A Mecha's Inpression Chat

Warnings: Umm... there's some OOC-ness, out of the most weirdest thing you could think of. Came to me like a brick. It hurt, a lot. *rubs head* Sorry, no lemons, no limes, tidbits of shounen ai... *shrinks back from the hoarding mad hentai readers* Umm... can't think of anything else so...I'll just go... *runs off to avoid mad hentai readers*

You can e-mail rants/flames/suggestions/maybe compliments? to DeslyDuo@hotmail.com. Onegai? *big googly eyes appear on Desly's face*


"C'mon you guys! Let's go! Quatre! You promised that you'd take us to your game room! I wanna get my hands on some games and whoop some ass!" Duo crowed and dragged Heero along with him and out the door.

Heero raised an eyebrow, but didn't resist surprisingly. Quatre laughed and latched onto Trowa's hand as they followed the other two. Wufei brought up the rear and closed the door to the secret hanger that held all five gundams. There stood Wing Zero, Deathcythe Hell, an updated HeavyArms, an updated Sandrock and Altron or more known as 'Nataku'.

The door slammed shut and Deathcythe was the first to move.

"Ahh... nice to be with you guys again. I'm telling you, my head was going to fall off my body because of Duo talking to me all the blasted time." Deathcythe sat down carelessly and stared at the others.

HeavyArms nodded and leaned against a metal wall. "It's possible," he said.

Wing Zero grumbled something under his breath and countered Deathcythe's statement. "It doesn't matter if your head falls off. The gundam pilots and Howard's people can always fix it." He promptly gave Deathcythe the infamous glare Heero always gave except for one small difference. It was the 'Mecha Styled Omae-O-Korosu Glare.'

Sandrock chuckled and fixed himself a chair. He sat down and popped out a fancy oil canteen from a hidden hatch by his blades. He pulled out what seems to be a fancy looking bucket, but served as a 'teacup.' Sandrock poured some of the contents of the canteen and offered the 'bucket' to the others. "Anyone, want some?"

Nataku had other things on her mind though. She mourned and made herself a chair. She sat down next to Sandrock and took the 'bucket' and sipped. "Thanks. This isn't bad," she said. "Got anything for a crazy Chinese boy who won't stop bitching about Justice?" She raised a mecha styled eyebrow at everybody.

Deathcythe laughed and nodded. "I know how you feel Nataku. Hey, Wing, hasn't your pilot acknowledged the fact that he loves my pilot? It gets annoying when Duo starts rambling in the cockpit to no one in particular about how 'dense' Heero is and everything."

Wing Zero nodded at him. "Yeah. My system picked it up while flying over here. Poor boy is quite confused and not to mention the fact that he can't quite control his hormones."

Sandrock scoffed at that. "You think yours are driving you nuts?" he asked. "What about my Quatre? Trowa and him are connected to the hip, literally! But I'm happy for him. It's about time he found someone to love, right HeavyArms?" Sandrock took another sip of the oil.

HeavyArms nodded and shifted positions on the wall. "Mm hm. Trowa is beginning to lighten up a bit, I've noticed. Though I'm not sure if I like my hatch being coated with fluids from two boys after wild sex. It doesn't stain much, but it takes awhile to remove the fluids."

Sandrock snorted in his 'teacup' and looked at HeavyArms. "Hey, they DO IT more often in MY hatch so don't start with that!" and gave him a 'So There!' look.

Deathcythe laughed out loud and held his sides.

Nataku grinned. "Heh, I'd rather have that. Wufei is so tight with his issues. You know about his previous ordeals, right?"

The other gundams nodded back and Nataku continued. "I do feel sorry for him. Though, it feels a little awkward to be called a name that was previously for his wife and a Chinese god." She took a sip of the oil and shrugged. "I'm not letting it get to my head and all, but," she shrugged. "I'm just a gundam, just like you guys."

Everyone else nodded back in acknowledgement. Sandrock was the first to break the silence between everybody. "Anyone for oil?" he offered.

Nataku laughed and held out her, uh, cup. "I'd like some. I'll need more; Wufei has a tendency to bitch to his heart's content about Trieze. That makes me wonder, does he like him or something? I saw Tallgeese II pretty recently you know," she nodded.

HeavyArms responded back. "Uh huh. Seems, odd, no?" he questioned.

There was silence while everybody was thinking and then Deathcythe spoke.

"Maybe," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice. "Maybe Wufei likes Treize," then he smirked widely.

Nataku took that into consideration and thought about it. "Sounds... like it could work."

