The following material is an adaptation of a starship design from the Japanese TV series MACROSS-II: Lovers Again and the Palladium Books Macross-II Deck Plans Volume Two. Please feel free to use, copy, and distribute it as you see fit. All I ask is that you give proper credit to me and do not claim that it is your own work. Comments and suggestions are welcome.


Super Dimensional Destroyer


RPG Stats by Newtype Alpha (

Background info provided by MACROSS II DECK PLANS: VOLUME TWO


The ship originally known as "Thor's Hammer" was a superdimensional destroyer built by the Stellar Republic thousands of years ago for use against the Supervision Army and the Protodeviln. It is unknown exactly how many of these vessels were originally produced by the protoculture, but based on records recovered from the Gallaron computer banks the vessel is thought to be almost as numerous as the Zentradi Thuveral-Salan Class destroyer during its heyday. Unfortunately, the near extinction of the protoculture resulted in the destruction of almost all of these vessels across the Galaxy by the year 1340 B.C., and those that remained intact were little more than abandoned wrecks or half buried relics in a few remote colonies.

Then, in 2016 the Megaroad-01 colony mission from Earth arrived at the planet Gallaron during a Supervision Army siege. The humans from the colony mission quickly joined forces with the defending Zentradi and later the surviving protoculture inhabitants to counter attack against the resurgent Supervision Army and their Protodeviln master Lacul. In order to further their defense, several old protoculture vessels were salvaged from the surface of the planet Gallaron and brought to the orbiting factory satellites for repair. One of the first ships to be restored in the facilities was a superdimensional destroyer SDD-01, code named "Thor's Hammer." Though not transformable as its designation would suggest, the destroyer is equipped with some highly advanced technology even by today's standards, and is fully capable of engaging in combat against vessels twice or even three times its size. The main advantage of the Thor class design is the emphasis on nuclear reflex missiles; 6 armored panels in the dorsal section of the upper hull conceal vertical launch tubes for 15 nuclear reflex missiles that can be directed at any target in almost any direction around the ship. A reload system beneath the launcher quickly moves another missile into each tube after it is fired, and a single destroyer can fire all 108 of its nuclear missiles in under two minutes. As a result, the destroyer is well suited to hit and run operations, as well as tactical support during heated naval engagements against superior numbers of enemy ships. (An all too common occurrence for the GSDF)

Vehicle Type: Super Dimensional Destroyer (Original Designation: Stellar Republic destroyer)
Government: Republic of Gallaron (Stellar Republic)
Manufacturer: Stellar Republic/Gallaron Omega Factory Satellite
Crew: 2,900 with anywhere between 5,000 to 15,000 civilians and/or troops


Notable Ships of Class:

  • SDD-01 Thor's Hammer (First destroyer salvaged from Gallaron Surface in 2016)


    (1) Main Body                                                20,000
    (2) Main Engines                                              5,000 
    (3) Main bridge                                               4,000
    (3) Sensor Array                                                850
        Heavy Laser Cannons (2)	                              1,000 each
        Secondary beam cannons (20)	                                650 each
        Anti-Warship Missile Launchers (18)                         250 each
        Anti-Mecha Laser Turrets (30)                               100 each 
        Anti-Mecha Missile Turrets (8)                              150 each 
        Airlocks/Access Hatches (60)                                250 each
        Armored outer hull (per 40ft area)                          350
        Interior walls (per 20ft area)                               40
    (4) Pin Point Barriers (12)                                   5,000 each
    (5) Omni-Directional Barrier System                          25,000


