Karaoke Charm

*Notes: All right all right all right, I really overdid it this time, but I had had so much FUN writing this! ^__^ Heeheehee! This is err, a, well, sorta song fic. ^_^* Umm.... it's a story song fic... (??) Yeah, doesn't make any sense, but who cares?

And also, I don't own the G boys, *sob* and if you sue me, you'll get nothing.

E-mail comments/rants/flames/suggestions/maybe comments? to DeslyDuo@hotmail.com. Please?! ^_~


Heero and Trowa were clad in casual t-shirts and black jeans and was walking to an address that Duo had given them. Frowning, Heero stops in front of a karaoke bar and re-checks the address. Trowa stops in front of the karaoke bar also, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Trowa asked Heero.

"Positive, I think. I guess we have to go in," Heero mumbled and turned to the doors.

They turned to the blinking revolving doors that they turned to faced. Unknown to them, Quatre and Duo were already in there and had planned this whole night out and were watching Trowa and Heero from inside by camera.

Quatre giggled at the spy-cam screen. "Duo, this is going to be so much fun!" he giggled again.

Duo chuckled and adjusted his pants. He and Quatre both donned black leather pants and a loose unbottoned long sleeved shirt for the occasion. Quatre wore a green shirt and Duo wore a blue shirt, matching Trowa and Heero's eyes perfectly. They both looked like they were decked out for a party, but this was a little different. Each had a microphone connected to their head so they had no need to hold a microphone. It was obvious that they're going to sing a piece of music; afterall, this was a karaoke bar they're in.

"Duo!" called Quatre from the stage set. "Get on the stage! Heero and Trowa are entering the bar now! Tell'em to start the music!!"

"All right!" yelled back Duo. He quickly hopped onto the stage and motioned for Wufei to turn the music on in the karaoke bar.

"Yeah yeah yeah....." muttered Wufei. He flipped on the stage lights and in a flash, the stage was alight. Everybody in the bar turned their attention to the two cute guys on the stage. 'I don't know HOW Duo got me into this...' he thought grumpily. He had to turn the music for Quatre and Duo to sing when Trowa and Heero entered the karaoke bar. 'I can't BELEIVE the SONG they picked to SING!' Wufei thought.

Trowa and Heero pushed the revolving doors open and stumbled onto the scene on the other side. They stood up and blinked. There stood Quatre and Duo, lights blinking all over the bar and them. They were poised on the stage and ready to sing. Trowa and Heero exchanged glances and stepped towards the stage with a small smile plastered on each of their faces.

Wufei saw them walk in and immediately set the music on. He shook his head in agony and quickly donned a pair of earmuffs. He definately didn't want to hear the SONG. He was not in the mood for any Spice Girl music...

Heero and Trowa heard music being put on and wandered their eyes around until their eyes stopped in front of Quatre and Duo, who were in turn, were looking at them. Behind Duo and Quatre, stood Hilde and Catherine as backup singers. Then they heard the beginnings of a familiar yet distinct song... thump thump thump...bump bump de dump...

Duo started singing at the same time while pointing at a surprised Heero, "You just walk in, I make you smile. It's cool but," he sang.

Quatre joined in, "You don't even know me." Duo stopped singing and let Quatre go on. "You take an inch, I run a mile. Can't win when you're," Quatre smiled.

"Always right behind me," Duo chimed in.

"And we know that you could go and find some other. Take or leave it or just don't even bother," sang Hilde and Catherine, dancing side to side.

"Caught in a craze, it's just a faze. Or will this be around forever?!" Duo sang, dancing on the stage.

"Don't you know it's going too fast! Racing so hard you know it won't last," Hilde and Catherine sang.

"Don't you know, what can't you see," Quatre sang.

"Slow it down, read the sign, so you know just where you are going!!" Duo put his hands out to Heero and Trowa to show them to slow down.

