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Hotaru Tomoe

In the Eternal Bishoujo Senshi RPG, I fortunately get to be Hotaru Tomoe. Here's my stats!

Name: Hotaru Tomoe
Name Meaning: Firefly of Death
Alias: Mistress Nine (note: I do not look like the REAL Mistress Nine)
Nickname: Firefly
Age: 13
Birthday: January 6 (Capricorn)
Blood Type: AB
Strengths: Strange ability to heal others
Weaknesses: Has to struggle with her health, and blacks out with no apparent reason
Goals: To serve Chaos, and other Dark Kingdom members well
Favorite Gem: Flourite
Favorite Food: Any type of Japanese noodles
Least Favorite Food: Milk
Favorite Animal: Wolf
Hobbies: Reading, collecting lamps
School: Mugen Gakuen
School Symbol: Black star with a white infinite symbol in its center
Favorite Subject: World History
Least Favorite Subject: Physical Education
Theme Song: Blue Monday - Orgy

Battle Garb: Purple skirt, purple boots that reach a little bit beneath the knee and has a sort of high heel, white gloves with purple trimming that are elbow-length, black bow on chest and black bow on her lower back, a dark red heart crystal on the chest bow, purple collar flap, white crop top with little spikes sticking off over her shoulders, silver diamond-shaped earrings, a black star on her forehead… usually with a black cloak over it
Weapons/Equipment:A long pole-arm blade known as the Silence Glaive, Kendo Stick, Death Crystal


Silence Wall: A defensive move that sets up a strong barrier around herself, or ally to protect from blasts and such

Black Nightmare Mist: Black sparkling mist flows out of her mouth. The mist is so cold it freezes the enemy solid, and unless they get help soon, they'll suffocate.

Dark Flame Vortex: A small black flame appears in each hand. The flames swirl together, creating a small vortex which can cause minor burns and knock somebody down or backwards.

Chaos Reflection: She swings the Silence Glaive towards the enemy (note: Hotaru is standing several feet away so can't actually hit the person/thing when doing that one swing) and an invisible fast force hits the enemy pretty hard.

History Summary: Back on the beautiful Moon Kingdom, Hotaru was Sailor Saturn and had been one of those senshi who had foiled the dark agents’ plan. After the Moon Kingdom was ready for the agents just incase if they striked again, the Dark Kingdom began an attack. Saturn fought hard with everyone else. With her Silence Wall move, she surrounded as many as possible, trying to protect the ones she loved. One of the enemies shot a huge energy blast at her, knocking her unconscious for a bit… which meant her barrier around most of the people was gone. When she awoke, she was at it again, fighting. In the end, she had survived.. But she knew it was still not safe on the Moon. Apparently, Queen Serenity knew as well, and sent Saturn to the Earth to live in a safer era. She now lives as Hotaru Tomoe, the child of a mad scientist. She lives in the Tomoe Mansion with her father Professor Tomoe. She does not know who here mother was. All she knows now, is she lives a cold dark life. School is horrible… everybody calls her a freak or a witch. When walking down the hallways, people avoid her and whisper about her while staring. No one likes to give her anything, because they’ll think she’ll drop it since she’s fragile, or “curse” it because she’s a “witch”. She doesn’t remember she was the strongest senshi… Sailor Saturn. Little does she know, some unknown force is going to revive power she never knew she had. Soon, Hotaru met a young man who sensed her hidden power. That man was Saro, and he told a dark force about it. One night while she was sleeping, Hotaru had a very interesting dream that seemed so realistic. In her dream, she was given the Death Crystal and could know transform into Mistress Nine. When she awoke, she realized that wasn't just a dream---- it was reality.

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Eternal Bishoujo Senshi RPG

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