The following material is an adaptation of mecha from Mobile Suit Gundam. Please feel free to use, copy, and distribute it as you see fit. All I ask is that you give proper credit to me and do not claim that it is your own work. Comments and suggestions are welcome.



Background info provided by The Mecha Domain


In UC 0071, Earth Federation counter intelligence began returning alarming reports of Zeon military buildup and weapons development. As a technological counter stroke, Federation planners introduced a new class of assault carrier to the 70s Armament Plan intended to supplement the main force of battleships and cruiser supports. The new carrier would have a compliment of up to 16 FFS-3 Saberfish space fighters or up to 25 Type-61 battle tanks for ground deployment. The original designers of the new carrier also proposed the inclusion of a revolutionary "Minovsky-craft system" that would enable the ship to operate effectively within Earth's gravity, but the system was deemed too radical and excluded from the production model, thereby limiting the ship to space-use only much like the rest of the Federation Space Fleet. The first three of the new ships began construction in UC 0073, and two years later the carriers Midway, Okinawa, and Iwo-Jima entered service with the Earth Federation Space Forces. Additional vessels continued mass production at the Space Force outpost of Luna-II.

In UC 0078, intelligence reports of the new MS-06 Zaku-II mobile suits and other pending Zeon designs prompted some Federation officials to take a second look at the configuration of the Midway class. Construction of CVS-70 and 71 were at first halted pending further examination of the design, but with the outbreak of the One Year War and the startling performance of the Zeon's unorthodox combat tactics, the Federal Forces quickly and thoroughly revised the incomplete warships to include facilities and equipment specific to supporting and maintaining a small contingent of mobile suits. In addition, radical advances in Minovsky particle research enabled the installation of a rudimentary Minovsky craft system similar to the system excluded from the original Midway class design. The two ships were christened Pegasus and White Base and began their first shakedown cruise in secret near Luna-II roughly seven months after the outbreak of the One Year War.

As the war raged on, the Midway class itself soon came to symbolize the short-sightedness of the ships designers. Several of them were badly damaged in the opening weeks of the war, one such vessel even had the unfortunate distinction of being Lieutenant Anaval Gato's fifth battleship kill. By the time the first Federation mobile suits were fielded, only four of the original sixteen Midway class vessels were still space worthy (The Midway itself, the Trafalgar, Iwo-Jima and Normandy). The four Midways still operational served out the remainder of the war as supply ships or recon vessels, meanwhile a few of the crippled hulls that could be salvaged at Luna-II were quickly rebuilt to include support facilities for mobile suits and slightly more up-to-date weapon systems. The new ships were crude, highly unrefined vessels compared to the Pegasus class, which earned them the nick-name "Peg-legs" from their crews. The most famous of these ad-hoc carriers was the assault carrier Gray Phantom, known for having lost no fewer than fourteen mobile suits to enemy fire between September 20th and December 31st 0079. (Six of which were destroyed by a single mobile suit at Side 6's Libot colony.)

After the war, the Federation struggled to rebuild its fleet and began taking measures to modernize its forces for the new age of mobile suit warfare. The Midway class, once considered a cheap knockoff of the Pegasus, was upgraded with advanced new weapon systems such as mega-particle cannons, beam-damper missiles, and a redesigned catapult system capable of actually launching mobile suits. (Previous versions saw MS simply running to the edge of the bay and leaping out of the ship.) The "Peg-legs" were unofficially shoehorned into the ranks of the original Pegasus class as frontline carriers, however the four Midway vessels that survived the war without need for rebuilding were given the luxury of a much more extensive and effective refit. The assault carriers Tarawa and Wasp, the last two vessels to be overhauled, were even equipped with an improved Minovsky craft system based on the one installed in White Base, thus earning them a place as two of the most versatile warships in the Federal Forces to date.

Sadly, most of the rebuilt Midway class carriers of the original production run were destroyed in the Zeon attack on the Konpei Island Naval Review in 0083. Only six of the previous eighteen ships remain in active service, and the Federal Forces have already taken steps to phasing out these vessels in favor of the more cost effective Alexandria class heavy cruiser.