Quatre, Duo, Hilde and Catherine started swinging their hips side to side and put out their hands as they sang the chorus. "Stop right now, thank you very much. I need somebody with the human touch. Hey you," they point at Heero and bobbed their heads. "Always on the run. Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun."

Heero made a face and Trowa smirked. Some people started dancing along because of the infectious mood they had set. Others started clapping along the beat.

"Do do do do, do do do do, do do do do, always be together. Ba da ba ba, ba da ba ba, ba da ba ba, stay that way forever!" they all sang.

"And we know that you could go and find some other. Take or leave it 'cuz we've always got each other," Quatre sang, pointing at Trowa, Heero, Duo, Wufei and the girls behind.

"You know who you are and yes, you're gonna breakdown. You've crossed the line so you're gonna have to turn around," Duo sang in, winking at the spectators gathering around him and Quatre.

"Don't you know it's going too fast! Racing so hard you know it won't last," Hilde and Catherine sang, dancing with the beat.

"Don't you know what can't you see," Quatre chimed in.

"Slow it down, read the sign, so you know just where you are going!!" Duo sang and waved at everyone.

Quatre, Duo, Hilde and Catherine started to really dance and clapped their hands as they sang the chorus again. "Stop right now, thank you very much. I need somebody with the human touch. Hey you," they point at Trowa this time. "Always on the run. Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun."

During this, the beat kept on playing and everybody on the stage started to dance more wildly. Heero smirked this time and Trowa made a face. Everyone was tapping their feet to the beat and swinging their hips along plus snapping their fingers.

They sang on together. "Gotta keep it down honey, lay your back on the line. 'Cause I don't care about the money," Quatre ripped up a dollar bill and let the pieces fall. He kept right on singing.

"Don't be wasting my time. You need, less speed, get off my case. You gotta slow it down baby," Duo quickly moved away from a perverted guy and sang the last part loudly at the guy. "Just get out of my face!!" Duo sang fiercely.

"Stop right now, thank you very much. I need somebody with the human touch. Hey you," Quatre skipped off the stage and lead a blushing Trowa up the stage by the hand still singing. "Always on the run. Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun!"

Hilde and Catherine sing louder still and Quatre and Duo showed no signs of stopping. "Stop right now, thank you very much." Duo jumped off the stage still singing. "I need somebody with a human touch. Hey you," he grabbed Heero's hand and lead him up the stage grinning and singing. "Always on the run. Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun!"

"Stop right now, thank you very much!" everyone sang dancing around, except Duo, Heero and Trowa.

Duo sang into the song, "Stttooop right now!"

"I need somebody with the human touch!" Quatre, Hilde and Catherine sang.

"We wanna thank you, we wanna thank you!" Duo sang in.

"Hey you! Always on the run!" everyone sang.

"Stttooop right now!" Duo sang at the same time.

"Gotta slow it down baby, gotta have some fun!" Quatre, Hilde and Catherine raised their voices at the final note.

Duo finished off, "Thank you very much, thank you very much!"

Everyone in the karaoke bar stood up and issued catcalls and wild stomping. High pitched whistling can be heard from all over the room and a person even throws up flowers to them.

Heero, Quatre and Trowa jumped off the stage, leaving Hilde and Catherine to do another karaoke song.

Duo jumped off the stage and winked at Heero. "So, what'cha think?" he grinned.

Heero and Trowa blinked steadily. They looked at each other and then looked at Quatre and Duo.

Trowa stepped forward and cleared his throat. "We actually came to um, escort you two to a ....... "

Quatre cocked his head to the side. "Did a mission come up? Aww! We were having so much FUN!" Quatre pouted, his angelic face scrunched up.

Heero stepped forward rolling his eyes and grabbed Duo's arm. "Trowa and I have decided to make ourselves a mission and--"

Duo cut him off. "MAKE YOURSELVES A MISSION!?!!!" Duo's voice rang out. "GEEZ! When it comes to missions, you are actually thrilled?! You guys have GOT to take time off to actually BE HUMAN!"

