug as to the fact that NOTHING stood between him and his new love. Heero, on the other hand, had other plans for him. Duo, who had succeeded in getting very, VERY close to Sara and was just about to make his move when--


--he heard Hilde yell directly at him from just below...

The screech made Duo and Sara jump with fright. Duo turned pale as he turned around to see a thoroughly angry Hilde staring at him from the platform with her arms crossed over her chest and tapping her foot--two warning signs that she was really mad. Duo's frightened look became a cold glare when he noticed that behind Hilde was the other four pilots, who were laughing and all the while glaring at each other. Duo came down from the Deathscythe to confront her with his head down so his hair would hide his eyes. She was boiling with rage and everybody knew it. Hilde raised an eyebrow and asked flatly, "is it true that you've been making passes at another girl behind my back?" Duo was silent. About then, Sara was standing right beside him and she nodded, "yes, it IS true...he was just about to 'make his move' was so obvious," and then she walked around Hilde and toward another gundam. "How many dogs will you sic on him THIS time," Heero asked, smiling at Hilde, who smiled back, "I think the whole pack!" Duo didn't like the sound of that at all... He stammered, "I didn't mean anything by know me..." Hilde shrugged, "I don't're not very convincing..." Trowa laughed, "I agree." Hilde giggled, "It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who thinks so." Wufei nodded. They looked at Duo, who, for the most part, was totally speechless. Hilde glared at the braided pilot who seemed to shrink right in front of her. Sara, in the background, shrugged, "I'm not even sure he's my type." Wufei chuckled, "See?" Sara grinned playfully and looked over her shoulder at the other four pilots and said, "actually, I was just about to ask him about one of these guys," she pointed, "when Hilde yelled at Duo and spoiled it, but, either way..." Behind them, Hilde and Duo heard a sudden burst of loud bickering. It consisted of, "She was pointing at me!" and, "No Way! She was pointing at me!" between Heero and Wufei. Truth be told, Quatre and Trowa would have argued with them but they weren't quite loud enough to match the booming voices of Heero and Wufei in full argue mode. That and the fact that they were staring and grinning at Sara the whole time. Hearing the loud yelling, Howard approached the tense scene and laughed as Sara threw him a gesture and said, "watch this!" She stepped right between the two bickerbodies and up to Trowa and Quatre. She smiled sweetly and said, "Did I say one? Well, actually, I meant two. These two," and placed her hands on their shoulders. At exactly the same moment, Wufei and Heero's jaws dropped and Trowa and Quatre hit the floor. Sara batted her eyelashes and giggled, "was it something I said?"

While the still angry Hilde dragged Duo away by his braid, Sara stalked through the hangar exit with Quatre and Trowa... that is, after they got up off the floor. They said something about music and playing instruments and so Sara agreed to a little jam session. So, all that was left in the hangar was Howard, who couldn't stop laughing, and Heero and Wufei. Ignoring the still laughing Howard, Heero spun around to face Wufei and said, "We need to talk." Wufei nodded, "We've got to do something about...them..."

This brings us to Step 3 of rival formation: Forming alliances against your 'friends'.

Cameron, now known as being nicknamed Bleu, still in the kitchen was suddenly being bombarded with questions about Sara. Her favorite color, flower, day of the week, food music{growl}, and especially her favorite Gundam. Bleu took this as an opportunity to A) pay back Sara for the Dish Duty, B) Have some fun with their minds, and C) get some new stuff by telling the guys all kinds of stuff that she wanted! Bleu smiled to herself and popped her knuckles. "Well...hmmm...her favorite colors are navy blue and silver, so if you get her anything, make sure its those colors. Her favorite flower is the blue rose..." The two pilots cringe at this. "Her favorite food...well, you can't go wrong with cocoanut cream pie. And I know she loves the musical score, 'In the Hall of the Mountain King'...if that helps..." At that, they both rushed out of the room, out of the hangar and to the nearest shopping center...On the Moon. Bleu cackled to herself..."Now the real fun begins."

