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Why Heero?


Letters to
the Pilots

Fan Fiction


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Trowa's Corner


May 13, 2003

Just put in the Amber Alert ticker at the top of the screen. I know it has nothing to do with Gundam Wing or anime but I put it there anyway. It can and does save the lives of children So I felt like doing my civil service by putting it up there, should you happen to know anything about any of the missing children click on their name as it scrolls by. Gundam letters will probably be answered by the end of today or tomorrow. Ja ne.
May 12, 2003

Last time I updated I was sick and this time is no different. Now I have strep throat. ANYWAY, my health issues aside I answered a ton on letters to the pilots. Keep sending, I really will try to update more often...Ja ne.
April 10, 2003

I answered 2 letters today. I've been getting very good about updating lately. Even though I'm kind of sick *loud coughing is heard in the background*. Stupid weather. ANYWAY (I always get off topic), keep sending letters. Ja ne.
April 7, 2003

I answered 5 more letters today. I got my power back. And because of the winter weather we were let out from school an hour early. Life is good. Anyway, keep on sending letters. Also, don't forget to visit my Yu-Gi-Oh Site Ja ne

April 5, 2003

There will be a slight delay of answering the new letters to the pilots on account of I DONT HAVE POWER! I'm at the library right now. My power has been out for almost a day now. There was no heat at the house so I had to sleep in a hotel. Not that anyone actually cares about all this personal stuff :) Anyway, that's the reason why there won't be much updates until I get my power back. Ja ne.

April 2, 2003

SORRY SORRY SORRY! I'm sorry it took me a month to get around to your letters. I was being lazy. I'm a bad bad webmistress...I'm good. Anyway, I'm in the middle of answering a TON of letters. And then I'll have to answer letters on my Yu-Gi-Oh site...SO MUCH WORK! Anyway I really will try to be better with my updates. I'd just like to thank everyone who visits and takes the time to write letters to this site. I really put a lot of work into this over the past year. THANX!

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