Heero glared at Duo and gave him the Shut-Up-Duo Purple Light TM Special Glare.

Duo made a face and pulled his bottom eye lid down as to mock him. He continued on, "Pardon me for saying THAT, but missions aren't everything! There are things we've got to do and we're teenagers! Here, how about I give YOU guys a PENNY so that you can BUY A CLUE!!??!!" Duo sighed and threw his hands up in the air, while Heero still holding onto his arm.

Wufei stepped out to greet Heero and Trowa. He nodded curtly and quickly left, not wanting to stay. Trowa sighed exasperatedly at Duo's comments and Heero was getting irritated.

"Duo?" Duo looked up to Quatre. "Shut up," Quatre said. "Let them talk," he said, folding his arms.

"As I was saying before I was interrupted..." Heero glared at Duo. "We're going on a double date Duo. You're MY date and Quatre is Trowa's date you idiot," Heero crossed his arms and looked at Duo.

Duo stood there in shock and then fell over. Quatre pulled him up and giggled. "C'mon Duo, let's go!" Quatre looped his arm with Trowa's and walked out the door. Heero pulled Duo out the bar by his braid, while Duo struggled and yelped.

Once outside, Heero pulled Duo up and glared at him.

Duo pulled an apologetic face. "Yeah yeah yeah, I know, OMAE O KOROSU. Go ahead and say it," Duo retorted, crossing him arms.

Heero snorted. "Not in your life baka, or at least not today," he replied, smirking.

"What? That's new. The great Heero Yuy has spoken!" Duo bowed down over exaggeratingly.

"Shut up, we're going somewhere," Heero pulled Duo after him to a secluded park by a lake.

"Ok! So, this is our date? Boooooring Heero! I could've done better! I woul--" Duo chattered.

Heero pulled Duo real close to his face and against a tree. Like thisclose. "You're always annoying me when I'm typing up a report for our missions, you're always trying to pull me away from Wing Zero, you're constantly munching on candy, you're always dancing and singing, you're always yapping about Shinigami, you're so damn optimistic about everything and you're always talking!" Heero growled out to Duo.

Duo blinked. 'Damn, that's the most I've ever heard Heero say!' Duo blinked again.

"Nani? Cat got your tongue? Well, I'll have to get it free," Heero smirked and leaned over to Duo. He kissed Duo and placed his hands on his waist.

'Ican'tbelievethisishappeningnow! WHOA! Ok, I'm getting a little warm down there....' Duo thought franctically thought. He closed his eyes and lent himself to their passion, his and Heero's.

Heero paused and leaned back to observe Duo. Duo looked drowsy and drunk, drunk with happiness and was grinning wildly. "I forgot one more thing Duo," Heero whispered.

"Nani?" Duo blinked.

"Ai shiteiru, Duo," Heero looked lovingly at Duo.

Duo hugged Heero deeply. "Ai shiteiru, Heero," he whispered into Heero's ear.

Trowa and Quatre stood a ways from Heero and Duo, looking over the lake.

"Awwww! That's sooo cute!" Quatre chirped as he looked at Heero and Duo hug.

Trowa turned Quatre's head to his own. "I agree with Heero, ai shiteiru Quatre," Trowa responded.

"Ai shiteiru, Trowa!" Quatre jumped into Trowa's arms and kissed him.

Trowa kissed back and both couples kissed into the moonlight.

As for Wufei...

"Nataku! I'm SOOO glad I have you!" Wufei glomped onto Nataku. Nataku sweatdropped.

"You are my savior, my instructor, my companion and we will administer JUSTICE together!" Wufei laughed gleefully and still glomped onto Nataku. Nataku has a sweatdrop as big as herself.



*sob* I know, it was sappy, it sucked, it had a Spice Girl song in it too. *sob sob*
