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Dorothy's Quatre Raberba Winner Shrine

Welcome to my site! I'm Mina, aka "Dorothy"! dont forget to sign my guestbook! if you have any ideas/comments, my email is at the bottom of the page. I'd love to know you were here!!

***I'm not cool w/ the whole hentai thing, so dun even come if thats what your lookin' for. no hate mail either... ^.^;; just be makes ya live longer ya know*** ~*~DON'T take any of the comics I scanned... n'k? I bought the comics myself, I scanned them---myself, and I put them up by myself! so dun take em. If you see one you like, contact me about it, or else, I'll be forced to kick booty...get it? got it? good!

Latest update: 11-30-00: Well, this time Kami reminded me to update. I've worked on my thankya page
and my Links page, plus i'll be adding more soon. well have fun! Ja ne!
10-22-00:shimatta, Kami!!! why didn't you remind me to update?!?!
Gomen Nasai for not updating...
Domoarigatou to those who signed my guestbook and have told me comments/ideas for my page.
Since angelfire and aol dont like me right now, I'm not able to upload pictures, so i have to do that at school...
if you gave me pictures to put up, I will asap!
I have my Trunks Shrine started, and im still working on "Typical Jackie" so...gimme a break! lol soon as i get off my lazy butt, I'll be scanning more of my art work, if you want me to draw anything...hehe...ill be holding a contest, soooo...ENTER! if you'll see, check it out...
This ends the update notice, this message will soon self detinate!((not really. lol))

Dorothy's Kitty

To be or not to be: Is Quatre really gay?

Dorothy's Image gallery!

My Duo Shrine for my best friend!

My GW Comic Area, for my good friend, Holly!

My Thankya Page! To all my Friends who have been a help to me. ^.^ (not yet done)

My Trunks Shrine

Sailor Moon, Gundam Wing and Ronin Warriors, tis a conspiracy?

Fan Art

Fan Fics n stuff

Dorothy's Links


Polls n stuff

The Contest...

If you want to link me, use this kewl banner I recieved ^.^

approved by quatre!

Email: or you can Instant Message me on AOL. my sn is AyaBrea777. This is how many people have been here since 8-21-00
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