In the lounge, Quatre pulled out his violin and played a few notes. He asked Sara, "Do you listen to classical music often?" Sara, who was marveling at the cabinet of musical instruments nodded, "yes, I'm a fan of instrumental music. I also play." Quatre smiled, and thought, 'yeah, points for me'. Then he asked, "What is your favorite instrament?" Sara opened the cabinet and pulled out a flute and Trowa brightened up and thought, 'yeah points for ME!!' Sara smiled, "I've loved the flute since I was little." Trowa was ecstatic, and Quatre was less that pleased. Trowa jumped up and took another flute from the cabinet and said, "I play the flute, too! See?" He played a scale or two and watched her beam. Then he shot superior look at Quatre. Quatre replied by playing a complicated and beautiful piece of music on the violin. Sara turned and said, "WOW, Quatre! That was amazing!" Trowa just glared... He needed something else...something that Quatre couldn't do...something unique to him out of the five pilots. Of course!! Trowa placed the flute back in the cabinet and skipped over to Sara. "Sara, Stay right here! I have something to show you!" Sara looked puzzled, "What is it?" Trowa grinned, "I do more than play the flute," and took off out of the room. Sara shrugged and asked, "How much better could that guy get?" Quatre just glared...

(Ten Minutes Later...)

Sara was playing the flute and listening to Quatre play the violin when Trowa reappeared, sort of. He poked his head around the corner and grinned, "Oh Sara...Have a look at this!" Then he jumped around the corner, full circus clown regalia, and stood horrified when Sara passed out and fell over onto the floor. When she regained conscienceness, Sara was shocked to see a CLOWN, her worst fear, even if it was Trowa, hovering over her like a vulture. She shot up out of the floor and flew around behind Quatre and shrieked, "A CLOWN!!! GET-IT-AWAY-GET-IT-AWAY-GET-IT-AWAY!!! I'M SCARED TO DEATH OF CLOWNS!!! QUATRE, DO SOMETHING!!!" With lack of anything better to do, Trowa slinked away, admitting defeat and Quatre hugged Sara close. He stroked her hair with one hand and waved goodbye to Trowa with the other. "Bye-bye, clown boy...ha ha ha ha ha!"

And now, rivalry Step 4: When allies are no longer needed, ditch them like a bad habit.

After the huge shopping trip to the moon, Heero and Wufei returned to the Peacemillion and decided to meet a 9:00 p.m. to set everything up for the magical evening they had planned. Heero chuckled to himself when he and Wufei split up to go to their rooms. "I'll just go at 8:00 p.m. and set it all up early and take all the credit myself!" Unfortunately for him, Wufei had decided to go at 7:00 p.m. and take all the credit.

Wufei had everything planned perfectly. The dining room was totally decked out with roses, music, and special cocoanut cream pie. He had also bought a dress and a bottle of 'Charlie' perfume...He was sure she would love it!! After all, her best friend had said so! He couldn't comprehend Bleu's evil behind this situation. That of course wasn't what was on his mind at the moment. He had slipped her a note earlier about a surprise at 7 o' clock and hoped he wouldn't make a fool of himself. As the 7 o'clock hour drew near, he put a few finishing touches on the dinner table and the flowers he had bought. Then the finishing touch, he stalked around the room and lit all of the candles in the room...the cinnamon candles...Bleu, er, Sara's favorite... Just as he lit the last candle, he noticed footsteps out in the hall and jumped to his hiding place behind the door. He checked his watch...6:57 p.m. The doorknob turned on the door and then it swung open wide...

Sara looked around the room wide eyed, "What the-?"

Wufei jumped out from behind the door, right in front of her and shouted,


Sara jumped back away from him and shrieked again,


That shriek rocked the entire ship...including the other four pilots, who immediately set out to find the origin of the shrill scream. Bleu had a pretty good idea where to find it. Sara ended up on the floor, panting and heaving for a breath because she had put full force into that scream. In between breaths, she would shout, "DON'T. {pant} DO.{gasp} THAT. {pant-gasp}TO. ME. {pant}EVER AGAIN!!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME???" Wufei tried to cover his tracks as best he could, "I-I-I-I'm SO sorry Sara, I didn't mean to scare you like that...I just wanted to surprise you with this dinner and stuff..." Sara raised an eyebrow, "dinner and stuff?" Wufei nodded like an eager kindergartener, "!!" and shoved the bouquet he had been hiding behind his back almost up her nose. She hesitated to take them but thought she humor him. She recognized the kind of flowers he had given roses. She raised an eyebrow and thought, 'aren't these Bleu's favorite flowers...hmmmm'. Wufei helped her up off the floor and directed her to a seat at the table. Sara waited as he uncovered what would be unrecognizable substance that looked like burnt wood chips. To keep a light aire in the room she just forced out a shy laugh and figured that she would have to go through with this...