    1. Depleting the MDC of the main body will put the destroyer out of commission. All internal systems will shut down, including life support and internal gravity. The ship itself will be an unsalvageable floating wreck.
    2. Depleting the MDC of the main engines will force the ship to rely on its secondary engines. Depleting the MDC of the main engines AND secondary engines will leave the ship adrift in space. If in an atmosphere, the ship will be unable to return to space (destruction of the main engines will force the ship to rely on anti-gravitational systems and auxiliary engines for propulsion).
    3. Destroying the command tower will instantly kill the command staff and deprive the ship of all forms of long range communications, radar and targeting. The range and targeting capabilities of the secondary systems are equal to that of a VF-4 Lightning-III. The ship can still operate, but is at -3 on initiative, -3 to strike, and number of attacks per melee of the weapon systems are reduced by half. Destroying the main sensory array on top of the command tower will have the same effect, but the command staff will not be killed instantly.
    4. The Pinpoint Barriers regenerate at a rate of 330 MD per second (5000 MD per melee round). If destroyed, a barrier will completely regenerate within fifteen seconds (1 melee rounds).
    5. When activated, the Reflex Barrier forms a sphere around the battle fortress that can absorb up to 25,000 MDC in a single round, or 100,000 when inverted. If damaged or destroyed, the sphere regenerates at a rate of 1,000 MDC per melee round. See the Reflex Barrier entry below for details. The barrier will cease to function if ship's main body of engines take damage over 50% of their MDC capacity.



    Speed (Sublight): 0.24 speed of light (38,400 miles per second)
    Speed (Auxiliary Drives): Mach 2.0
    Speed (Space Fold): 1 light year every 6 minutes
    Planet bound: Can land and take off if necessary but not designed to maneuver in an atmosphere for extended periods of time.

    Maximum Range: Unlimited (estimated life span unknown)


    Length: 830 m
    Width: 258 m
    Height: 290 m
    Weight: 320,000 tons

    Fold System: Protoculture Fold System Cluster

    Sublight Drive: Protoculture Impulse Drive Cluster

    Gravity Control System: Protoculture Gravity Control System
    Auxiliary Engine: Protoculture Rocket Motor Cluster

    Sensor System: Protoculture Advanced Tracking Cluster



    1. HEAVY LASER CANNONS (2): The Thor class is relatively lightly armed for its size as far as energy weapons, but the two heavy laser cannons mounted on the bow can still inflict their fair share of damage on a target. Unlike most Zentradi warships, the Thor's heavy laser cannons are mounted it turrets along the hull. Each has a 90 degree arc and 180 degree rotation forwards of the ship.

    2. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault

    3. SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship

    4. RANGE: 100,000 miles (160,000 km) in an atmosphere. Double in space.

    5. DAMAGE: 1D8x1000 M.D. for a single blast, 2D8x1000 MD with a full barrage

    6. RATE OF FIRE: Each cannon can fire once per round.

    7. PAYLOAD: Unlimited.


    9. SECONDARY BEAM CANNONS (14): The destroyer is armed with several small beam cannons at key locations along the hull, giving the ship additional punch in ship-to-ship combat. These turrets are hidden beneath armored covers when not in use, and cannot be damaged unless raised to firing position. Each turret is not especially powerful on its own, but can be linked with other turrets to inflict serious damage. No more than 6 turrets can be brought to bear on a single target.

    10. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship

    11. SECONDARY PURPOSE: Ship-to-Ship Defense

    12. RANGE: 100,000 miles (160,000 km) in an atmosphere. Double in space.

    13. DAMAGE: 1D6x100 M.D. 6D6x100 for full volley

    14. RATE OF FIRE: Each turret can fire twice per round. Can be combined with other turrets in a volley.

    15. PAYLOAD: Unlimited.


    17. HEAVY MISSILE LAUNCHERS (6): The main weapon of the Thor class destroyers are the six huge banks of heavy missile launcher tubes that launch ICBM-like missiles at enemy ships. The missile tubes resemble the ballistic missile tubes of 20th century submarines and launch missiles vertically from the hull to home in on their target by their own tracking system. Each of the 6 missile launchers contains tubes for 3 long-range nuclear or reflex missiles and are usually used for hit and run missions or heavy combats.

    18. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault

    19. SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship

    20. RANGE: 5,000 miles (8040 km)

    21. SPEED: Mach 2 (1340 mph/2140 kph) in an atmosphere.

    22. DAMAGE: 4D8x1000 M.D. per missile, 3D8x20,000! for a full volley.

    23. BLAST RADIUS: 3,000 feet (915 m)

    24. RATE OF FIRE: The Thor class destroyer can fire missiles one at a time, or in volleys of 3 to 8 nuclear missiles at a single target. The rapid reload system used on the missile launchers allows each tube to be loaded and fired once per round.

