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Why is it so hard to find your other half?

There's a story about one of the Gods created a creature that had a combination of a boy and a girl! (but their body looks like a big ball, the God didnt make the organs yet. =\) One day, that creature argued about which way to go. (the creature has 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 heads!) When the God saw it, he split it in half (now their organs were made and they were naked! =) ) While they were apart, they missed each other and started to look for each other. When they found each other, they married (not sure about that) and made babies =)!

All of us are only half, not a whole. The only way to make us a complete whole is to find your other half (if u r gay or lesbian this won't work =\) its hard to find our other half because we have to feel the sadness and suffer being alone before we find our true love! Even though they were together at first... they dont know that their other half is their true love, your true love may have appear, but you have to find out who! =)

© Copy Right by Mark Ko, 2003

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