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Side Story: Anime Fanfiction Archive

June 23, 2003: Ok so its been a month, well Episode 7 has been uploaded you should know where its at, also several pics have been added. Later.

March 23, 2003: Eh, so I never update. but have no fear im not giving up on the fanfic or this site. The latest chapter is up so head to the fanfiction section to read it and for the next couple of days im gonna be fixing some things around so dont worry.

September 7, 2002: Boy, I sure took my time updating this place. But Episode 5 - How many miles to the battlefield is posted and check out the Tech page for more pics. Also I got a AOL remote down below for those who want to yell at me. well until next time.

August 8, 2002: Episode 4 - War Games has been posted! leave em a review. Also im redoing some of the items on the pages so dont be alarmed until next time!

July 16, 2002: Episode 3 - The Begining of the End is posted, also check out of the tech page for all you who are lost. also i can use some fanart until next time.

June 29, 2002: Episode 2 - Storm Clouds is posted. Read it and tell me what you think of it. until next time.

June 20, 2002: Well its finally here! My First own fanfiction for my own fanfiction website. So check out "Opening Moves" and send me a review Thanks!

June 14, 2002 - New fanfic author arrives: Daryll Pung the genious behind the LUNAR series has lended me some of his works. (No its not Lunar!) But they are great stories so read them at the fanfiction page. Also his website is on the links page. (Ill be changing it to a banner soon too.)

May 14, 2002: Well im starting the website soon, so dont worry. Also if you want to contact me with anyting about here you can contact me at AIM CentiorionGundam. Check you guys later.


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