Macross Technical Files

At Newtype Alpha Productions, we take pride in our selection of kickass mecha designs and fancy new machines we either make up ourselves or Frankenstein from other Sci-fi series. Good mechanical designs and the ability to create them is one of the prerequisites for the staff here at NTA, and it is with great pleasure that we now share some of our mechalomania know how with you, our guessts.

You'll notice most of the stats here are for the fanficion Legend of Megaroad (A Newtype Alpha Production) which, believe it or not, began life as a whimsical RPG idea before it became a fanfiction. You may also notice that some of these stats are adapted from other starship/mecha designs from other series... We don't care, you shouldn't either. If you have any questions or comments, go ahead and E-Mail us - Kyle

Warships Weapons and Firearms
Battleships and Space Carriers Missiles and cannons of battleships and mecha
3/07/03- All GSDF warship stats updated with corrected mecha #s 2/22/03- Reaction weapons and missile tables completed
Variable Fighters      UPDATED Equipment/Technology
All Transformable fighters and mecha Coming Soon
3/07/03- All variable fighter stats updated  
Battle Mecha/Aircraft      UPDATED  Uniforms and Armor
Battlepods, Powered Armors, Destroids, Fighters Flight of fancy ~_^
3/07/03- Added F-14 Tomcat stats for UN Spacy