Wing Zero frowned with the limited movement he had with his face. "Associating with our enemy? Wufei? That's very wrong." And proceeded to cross his arms, despite the fact he had limited movement there too. He continued, "Besides, Deathcythe, you've been hanging around Duo way too much."

Deathcythe chortled and pointed a finger at him. ( No! NO! NOT the middle finger! Smirk ) "Look who's talking! The only difference between YOU and Heero is that you don't say 'Omae o korosu' and you talk more than him." He laughed at Wing Zero's dismayed face.

Sandrock giggled ( >_<*! Ok ok ok, stop shooting me death looks already! ) and put the cup of oil down. "Yes, I believe that we're all like our pilots in one way or another." He picked up the 'cup' again and took another draught of it.

HeavyArms nodded. "Agreeable. I can do that infamous triple jump Trowa can do." He demonstrated and landed neatly on the ground without shaking it. "Tahh dahh!" and he bowed.

Nataku put her oil down and clapped. It sounded more like metal hitting metal, but it was all right. "Very good HeavyArms. Now, let's see, what can I do like Wufei?" she talked aloud.

Deathcythe grinned and chuckled. "Well, I'm pretty good at not lying and hiding. Like Duo. He has this quote, I think it went like, 'I might run and hide but I'll never tell a lie. That's me in a nutshell.' Cool, right?"

Wing Zero rolled his ... mechanical eyes at Deathcythe. ( >_< ) "I can kill ruthlessly and be emotionless..." and promptly looked away.

Sandrock made a face. "C'mon Wing! There's got to be something else you're good at being at. Well, I mean, I'm saying that there's probably something else Heero can do that you can do..." he trailed off. Then his eyes glowed as he suddenly remembered something. "Oh! I know what I do that kind of trademarks me like Quatre, my pilot. I drink lots of oil, like he drinks lots of tea!"

HeavyArms agreed. "Yes, seems like it." Then he sat down on the ground and inspected the area for an opening to the outside.

Sandrock spoke again. "Then again, he should remember to remove the tea set in my cockpit. It could break any battle now."

Wing Zero and Deathcythe exchanged looks, then looked at Sandrock oddly. Deathcythe spoke. "Eh, a tea set?"

Sandrock nodded nonchalantly. "Yep," and took another sip from the 'cup'.

Nataku was speaking her thoughts aloud, but came to a sudden stop. "I can't think of anything that makes me related to Wufei!" she pouted and stomped her foot, making the whole place bounce up. "Whoops."

Deathcythe disagreed. "I'm sure there's something you can do like Wufei. Let's see... hmm... well, you don't like to bitch about Justice, so that's out... umm, guys? A little help?" he called out to the others.

Sandrock also spoke up. "I don't think being oriental counts now does it?" Nataku shook her head. "I thought so," he sighed and took another drink.

HeavyArms had a suggestion. "Um, you're good with a sword? And doesn't Wufei do poses with that sword too?"

Nataku eyes lit up. "Yes! Thankyouthankyouthankyou HeavyArms! Ahh HA! I can use a sword, or this stick thingy just as good as Wufei! Hai!" and she did a weird pose with the stick thingy.

Wing heard some noise and motioned the others to go back to where they were before. The underground secret hanger parking door flew up and a couple Maganacs came in. They came to a complete stop and their pilots wearily clambored out of their seats. Rashid led the others and closed the door.

Deathcythe sighed in relief. "Hey, Maganacs! Pleasant surprise! How ya doing fellas?" he asked.

A Maganac suit owned by a guy named Aran spoke up. "We're tired. Just came from a short infiltration of a small enemy base. We were successful, but it was excruciatingly boring and tiring."

HeavyArms congratulated them. "Good job. Keep the enemy paranoid so as to not letting them know when you attack."

Another Maganac mecha owned by Quartz responded back with, "We were up since four in the morning, planning the attack. Now, we're exhausted and we need some rest. If you don't mind, most of us are going to sleep."

The other Maganac mecha nodded their heads at them and some just went to sleep.

"Nice seeing you gundams again," added Aran's Maganac. "It helps us to keep doing what we've been doing."

Sandrock nodded. "Thank you. Now, get some sleep, you'll need it. Don't mind our chattering. We're just trying to kill some time while we're off."

"Easy for you to say," Quartz's Maganac replied. "You guys are gundams, you guys take a lot of beatings from other suits. Geez, the battle field has a string of curses always following you, wherever, *yawn* you, are. 'Night."

Nataku joked, "Sleep tight, don't let the viruses bite!"