After the main course of the wood chip looking stuff Sara decided to skip right to desert...hoping that it would be something she could actually stomach... ... The pie. Figuring that this would be the saving grace of the meal, she readily accepted the slice of pie that Wufei brought to her. She closed her eyes and took a brave bite...chewed...and swallowed..."Hmmm, this is really good..." Then she took another bite...and another. Then she recognized the taste of the pie... She gingerly lay down her fork and hoped that she was wrong. "Uh, Wufei," she swallowed hard. Wufei looked up from his slice of pie and swallowed, "Yes, Sara dear..." Sara squinted hard and said, "please...tell me that this is lemon meringue pie, like I think it is..." Wufei stupidly shook his head, "Oh no, this is cocoanut cream pie...your favorite... ... ...right..?" Sara began to cough, "Wufei...I'm... alergic to...cocoanut..." She started gagging and Wufei jumped up and ran over to her side of the table. Sara was half on the floor by the time he got close enough to her to perform the Heimlich maneuver. Just as he got close enough to put his arms around her, the door burst open and...

Quatre, in full knight armor, on a white horse, rode into the room...followed closely by the other three pilots and a hysterically laughing Bleu. Wufei jumped back, scared by the sight of the extremely large and shiny Quatre who roared, "Unhand her, you foul knave!" Heero appeared beside the horse and shouted, "Yeah, what he said! You TRAITOR!!" Then Wufei spat out, "You DIDN'T think I'd try something?" Trowa, out of Clown gear, yelled, "You two were working together on this?" Quatre yelped, "Hey get me down from here!" Duo asked, "how in the Colonies did you get a horse on this ship?" Quatre shrugged, or tried to, and yelled inside the armor, "FAMILY CONNECTIONS!" The yell echoed in the armor and hurt his ears. While the boys argued, Sara was still choking... Bleu stopped laughing long enough to get her breathing again after a breath or two, Sara yelled over the argument, "BE QUIET!!!!" The five boys stopped yelling and were surprised at her rage. Bleu wasn't though...she knew it was coming. Sara stood up and coughed again and rubbed her forehead, "somebody please tell me what's going on..." After a small conference, Quatre, the designated speaker took the floor...

"Well, you see," he paused to clear his throat, "we're all madly in love with you..."

Sara's eyebrow shot up... "And, when was this discovered..?"

Quatre shot a look at the other guys and then looked back at her. "This morning..."

Sara's other eyebrow shot up... "Ok, start explaining...right now..."

The 5th and final step forming rivals out of friends: Forcing the girl to make a choice...

"...So you see, that's why we're all here," Quatre explained with a flushed look on his face. Sara looked at Quatre, then at the other four pilots, and finally glared at Bleu before looking back at the five pilots. "...I...don't...know...what to...say..." Quatre took a step back and fell in line with the other four pilots. Duo shrugged and said, "well, don't say anything...just pick one of us..."

If there was one thing in the world that was to be agreed on, that was surely it...

"Yeah, pick me."

"No, Me! I'm cuter!"

"I can hold down a steady job..."

"C'mon Sara...we're soulmates!"

"Don't listen to them...I'm the one for you!"

"Shut up!"

"Hey! Why don't you shut up!"

"Who are you tellin' to shut up?"

"You braid boy!"


"Oh, like I'm scared of you!!"

"See? Listen to them! They're not right for you!"

"Butt out BLONDIE!!"

"Hey!! At least she's not afraid of ME!!! HA!"

"I'll NEVER go back to the circus and be a clown again! EVER!!"

"Hey!! Duo, Heero and Wufei already HAVE girlfriends!"




"HEY!! Why don't we just call and see about that, HUH-"


Every head in the room turned to face Sara, who had her hands clapped over her ears...

"Ok...OK...OK!!! THAT'S ENOUGH ALREADY!!! I'll choose...but..."

The pilots cringed, "But what?"

"you have to PROMISE to accept my decision with absolutely NO argument! Clear?"

After almost protesting, they all nodded and waited expectantly for Sara's answer...

After debating, Sara was ready to give them an answer...

"Fine...alright. I choose-"

To be Continued...

This story Copyright Bleu and Sara, 2001. This page Copyright Jamie Carlson, 2001.

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