Food For Thought

Warnings: Heh, I had an idea in my head. My friend Jay put me up to it and gave me a challenge. *glints of challenge sparks from Desly's eyes* And... here is the result of a fifty word challenge fic! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH! AWHAHAHAHAHAH! *poses*

You can e-mail rants/flames/suggestions/maybe compliments? to Onegai? *googly eyes*

Remember... fifty words... that isn't very long, ne?


"Hey, Heero!" called Duo; he was putting ketchup on his hotdog and eyed it hungrily.


"Wanna hear something funny?"


"How do ya practice safe eating?"


"You use condiments!"

Heero turned to look at Duo and smirked.

"We'll do that." He grabbed Duo and went into the house.


^~Owari~^ ( No, owari doesn't count in the fifty word thing! )

Didja like it? Love it? Hate it? Please don't say ya hated it! Remember to e-mail me!
