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Devilotte de Deathsatan IXX ( w/ Jigoku Daishi & Dr. Stein )

Devilot is a chillingly beautiful and haughty princess of pure evil. Her imperial arrogance is said to have the power to make all cower before her. King Deathsaturn, her father, claims to be the representative of pure evil and the supreme dictator of the galaxies. Jigoku Daishi is one of Deathsaturn's most trusted subordinates. He is a wizard who is an expert in all forms of black magic including ferocious attack spells. Dr. Stein is the King's prized mad scientist who devotes all his energy into creating the ultimate VA ( Variant Armor ).

S-008 Super-8

An original VA created by the twisted genius Dr. Stein. Its octopus-like legs have earned it the name giant manipulator. Although the completely sphericalcockpit block has obvious structural strength advantages, it doesn't help matters aesthetic-wise. Despite its comical appearance, the inclusion of 'other dimension' technology gives Super-8 extremely high scores on fighting ability.

Special Att.:
Red Omega
Hell Delta 1
Hell Delta 2
Hell Delta 3
Devil X
Final O
Super Gamma
Octopus Jr.

Cyber EX // Last Resort:
Deathsatan Sigma