    25. PAYLOAD: A typical destroyer carries 54 missiles in storage that can be readied for firing in about 15 minutes. All 54 missiles can be fired in 60 seconds. (4 melees)

    26. NOTE: Each missile can be fired at a different target or fired with a volley at the same target. These missiles CANNOT be used by variable fighters. Each missile is approximately the same size as a VF-4 Lighting. Variable fighters that require nuclear ordinance usually carry RMS-1 Anti-warship long range missiles.


    28. RETRACTABLE LASER TURRETS (30): As a final line of defense, the destroyer has retractable laser turrets mounted at various strategic places along the hull. These short-range lasers were apparently intended primarily for anti-aircraft and anti-mecha defense, but can do moderate damage against enemy spacecraft if they get too close. When not in use gun turrets are concealed within the hull underneath a sliding hatch. At most 6 lasers can be brought to bear on a single target.

    29. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Aircraft

    30. SECONDARY PURPOSE: Defense

    31. RANGE: 30 miles (48.2 km) in an atmosphere. Double in space.

    32. DAMAGE: 1D6x20 M.D. each. Several lasers can be directed to fire in volleys of 3 or more. A volley of 3 beams does 3D6x20 M.D., a full volley of 6 beams does 6D6x20 M.D. if it hits

    33. RATE OF FIRE: Each laser can fire twice per melee, and can be combined in any volley combination of 3 or more lasers, up to 6 lasers. Volleys can be directed at different targets.

    34. PAYLOAD: Unlimited.


    36. ANTI-MECHA MISSILE LAUNCHERS (8): In addition to the laser turrets, the Thor class is equipped with anti-mecha missile launchers for close to medium range defense against mecha. Each launcher contains 10 missile tubes allowing volleys of up to 10 missiles to be fired at a single target per launcher. Once depleted, the missile launchers are reloaded by an automated loading system that takes 15 seconds (one melee round) to reload all 10 missiles. Armor-piercing smart missiles are usually used to avoid chances of friendly fighters being shot down by the missiles.

    37. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Aircraft

    38. SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-Warship

    39. MISSILE TYPES: Any type of Gallaron Spacey medium range missiles can be used. Smart missiles are commonly used to avoid hitting friendly aircraft.

    40. RANGE: Varies, typically 60 miles (80.4 km).

    41. SPEED: Varies, typically 1600mph (2571kmph).

    42. DAMAGE: Varies, typically 2D6x10 M.D.

    43. BLAST RADIUS: Varies, typically 15 feet.

    44. RATE OF FIRE: Volleys of 2, 4, 6, 8, or 10 missiles per launcher.

    45. PAYLOAD: Each launcher holds 8 missiles. Once the missiles are expended the launcher is reloaded within 1 round via an automated system. The reload system holds 50 missiles per launcher.


    1. OMNIDIRECTIONAL (REFLEX BARRIER) DEFENSE SYSTEM: Used primarily as a defense against reflex weaponry or other heavy assault weapons such as the Macross cannons. The Omnidirectional Barrier Defense System, commonly referred to as a "Reflex Barrier" completely encircles the destroyer in a nearly-impregnable force field sphere. The disadvantage of the barrier system is that no weapons can be fired, nor any fighters/support craft launched or recovered while the shield is up, and it is therefore rarely if ever used over periods of more than a few seconds. (1 to 2 melee rounds) Under ideal circumstances, the barrier functions on a principle of action-reaction, first by absorbing incoming energy and matter, and then redirecting that energy or matter in all directions away from the ship. The energy reaction is very similar to the barrier overload of the SDF-1's Omnidirectional Barrier system, but the majority of the time is considerably less powerful.


