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My Fanfiction

A Guide for a Yaoi Girl

Summary: Just a list I wrote...
Category: Humor
Pairings: None
A Lighthouse Tale

Summary: A story about Heero and Duo told from a Lighthouse's point of view.
Category: Songfic
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Death...but a happy ending.


Summary: A mastercard commercial with Heero and Duo
Category: Ficlet,Humor

Commercial: The Sequel

Summary: The Sequel to Commercial.
Category: Ficlet,Humor
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings:Read above...*sly wink*


Summary: Someone loses a contact.
Category: Ficlet, Humor
Pairings: none
Warnings: none

Cursed Computer
Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Summary: Duo is having computer problems and he calls the computer services for help.
Category: Au

Doggy Heero

Summary: Something's happened to Heero.
Category: Ficlet, Humor
Pairings: none
Warnings: none

Everyone's Entitled to a Second Chance On Hold

Summary: Can Heero forgive Duo for what he's done.
Pairings: 2x1,and others.
Warnings:Angst and Lemons

Finding A Home

Summary: Heero and Relena are brother and sister. They both have a secret but when their Father finds out...what happens?
Category: Angst, Sap
Pairings: 2x1, 3x4, RxD, 5xSally, ZechsxTreize, and others
Warning: None really

Finding Heero's Mate

Summary: Heero loves two someones but they don't know about it. Duo, Wufei, Quatre and Trowa try to hook him up with someone.
Category: Angst, slight Humor
Pairings: 2x5 (eventual 1x2x5 or variations there of)and others.
Warnings: None right now.


Summary: Heero takes Duo to a secluded island for a surprise.
Category: Romance
Pairings: 1x2x1
Warnings: Lemon

Going Away
Chapter 1
Chapter 2

Summary: Duo leaves on a mission leaving Heero alone with their children.
Category: Sap, Angst
Pairings: 2x1, 3x4x5


Summary:Another War begins...
Category: Angst, Songfic, Deathfic
Pairings: 1+2 (eventually), 3x4, 5xS, ZechsxNoin


Summary: The five pilots plus two others are hired to inspire fanfic writers and fanartists.
Pairings: 1x2x1, 3x4x3, 5x6x13
Warnings: Lemon

Heero of Basil Street

Summary: Heero is the great detective, will he help Mariemaia find her father and stop Dermail at the same time?
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 5x6
Warnings: Lemon


Summary: Heero needs to find the killer before he can go home.
Category: Songfic
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 5xM

Hot Shower

Summary: Heero likes his hot showers...*sly wink*
Category: One-Shot
Pairings: 1x1
Warnings: Lemon (in a sense)

The Lady or the Tiger

Summary: Which will Duo choose?
Category: AU
Pairings: 1x2x1

Last Kiss

Summary: Duo is Killed in action.
Category: Songfic
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Death

Love and Football

Summary: Duo is made Quaterback but is that the end of all his problems?
Category: AU
Pairings:2x1, 3x4, 5+Sally, RelenaxOC
Warnings:Lemon, Heero OOC

Love Calculator

Summary: Duo is worried over something he saw on the internet.
Categories: Sap
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: Duo OOC

Love in the Basement

Summary: Heero has lived in a basement for most of his young life. When someone finds him and saves him.
Category: AU
Pairings: 2x1, and others
Warnings: Heero OOC, Angst

Love, War and Peace

Summary: What happens if Dermail becomes King and one of the pilots die?
Category: AU(???)
Pairings: 1x2, 3x4, 5x6, 6x13
Warnings: Death, Angst.

Mission at Ruby Base

Summary: Duo has a mission and is captured.
Category: Angst (????)
Pairings: 2x5
Warnings: a little bit of a beating.

My Last Breath

Summary: Quatre loses the one thing most precious to him.
Category: Deathfic, Songfic
Pairings: 3x4
Warnings: DEATH!!!!!


Summary: Duo and Wufei have a bet, who will win?
Pairings:1x2, 3x4

Operation Fresh Start On Hold

Summary: The scientists do something drastic.
Category: AU, Angst
Pairings: 1x2x1, and others
Warnings: Lemons, Some death (not major characters)


Summary: Wufei is out of a job and he meets Duo but what is Duo? And what is happening to Wufei.
Category: AU, One-shot
Pairings: 2x5
Warnings: none

Sacrifice For Love

Summary: Duo works for a company that has a strict No Dating Policy. What happens when he meets Heero who also works for the same company.
Category: Sap(???)
Pairings: 1+2
Warnings: Heero might be a little OOC.

Santa Baby

Summary: Heero has a surprise for Duo on Christmas.
Category: Songfic
Pairings: 1x2
Warnings: None

Self Destructing

Summary: Heero tries to self destruct.
Category: Ficlet, Humor
Pairings: none
Warnings: None

Shoe Shine On Hold

Summary: Duo meets some one who turns his world upside down.
Category: AU
Pairings: 1x2 and others
Warnings: Lemons

Sleep Problems

Summary: Duo has a hard time sleeping. Wonder why?
Category: Humor
Pairings: 1x2 (implied)
Warnings: None.

The Black Swan

Summary: This is from an old pirate movie I saw starring Tyrone Powers and Maureen O'Hara.
Category: Action/Adventure
Pairings: 2x1, and others
Warnings: Duo will be a little bit of a Bastard.

To Pass The Time

Summary: Just a pointless PWP
Category: PWP
Pairings: 5x2x4
Warnings: Lemon

The Say Series

Summary: A Heero and Duo get together fic. *grins*
Category: Romance, SAP
Pairings: 1+2 then 1x2
Warnings: None.

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