Vehicle Type: Mobile Suit Carrier

Class: Midway

Government: Earth Federal Forces
Manufacturer: Earth Federal Forces (Luna-II)
Crew: 430


Ships of Midway Class:

  • CVS-60 Midway
  • MSC-01 Trafalgar
  • MSC-02 Iwo-Jima
  • MSC-03 Normandy
  • MSC-04 Tarawa
  • MSC-05 Wasp

    (1) Main Body                                   2,200
    (2) Main Engine Pod (2)                           900 each
        Main Cannon (2)	                          300 each
    (3) Mobile Suit Hangars (2)                     1,200 each
        Point defense gun turrets (12)                 50 each
        Anti-ship missile tubes (4)                    40 each
    (4) Main Bridge     	                          400
    1. Depleting the MDC of the main body will put the carrier out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable wreck.
    2. Depleting the MDC of both main engines will disable all forms of propulsion. In space it will become adrift and in an atmosphere it will crash.
    3. Depleting more than 2/3 MDC of the mobile suit hangars will knock out two of the anti-ship missile launchers and shut down the hangar. Mobile suits can still launch from it, but will not be able to land or perform maintenance until the hangar is repaired. If the hangar is destroyed completely, any mobile suits still inside at that time will be unsalvageable. The ship can still launch and recover mobile suits from the other hangar if it is operational, but loading extra mobile suits into the other bay will cause it to become extremely crowded.
    4. Destroying the main bridge will instantly kill the command staff and deprive the ship of all forms of long range communications, radar and targeting. The range and targeting capabilities of the secondary systems are equal to that of an RB-79 Ball. The ship can still operate, but is at -3 on initiative, -3 to strike, and number of attacks per melee of the weapon systems are reduced by half. Destroying the main sensory array on top of the bridge will have the same effect, but the command staff will not be killed instantly.


    Speed (Main engines): 22.5 kilometers per second (Earth-moon transit=30 hours)
    Planet bound: Designed for extended operation in planetary gravity via Minovsky craft system. Can land and take off again under its own power, and is fully capable of reaching orbital velocities under its own power and without booster assistance.

    Maximum Range: Estimated 20 year lifespan


    Length: 305 m
    Width: 108 m
    Height: 92 m
    Weight: 49,800 tons

    Main engine: D-202 Plasma Rocket Motor
    Auxiliary Engine:  Minovsky-Ionesko vertical lift system

    Sensor System: AEGIS mk-III radar tracking cluster

                               Athena-140 Minovsky tracking system


    1. MEGA PARTICLE CANNON (3): This twin-barreled mega particle cannon is similar to the one found on the Pegasus class assault carriers. These cannons are hidden under concealed armored covers when not in use, and each is more powerful on its own than the main guns of nearly any other warship. The three main guns are mounted inside of the twin armored domes along the side of the MS hangars and beneath an armored panel just behind the secondary bridge (which acts as a fire control center during normal operations).
    2. POINT DEFENSE TURRETS (8): Located behind armored panels when not in use, the ships point defense turrets are the only direct defense against hostile fighters and mobile suits that may directly threaten the carrier. Like the gun turrets of the original Pegasus class, each of the guns is controlled by a specially trained gunner, usually enlisted crewmen or mechanics. (Trained crewmen and newtypes +3 to strike)

    3. ANTI-SHIP MISSILE LAUNCHERS  (4): As a backup for the mega particle cannons, the Midway class is equipped with four anti-ship missile launchers to fire torpedo-like heavy missiles against enemy vessels. These missiles are much larger than the smaller guided missiles used in most other vessels such as Salamis and Pegasus class warships, mainly because the launchers were designed to fire long range missiles with high-yield nuclear warheads (Much in the way they were used during the opening battles of the One Year War). The current Midway class is equipped with long range cruise missiles for surgical strikes and support attacks against distant targets well beyond the range of any counter attack.



  • Mobile suits: 8

  • Core Fighter-II: 3 to 5

  • Core Booster: 1 (uses 1 core fighter)

  • ST-41 Transport Shuttle: 2

  • Type-74 Hover Truck: 2