One Maganac wasn't asleep, he was the head of the Maganacs and stepped forward. He nodded and then he spoke. "'Tis good to see you again guys, especially Sandrock. Rashid was getting awfully worried about Master Quatre, Sandrock."

Sandrock looked up from the 'tea' table that was re-assembled. "Hm? Oh! Quatre's fine! He's got a boyfriend!" and went back to reading and drinking the oil.

The head Maganac gave a surprised look. "Well, that's interesting. Rashid'll have a nice surprise," and he chuckled.

Deathcythe added. "It's Quatre and Trowa, pilot of HeavyArms." and pointed at HeavyArms. Then he started chanting, "Quatre and Trowa, sitting in a gundam, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

Wing Zero frowned. "It's not nice to point and it's not nice to sing about it either."

Nataku and Sandrock laughed. "Keep singing Deathcythe. I've never heard of that ditty before." Sandrock insisted.

Nataku nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, I wanna hear the rest."

Deathcythe continued singing, "First comes love!" and winked at HeavyArms and Sandrock. "Then comes marriage!"

An image of Quatre and Trowa at a wedding chapel popped up in Deathcythe's mind, then an image of Sandrock and HeavyArms appeared, covered with flowers and a sign that said: Just got married. He chuckled loudly at that. "Then comes the baby in the baby carriage! Waaait! Is that possible to do that now?" He made a questioning look.

Nataku and Sandrock laughed uproarously and almost fell off their chairs. HeavyArms and WingZero made dismayed faces and exchanged looks. The head Maganac leader mecha tried very hard to stiffen the smile that threatened to appear.

"Errr," he chuckled. "I'm going to sleep you guys, you heard those two Maganacs you talked to, worked their butts off the most, infiltrating the whole area. Wouldn't give up I say. G' night you guys," and the head Maganac mecha leader fell asleep, in the standard position as he was put in.

Wing Zero nodded his head as well. "We should be getting some sleep. It's been awhile and who know when we'll have our next mission? Well, anyway, good night everyone, hopefully, I'll see you guys later." Wing placed himself into the stance Heero put him in before and went to sleep.

HeavyArms nodded in agreement. "He's right. Missions do come up unexpectantly and at the last minute. We'll need to preserve out strength for future battles. 'Night," he went to sleep as well.

Deathcythe and Nataku helped Sandrock fold up the heavy metal sheets that he used to make his table set and chairs. Sandrock yawned ( I know I know I know! >_<* ) and put away his 'tea set' away. He moved himself into the position Quatre had left him and called out. "Sleep well! Night!" He slowly fell asleep.

Nataku carefully sheathed her 'sword' she had taken out earlier and chuckled. "Can't let Wufei see this out. Next thing you'll know, he'd have a nosebleed! Hee hee hee!" she talked to no one in particular. She walked over to Sandrock and immobilized herself. "Have a nice rest everyone..." she mumbled and slept.

Deathcythe just glanced around and made some rounds around the large hanger. He checked on everyone and made sure everything was sealed. He doubled back on doors, just to make sure no one could spot the secret hanger. He carefully walked over to Wing Zero and stood next to him with HeavyArms on his left. Deathcythe blinked and shifted himself to a more comfortable position. Then he slept.

Next morning, all the gundam pilots and the Maganac gang headed towards the hanger to check on the suits. They swung open the door and inspected their mechas to see if there were any damages.

Rashid and his group went over to the Maganac suits and went over them with new replacements, plus, new gear. Rashid called out to the gundam pilots, "Anything you guys need?"

Trowa scrutinized HeavyArms and checked the amount of bullets it had left. "I'll need some more bullets and artillery for HeavyArms here," and jumped down loftily to the ground.

Heero glared at Wing Zero, with one hand begrudgingly tightly grasping Duo's braid. Duo stood next to him, with his head on Heero's shoulder. "Having fun Hee-chan?" he asked, maniacally grinning at Wing Zero at the same time.

Heero turned his head and his eyes softened a bit. "Only with you," and gave Duo a brief kiss before anyone could spot them, unbeknowst to him that all the gundams saw. He turned his head towards Wing Zero and called out to the others, "No. Zero seems fine." He accompanied Duo to Deathcythe, but with his hand off Duo's braid this time.

Trowa walked over to Quatre while Quatre smiled broadly at Sandrock and inspected the blades Sandrock held. He placed a hand on Quatre's unexpecting shoulder and he jumped. Quatre turned around and looked. "Oh! Trowa! I wasn't expecting you," and gave him a hug before Trowa could register what he said. Trowa smiled and hugged him back.