      Due to a flaw in the system during its first use the SDF-1's barrier system overloaded, completely destroying the North American Ontario Quadrant. Because of this disastrous mishap and other problems the Omnidirectional barrier system was never used again, and no similar systems were installed in any following UN Spacey warships. Then, in 2016 Gallaron engineers managed to salvage an identical device aboard ASS-3 shortly after the craft was rebuilt into the SDF-102 Phoenix. The design team soon discovered the fault in the system that resulted in the previous catastrophe, and quickly corrected the problem. Since then, no major incidents have been recorded involving an accidental barrier overload, and the reflex barrier is now standard on all Gallaron warships. (There have been a number of intentional barrier overloads throughout the 2nd Supervision War, but in each case it was always confined to an un-populated area or an empty region of space for strategic purposes)

    3. PRIMARY PURPOSE: Defense/counter offense (reflex barrier power system can be inverted, which will result in overload and catastrophic destruction wave if the barrier absorbs more than 100,000 MD while inverted)

    4. RANGE: The barrier generates a spherical force field with a radius of 850 m around the exact center of the ship.

    5. DAMAGE CAPACITY: Can sustain up to 25,000 MD in a single round. Regenerates at a rate of 2,500 MDC per melee round. (Barrier is rarely used for more than 2 melee rounds in a row; generally used to parry enemy high powered attacks such as reflex missiles or Macross cannons.) can sustain up to 100,000 MDC while inverted.

    6. PAYLOAD: Nearly inexhaustible. Will work as long as system is functional (see below) and engines are intact. If main engines are destroyed, the barrier will loose power and not function.

    7. NOTE: The barrier can deflect a heavy particle beam attack, such as the one generated by the SDF-01 Macross, Zentradi/Varauta command warships, and some Protodeviln. When hit by a heavy particle beam the shield will take 20,000 MD damage, with the rest of the beam being directed away from the ship by the shield. Any and all energy that strikes the shield immediately causes a powerful energy reaction, generating an equal and opposite discharge of energy to flare out from the affected spot. (Example: A beam that causes 1D6x1000 will create a shockwave similar to an RMS-1 nuclear missile. A blast from a large weapon such as a Macross Cannon would produce a shockwave to cause severe damage over a 1D6x10 mile area, and produce a near lethal radiation surge for the hundreds of miles.) If inverted, the barrier will continued to absorb energy with no apparent effects until it absorbs more than 100,000 MDC, at which point it will immediately explode. (In order to invert the barrier, the ship's chief engineer must first reconfigure the entire barrier system. The modifications require up to 6 minutes (4D6 melees) to complete, and the barrier will not be operational until it is completed.)


    9. PINPOINT BARRIER DEFENSE SYSTEM: Originally developed by researchers onboard the SDF-01 Macross during Space War One, the Pinpoint Barrier System is the main defense system on board all Gallaron starships, including the Thor destroyers. The system generates four small disc-shaped force fields that can be positioned anywhere along the ship to deflect missiles, energy beams or projectiles. Each pinpoint barrier is about 200 ft (61 m) in length and can absorb up to 5000 MD in damage, which then regenerates within four seconds (1 melee round). The barriers can also be layered on top of each other to generate a field which provides 20,000 MDC and can even deflect heavy particle beams (sometimes). The Phoenix class destroyer is actually equipped with three separate pinpoint barrier systems, one for the main ship and the other two on the grappler arms. The grapplers pinpoint barrier cannot be moved to project the main body, just as the pinpoint barriers of the main ship cannot be moved into the grappler modules.

    The four barriers are controlled by operators in the command tower of the carrier. These operators are instructed to defend (1) the command tower, bridge, and sensor array, (2) main engines, (3) hangar bays, and (4) weapon systems, in that order. The operators primarily concentrate on defending the ship against larger spacecraft and leave defense against mecha attacking the destroyer to the VF pilots.

  • 01-05: Lucked out, system will be operational in 1D6 hours.

  • 06-20: Minor damage, system will require 4D6 hours to repair.

  • 21-35: Major damage, system will require 2D6x10 hours to repair (yes, DAYS of work).

  • 36-64: Completely destroyed! System can be rebuilt, but will require new parts and 2D6 DAYS of work to replace.