Rashid and the others looked at each other. Rashid put a hand behind his head and scratched it, then lightly chuckled. "I guess that solves our problem about the noise last night," he replied, with a wry face. "But, I'm sure that's OK, right Maganacs?" and winked at them.

The rest of the Maganacs either laughed or blushed at Rashid's remark. "Err... let's get back to work. Can't let things like that, uh, distract us," Rashid ordered. They went back to work, occasionally checking back at Trowa and Quatre.

Heero asked Wufei as he was passing him, "Need anything?"

Wufei quietly stood leaning against Nataku's leg and shook his head. "No, thank you. I'm quite fine here. Nataku is in excellent condition and needs no work." Heero nodded and continued walking with Duo.

Duo clambered up Deathcythe's right leg as Heero looked up. He poked around with the mobile suit and checked the thermal blade by its temperature. "Hmm... thermal blade seems fine, could use a minor adjustment." He glanced down at the guys. "Hey!" he hollered down at the working group below.

Aran looked up. "Yeah? Ya need anything pal?"

"Yeah! Can you guys kinda tweak Deathcythe's blade? Try adjusting the way it heats up so more of the thermal energy is out and that it cuts through more easily. I'm having a hell of a time doing that here by myself!" Duo bellowed back and slid down by the rope that hung from Deathcythe's cockpit. He was greeted by a smirking Heero and grinned back at him.

"Roger that! Let's go Aran!" Quartz called and picked up some tools. Aran ran after him, with some tools of his own in hand.

Rashid looked up from his work and questioned Quatre from across the hanger, "You need anything Master Quatre?"

Quatre leaned against Trowa and gazed at him. He turned his attention towards Rashid's voice and shouted. "Rashid? Sandrock needs some sharpening on the blades. That's about it! Thanks!"

Rashid nodded and turned his attention to Sandrock and proceeded to sharpen the long blades with the help of the other Maganacs. Several hours passed and with everyone working, the hanger was quiet, except for the occasional call for "Hand me that wrench will ya?", "Can someone give me a hand with this?" and the assistance of the gundam pilots.

Quatre admired the handiwork a fellow Maganac did and wiped some sweat from his brow. "Wouldn't it be so interesting if our gundams could talk?" he asked, out of nowhere.

Duo paused from his work and thought about it. "You know, sometimes I just WONDER, but I just think it's my imagination. Though that would be interesting..."

Trowa and Heero nodded in agreement while Wufei made a face at the remark just said and shook his head again.

The old grandfather clock by the door rung twelve times, signaling lunch and the end of the repairs. Duo looked up after fixing the final broken wire from a box and jumped up. "LUNCH TIME! WE'RE FINISHED OVER HERE! WOOOOO HOOOO!!" he indicated by showing the other pilots were sitting up and standing around doing nothing.

Rashid called back, "We're finished over here! C'mon! Lunch is waiting!" He dusted himself off and the others followed suit. They trooped out the door and Wufei shut the door.

Deathcythe, once again was the first to break the silence.

"Wooo! FINALLY! Heh," he chuckled and leaned casually on the wall.

"Finally what?" snapped Wing Zero, green eyes blaring.

"It's about time your pilot made a MOVE on My pilot!" Deathcythe retorted back, grinning. ( Grinning? I dunno, don't ask me how that happens either )

Nataku laughed and turned her head towards the argument. "You know, Deathcythe has a point. WE ALL SAW THAT KISS." and presently smirked.

HeavyArms and Sandrock stood there, viewing the little on-going quarrel between Wing Zero and Deathcythe.

"You know," HeavyArms remarked. "I just wonder, think Wing Zero and Deathcythe make a nice couple?"

Sandrock agreed with him. "Yes, just look at them go at it. Arguing like an old couple. Give you any ideas?" he smirked.

"Uh huh."



I finished it! Wai! *poses* Whatcha think? Whatcha think? WHATCHA THINK!?! E-mail me please!! ^_^v Peace! Hehehe...

Wing Zero: *irritated* That was annoying. Just because my pilot is attracted to the pilot of Deathcythe DOESN'T mean that Deathcythe and I are a couple!

Sandrock: That's Desly's hentai mind at work. *smirk*

HeavyArms: *nods* Yup.

Nataku: Uh huh.

Deathcythe: I don't know. Maybe... *wink wink, nudge nudge*

Wing Zero: *enraged* You wanna piece of me?!!

Deathcythe: Sure. *smirk*

Wing Zero & Deathcythe: *go at attacking each other with glares and insults*

Desly: *looks at the gundams* I just wonder... *shakes head and then poses* Anyway! Just e-mail me whatcha think, onegai?