  • 65-79: Major damage, system will require 2D6x10 hours to repair.

  • 80-94: Minor damage, system will require 4D6 hours to repair.

  • 95-99: Lucked out, system will be operational in 1D6 hours.

  • 00: It's a miracle! Trivial damage only, system will be operational again in only 4D6 melee rounds!




  • ANTIGRAVITY PROPULSION SYSTEM: The Thor class destroyers are equipped with an anti-gravity propulsion system used for planetary landings and liftoffs. The system is good for vertical ascent/descent only and can lift the ship at speeds of up to 1,320 feet (400 m) per minute. The system will function so long as the main engines can supply energy to it.

  • HYPERSPACE COMMUNICATIONS: Based on the same technology as the space fold system, the hyperspace communications relay allows faster-than-light communication between Gallaron starships and other vessels or planetary bases. Hyperspace communications are still not instantaneous, however. Audio/video communication travels through hyperspace at a rate of about 1 light year per second, so messages communicated over vast distances can still take seconds or minutes to arrive.

  • LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEMS: The Thor class has sufficient life support to provide breathable air and comfortable temperatures for up to 10,000 people for up to 20 years (air was recycled). In an emergency the life support system could support up to 40,000 people at one time. The ship contains enough food and water onboard to support the crew for up to 5 years (with recycling).

  • LONG-RANGE LASER/SATELLITE RELAY COMMUNICATIONS: The impressive communications array of the battle cruiser can communicate with up to 2,000 craft simultaneously at ranges of up to 900 miles (1,440 km). This range can be boosted indefinitely by using satellites or other spacecraft as to relay communications.

  • LONG-RANGE RADAR: The radar array of the destroyer is equally as impressive as the communication system, and can track and identify up to 2,000 craft simultaneously. The radar system has a 2,000 mile/3,200 km range.

  • SPACE FOLD SYSTEM: For FTL propulsion, the destroyer is equipped with a Protoculture Advanced Fold System Cluster, capable of propelling the ship through hyperspace at speeds up to 3.28x10^10 mps (5.25x10^10 kps), or 1 light year per 6 minutes. The range of the fold drive is theoretically unlimited except by the life expectancy of the spacecraft.

  • SUBLIGHT ENGINES: As a backup to the Fold System, the ship is equipped with Protoculture drive cluster that can propel the craft at speeds up to 0.24 speed of light (38,400 miles per second) in space. Note that these engines are mainly intended for rapid movement inside a planetary system and are not suited for long voyages between star systems. In a planetary atmosphere the ship is limited to speeds of Mach 3 maximum due to hull stress.

  • SUBSPACE MASS SENSORS: The destroyers are equipped with subspace sensors, which are based on the same principles as the hyperspace communications array. These sensors can essentially instantly detect mass readings and movement of objects up to 1 AU (93 million miles) distant from the ship, and the readings are used both for early warning and for navigation when traveling at sublight speeds. Readings taken with the subspace sensors are not very detailed (-25% penalty when trying to identify a detected object) and cannot detect objects of less than 60,000 kg (this includes most variable fighters).


  • VF/S-4 Blitzkrieg: 60

  • VF-1S Strike Valkyrie: 60

  • VF-1F Electric Valkyrie: 24

  • PA-143 Stormlord Powered Armor: 200 (20 squads)

  • PA-03 Queadlunn-Rau Powered Armor: 200+ (Exact Number varies with number of female pilots)

  • Shuttles and Support Craft: 50


  • Macross-II Deck Plans Volume Two: SDF-Macross Entry/ASS-1 Entry

  • Macross: Legends of Megaroad Fanfiction

  • Macross: Supervision War Fanfiction

  • Superdimensional Fortress Victory Fanfiction

  • Note: The design for the Thor class destroyer are adapted from the Palladium Books Macross-II Deck Plans Volume Two UN Spacey Corvette entry. These are NOT the stats provided in the book, nor do they even remotely resemble the stats found in this book. If you would like to know the exact RPG stats for the Corvette, don't bother. They are absolutely ridiculous. Send complaints/comments to ^_^